Back a few weeks ago I was going through the forum and looking at post and since I had not been on here in a long while, "working, kids in sports, husband duties, among other things, so one of my sons graduated from high school so that took some of the real busy stuff off of me! Three sports for a high school senior and you are a busy parent! Anyway, as I was trying to catch up on some of the post I had missed, I was just generally enjoying the stuff that I was looking at and of course commenting on "some" of them! Next thing I know, I was getting post about flooding the site with old post. At that point I was like "what"? Then I looked back and saw that every thing I posted on was showing up as recent! I was like, well what is the big deal, I haven't been on here in some time and even had to request my password and username as I had forgotten it! Then a few days later I get back on and everything I had posted on had been removed! I was told by another user that it was removed because some people don't want you to get your post up to high! Why? I thought this was what this site was for. Anyway I begin to think about what the big deal was, so I spoke to another fisherman from the forum that lives down the street from me and he tells me that it was because after a certain number of post you can fish in the CFF tournaments and someone took offense to it!!!! "LOL". Trust me if I do ever get to the number of post it takes to enter the tournaments the CFF, I don't think you have to worry to much about me winning it! I really do enjoy tournaments, don't get me wrong, but it's more about enjoying the time on the water with my sons or whoever else I fish with than about winning! And by the way, never have won one and only have got big fish one time out of all tourn. I've ever fished! Just started fishing them again after about 6 yrs. of not fishing them. Now I try to be Extremly careful about what I do on here as I don't want to offend anyone! To all the other sportsman out there, tight lines to you! To the ones that take offense to us rookies posting, that's probably why we don't! See you guys on the water!!!