2016 rule changes (comments open to all CBA fisherman)

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Personally, not allowing the rig doesn't change anything. Sure the weights are lower, but the creme still rises to the top. I like the idea of following state guidelines and top 25 teams in classic for free. My advice, change as little as possible. The way it sits, it's the best team trail around, bar none. I think if ya chang too much participation will falter
If a person wanted to fish a team trail on Chickamauga for a decent pay back ($2,000 12 times per year and $10,000 classic) what else is there to fish. I don’t see how participation will be off due to changes made. People who really what to fish are going to do so, the others are going to bitch no matter what. I’ll be there to donate my money even if we have to fish with floats and wax worms. Shane and the other officers do a great job and I’m sure whatever changes if any will be made in the CBA’s best interest in mind.
I thought it went really well this year other then I could not catch a big fish in the last couple of tournaments and the classic. emoBigsmile

-I am for bringing back the small mouth and spot pots.
-I am NOT for bringing back the rig or long lining. Caused too many issues.
-I am for shortening the day hot month tournaments to 2 or 3 o'clock in June, July and August.
-I am for going to a three fish weigh in during the hot months.
-Redraws are a huge money maker, I did the treasury job for two years and every tournament brought in $200 to $500 that went straight to the classic pay out. Some of you guys have stated to get rid of it but come classic time don't complain about less money. That's an average of about $300 times 12 tournaments, it's a chunk.
-The off limits I thought were a good thing for the classic but the rule of not talking with people who were on the water I was told several times was ignored by some.
-If you want more money for the classic pay out go back to only the top 25 boats getting a free pass into the classic, if not leave it at 50. I am fine either way with it.
-I am for allowing two drops. If a person gets sick, funeral, family emergency, so on...there needs to be a relief in place. The drops gives that. It is only two drops.
-I thought the classic pay out was good this year. Half the field getting a check was a good way to do it.(I did not get one. :( ) For a year ending event I thought that was good. For those wanting a higher pay out for the top ten I could see doing the lower places in the top half to maybe $500, take that money difference and add it to the up ten or twenty places so there is not such a huge difference from first to second to third and so on. More a gradual decline in the top ten or so.
-Defensive fishing is stupid to say the least. I don't think it works and by having some kind of rule against it would be totally impossible to enforce.
-The idea of having an option to add an alternative partner in the event that the one you started with drops out has merit. Not a bad idea. Points could be transferred over to the alternate one time. Keeps someone being penalized that the partner you started with could not finish.

I will be there regardless, like I said I thought this year went well. If you did not change a thing I would still be fine with it. emoAngel Jmax
CBA had a record participation this year and the number of classic qualifiers was up considerably. If its not broke dont fix it. Non of the rule changes over the last 15 years have changed the way most of us show up and fish.
Three things that I have heard is to not allow redraws and to pay cash for big fish. I do agree we need to distribute more money to the top 10 in classic but keep something in mind. This year we had 94 teams qualify to fish the classic. There was only $4,000 in entry fees collected this year and we paid out roughly $53,000. The big fish pot accounted for almost $5,000 towards the classic payout and redraws probably another $3,500. A number of the new teams said they were fishing because the rig isn't allowed. I don't know that we had a single team not fish because the rig was banned. One thing we did this year was paid based on number of boats not based on full entry fees. In the past when counting how we paid out 2 youth teams would equal 1 full paid entry towards payout. Again if we eliminate things like the re-draws and the way we do big fish that further depletes the payout in the classic. We will be voting on going back to only the top 25 get free entry to the classic which would add an additional $5,500 to the classic payout.

We will be re-evaluating the rig and also long-lining. Those are most likely the only changes that are going to be discussed for next year.
I was told with the CBA being a Bassmaster Team Championship qualifying trail, is the main reason the rig was banned. After doing some research of some of the other trails across the nation that you can fish to qualify for the Bassmaster Team Championship, there are trails that allow the rig to be used, therefore it obviously doesn't matter if you can use it or not. I haven't found anywhere on the Bassmaster Team Championship website that says the rig can't be used in the qualifying events. It's simply just another tool in the arsenal, still have to find the right schools of fish and make them bite. However, like Jenko said, the creme still rises to the top.
Haden that was a determining factor because I was told by BASS they were contemplating whether or not to enforce BASS rules amongst the qualifying trails. I honestly haven't spent any more time on the issue. Tennessee also has a more complex issue that other states do not have. We can throw a 5 wire rig but can only have 3 hooks and can run dummies on the other wires. I am of the opinion that the best way to enforce rules is by the competing anglers, and the problem is with the rig its impossible to do in Tennessee. One thing I can promise is we won't have any soddy super spinnerbaits or anything like that if we vote to keep the rig banned. We will be meeting sometime in December to vote on rule changes.
On the rig, "If the crème still rises to the top." and the same folks who usually wins still wins. Then why add a bait that is so controversial. Seems it would make more sense to just leave it out of the tournament and let those same folks, the crème, win it some other way. emoAngel Jmax
All u have say is defensive fishing will be a question on the poly. End of story. Here's the way I look at it. We all want youth involvement right? So let's make rules that uphold the true integrity of the sport. I mean that's what it's supposed to be right? The playing field should be as close to the same for everyone right? Not the one who can afford to take off all week to fish or not the one who takes off the Friday before not to find his own fish but to screw up schools of fish or transfer fish to a different area?? It's supposed to be Mano y Mano right? You and the fish?? So what are we teaching the youth? Win at all costs even if we are bending the rules? What kind of ethics are we instilling?? These are merely some thoughts and suggestions? Take em or leave em.
I am usually pretty quiet on here, but this is getting good. Defensive fishing on a polygraph, I bet that one will make channel 3 outdoors news!!!
bntpolpatrn - 11/16/2015 9:21 PM

I am usually pretty quiet on here, but this is getting good. Defensive fishing on a polygraph, I bet that one will make channel 3 outdoors news!!!

Haha lets get it out there. Hang it all out that's what this is for right?
Sniperchoke - 11/16/2015 8:28 PM

All u have say is defensive fishing will be a question on the poly. End of story. Here's the way I look at it. We all want youth involvement right? So let's make rules that uphold the true integrity of the sport. I mean that's what it's supposed to be right? The playing field should be as close to the same for everyone right? Not the one who can afford to take off all week to fish or not the one who takes off the Friday before not to find his own fish but to screw up schools of fish or transfer fish to a different area?? It's supposed to be Mano y Mano right? You and the fish?? So what are we teaching the youth? Win at all costs even if we are bending the rules? What kind of ethics are we instilling?? These are merely some thoughts and suggestions? Take em or leave em.

So we shouldn't allow Rogne Brown or Steve Kite or anyone who guides, because that isn't fair either. That is ridiculous!!!! I know that people get to fish more than me, and more than many others, but that doesn't mean we should ban them from fishing with us.....I am 30 years old trying to make a career for myself and enjoy this awesome sport on the weekends. Remember...... It will never be Quote "fair" if you base it on practice time. I know many of us get one day to practice or one afternoon if were lucky. If anything I am a working man to provide for my family and also get to the point in my life so I can practice 3-4 days before a CBA LOL.

In my opinion I love fishing against the best guys in town....It makes you a better angler hands down.
I never said not to allow guides. Look these are just suggestions. It's funny how some let a post about fishing get under their skin. Let the governing body of the CBA do what they want. I'm ready to go fishing!
Andy there is no way to do that. Everybody that sees someone fishing a spot they are planning to hit in a tournament could protest the person they saw on it. That is an impossible rule to have and to enforce.
I have only fished the Cba for 2 years and all this drama over really nothing at all really makes me wonder if it's worth a 3rd season.
buzzbait81 - 11/17/2015 9:52 AMI have only fished the Cba for 2 years and all this drama over really nothing at all really makes me wonder if it's worth a 3rd season.
Any and every tournament trail weather it's a small club or and bigger local trail like CBA will have drama. From an outside point of view the CBA is the most well run / organized trail around. From what I have seen in this thread, there really isn't drama it's just some opinions being shared. If you've enjoyed the last couple years then I'd keep on rolling with these guys.
saltyduck - 11/17/2015 7:47 AM

Andy there is no way to do that. Everybody that sees someone fishing a spot they are planning to hit in a tournament could protest the person they saw on it. That is an impossible rule to have and to enforce.

Yall are misinterpreting my rule. It's not up for protest. I'm talking about people that intentionally work on schools in practice for the sole reason of disadvantaging any other contestant.

Example: Andy goes to practice for a CBA I find fish on a spot in the lower lake. Those are the fish I'm gonna fish during the tournament. My partner Mitch goes to practice and finds some fish up in Dayton he calls me and says hey there's a good school up here. I tell him well I don't feel like burning all that gas to go up there so u just catch the heck out of them and I'll go there tomorrow and make sure we beat them to death too so if anyone else found them they will be impossible to catch. Or we take two limits of big ones out of there and transfer them 30 miles down river.

So ? On the poly goes as follows: during your practice did you purposely catch or move fish for the sole reason of putting other club members at a disadvantage? Yes or no simple right?? No protest allowed that would be intangible.

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