CATCH at HBSP on 3/20

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Well-known member
Jan 10, 2007
Cleveland, TN
Our regular monthly tournament will be next Saturday (3/20) at Harrison Bay State Park. Launch at safelight and weigh-in at 4pm. $500 1st place guarantee is sponsored by Massingill Tire Company. Entry fee is $40 per boat with optional $10 big fish and $5 big smallmouth pot. One-time $10 processing fee for your first tournament of the year. See full rules sheet at

A group from Dalton will also be there with us. With our 35-40 and their 35-40 it will back up fast. Get there early - PPPLLLEEEAAASSSEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please be safe. We are also blasting a CBA off from Chesterfrost at Safelight as well, please make sure everyone is aware that Saturday morning will be a bit crazy. One fatal accident could put a small club out of operation!

We made a schedule and published it early in the year. I dont understand why we go through this every year? Thanks a lot!
This will be interesting. Light up the boats, put on your pfds and attach your kill switches. Might get clustered up in the bay!
So I guess just because CBA posts a schedule that excludes all others from holding a tournament and I wonder why it’s called the Cry Baby Association of Chickamauga
First off, welcome to CFF. This is a great site for info and fellowship. Secondly, I don't have a dog in the race, but for information purposes only and since I spent several years investigating illegal gambling. Fishing is a game of skill like golf .(Some are more skilled than others) Therefore, tournaments are legal if you pay an entry fee and fish it. Illegal gambling is based on games of chance like cards or dice that one participates in or betting on a game of skill like golf, fishing , baseball, and so on, that the individual betting does not participate in.
Mike Okizbig - 3/15/2010 4:28 PM "Illegal gambling is based on games of chance like cards or dice that one participates in or betting on a game of skill like golf, fishing , baseball, and so on, that the individual betting does not participate in." Illegal or not it is still Gambling! And a church promoting gambling seems wrong to me.

You posting on every thread with a fake name seems wrong to me, but I bet you still do it.
Catch is about helping others not gambling I can’t remember the last time the CBA helped several hundred kids get their first fishing rod or Save lives- The money collected goes to good causes not to promote whining and poor sportsmanship. I wished all tournaments started with a prayer and ended with prayer for safe returns.
fishinvol - 3/15/2010 3:38 PM

Mike Okizbig - 3/15/2010 4:35 PM I bet your a short guy with little mans syndrome.


No, I'm a fat guy with fat man's syndrome. 
</p> too man, good response!


Why does this guy Mike care about what other people are doing anyway, how does any of it affect you?
Mike or what ever you name is, Fishing tournaments are not gambling. Not my words, but the words of the State Attorney General. Argue with him. That what he gets paid to do. Catch and the CBA are both top notch organizations. One is no better than the other, nor do either club own the lake. Both clubs released schedules back last year and there is a conflict. no big deal, as long as everybody is respectful of each other, there shouldn't be a problem.
Are you serious? So is every sport that involves several people competing against one another and could possibly win money/prizes if they do good gambling? I've been racing motocross most of my life, at local races promoters offer a purse to get more people to show up, it's cost money to enter the race and if you do good you could make a couple hundred bucks, is this too gambling? I thought you had to bet on something to gamble? Example, I bet you are going to make a fool out of yourself here by making your first post an argument like this. Anyone else wanna place a bet? emoPoke emoScratch
No reason for CBA to get upset that their is another tournament on the water, every one is responsible for there actions and has the rights to the water and to fish any tournament .. Also, for CATCH isn't promoting gambling its spreading the word of Jesus Christ and the Lord and fellowship.... Think FLW would get upset if a tournament was going out of HBSP or another ramp the same day as their tournament in September. No but their will always be an argument no matter what tournament or organization it has to deal with.
I'm not upset. I just want to caution everyone that will be running wide open at daylight Saturday.

hey ownthelake,

FYI, the CBA helped the Catch by allowing them to borrow our PA system and use our weigh-in site at Chesterfrost for their catch challenge. We generate more money for the local economy in one event than most txs do all year. I was making a post because I dont want to see ANY anglers involved in an accident. Well, I'd love to stay and argue, but I'm off to watch a chicken fight!
Mike it sounds like you need to go get you a hooker if it will get you off this wagon you are on. What in the world did Catch do to you? Churly I understand your point but just be carefull complaining about Tx's going off on the same date as the CBA, there is more fisherman that don't fish them then do and even no you have a great orginization you kind of come across like we are better then everybody else so get out of our way. Not trying to make you mad just giving you an opinion of somebody that don't have a dog in the race. Good luck to everybody Saturday.
Mike Okizbig - 3/15/2010 2:49 PM

Why is a Church running a fishing tournament isnt that gambling?

Dang dude, you are on the wrong forum to go bashing out like this right off the bat. No, it is not gambling. You need to look it up, you must have missed something growing up to not know that. emoScratch Ask your daddy or mommy and they can explain it for you. emoRolleyes

It would sure be hard to explain every sport out there that people are paid to participate in by either a salary, pay or entry fee as "Gambling". I guess depending on your view it might be a gamble to walk outside in the rain but it is not illegal. Mike, you need to get a life and try not to bash folks just because you must be board. emoGeezer Jmax

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