2016 rule changes (comments open to all CBA fisherman)

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I think the entry fee should be readjusted. For example my partner quit half way through the season and i had to pay the full 120 for the remainder so I could qualify. Also I had another person who wanted to take his place and finish the season but he would not of qualified for the classic because he would have not fished the required number of txs. . I think as long a one of the people had fished the required amount then if a person wanted to finish the season half way through then he should be able to pick one up as long it was brought to the committed attention and it was voted on. Or lower the number of txs to be qualified. From 7 to maybe 5. This would also help out with the dads who kids play sports like mine do and most of the txs for my son and daughter are on Saturdays.
Those of you that are asking for off limits, that is taking away our eligibitlity of fishing the dogfights the week of the cba tournaments and during the summer months that is 2 out of the 4 weeks of the month. I don't agree with that at all.
Only thing I'd change is no drops. You should be accounted for all points to show who the best finishers were. Look at point standings before drops. Does it really show who the best team was?
Im in favor of no redraws or auctioning boat numbers what you draw is what you get . I know this probably generates more money for the classic but competition is competition having preferenial treatment due to money i would consider is an unfair advantage. dont mean to offend anyone who does this totally understand if given the right to increase your odds if allowed. I would also like to see the big fish of all three species brought back dont have to give bonus points for it because i dont think thats fair to finish higher than someone else who had more weight because of one fish and i have done that very thing many times. Only reason for the three big fish thing is it gives somebody a way to get a little money back for a tournament that may not otherwise finish in the money all the time . Would also like to thank Shane for not being afraid to try new things and ask for feed back on how they are working and new suggestions and how to make things better. It is nice to see someone who wants to include everyone that makes the cba tournaments offer their suggestions and concerns thank you for taking your time to do this. Oh yeah is there anyway to make the classic not fall on one of those damn rowboat races so the nickajack guys can fish. Agin thank you and all the officers for your hard work.
Off limits for the Classic is a good thing. Especially for this upcoming year when you have the october event and Classic scheduled close. This is a working class fisherman trail. Its sucks to not be one of the fortunate ones who can just take off whenever I need to. Sucks to work all week while the competition gets 5 days of practice. Drops are also important for those who have kids and lives outside of fishing tournaments.
Wanting a off limits because it's a"working man's tx" is a joke. I work construction and don't get paid if I don't work and I still find a way to take time off to practice. I feel like if I can do it anyone could if they really wanted to.
And just playing the other side here but for those saying to go by state regs can we drift live bait as well. Lol. I could really care less about the rig.
BullMerc225 - 11/14/2015 4:47 PM

Everyone knows what we mean when we say state regulations. Obviously live bait isn't allowed in any bass tournaments.
I know what you mean hayden, just screwing with you guys.
Never understood why the CBA banned the rigs, like Hayden said I think a few disgruntled CBA fisherman hated getting beat on it, also the fact Chickamauga got all the attention for catching monster sacks like Rogne did, but to me its just another tool to catch them. You still have to find the schools and the big ones at that! Look, Earl caught 2 10lbers last weekend during the CBA classic on a SB , maybe yall should ban that, just saying.
I think we should have a pole at the blast off dock and the driver of each boat has to stop at the dock get out spin around the pole 20 times as fast as he can then jump in the boat and take off. Now that would make things interesting. Make it happen shane!!!
Actually pay Big Fish Money, we all put in the pot when we sign up. $10 per entry at 96 boats=$960 not $100 and 2 rods you can't even sell, which are probably donated.
Not a rule change but a suggestion that the CBA have somebody manage the parking lot during high participation tournaments so the fishermen can have a place to park the truck and boat to weigh there fish in.
Also, I believe there should be a MILITARY DIVISION since they're the ones that allow us our Freedom.
Can't drop a dnf.I fished every tournament this year except one night tournament and at the end of the year I lost 85 points after the drops.Almost everyone else dropped dnf and it killed me in the points towards the classic.
1. No redraw on numbers. That's dumb
2. No night tournaments
3. Each tournament needs to end at 3
4. Have 1 alternative partner for each team. You know none of us are getting any younger and some fish with father's and grandfather's and sometimes health problems arise.
5. Have classic in November
6. Put more money towards the top of classic. More money you pay the more that will come.
bronzeback45 - 11/13/2015 8:30 PM

Never understood why the CBA banned the rigs, like Hayden said I think a few disgruntled CBA fisherman hated getting beat on it, also the fact Chickamauga got all the attention for catching monster sacks like Rogne did, but to me its just another tool to catch them. You still have to find the schools and the big ones at that! Look, Earl caught 2 10lbers last weekend during the CBA classic on a SB , maybe yall should ban that, just saying.

So since I caught them on a frog today and yAll couldn't should we ban that?
As usual, it is impossible to please everyone. The bottom line is, I enjoy the competition. we have a good tournament in the CBA. Whatever the rules wind up as, I will be there when I can.
Everyone knows I'm not a rig fan. It turns the tournament into a war of attrition. If the elites don't use it we shouldn't use it. Are we the best on the lake or not? If we allow the rig we should allow 9 ft flipping rods as well so we can make flipping less of an art/skill

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