CATCH at HBSP on 3/20

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well im goin 2 put my 2cents is like nascar if that is gambling then why would they let it go on in ever state.and put it all over tv.mike u got ur head up ur butt.and dont worry cba 90 percent of the guys will run to watts bar and the other half will lock thur to nickajack.opps did i say that bet that will make some smoke.lmao. :)
Its gambling...plain and simple. We pay to win against odds. Thats how I see it. :) </p>

I bet Mr Okizbig is actually a tiny feller with no dinghy of his own. Who knows..he may like to party!</p>
man i need to register with a stupid fake name so i can start some fights...

theres multiple tourneys every week just use common sense and be careful when blasting off..
... and fellows ... it's really a great big 'ol lake! Lot's of room after blast off! I'm still trying to figure out why I can't dress up a hooker and call her my girl friend?! Other than my wife kill'in me! But yea, it's a sort of gambling. You pay a fee to enter and you have a chance to win something. The legal definition in the State of Tennessee for a lottery is prize, chance and consideration. All three elements, makes it illegal. I deal with it constantly. The fishing Tx's, golf Tx's, tennis Tx's, Church raffles, bingo, {even at Church}, poker run's, rummage sales, the Churches with the "Wild Game Dinner's" with door prize tickets, are pretty much a form of gambling! So what? Most of those mentioned, at times are helping someone that needs help! How many of these are benefits for legal, medical, or even funeral expenses for someone in need? Most of the participants are either just donating their money or consider it an entertainment fee, so to speak. So Mike, what's your problem? Your just some little peckerhead trying to stir up trouble! This summer, why don't you sign up for summer camp at "Camp Quit Your Bitch'in"! Be sure and make up another fake name so nobody will reconize you! How big an 'ol boy are ya anyway?
No matter what kind of gathering it is if it is done in the name of Jesus Christ there is going to be somebody out there that wants to bash and bad mouth it. That is just how people are ,they will let women kill babies and not say a word but heaven forbid a group of people get together in the name of the Lord. No matter where you go or what you do there is always somebody that is going to speak out against a faith based function. There, thats my 2 cents
lol..i think yall hurt mikes feelings..but for real he stepped on alot of toes saying that bs.think he will be at tx with a picket sign.hehe.this is making me want to fish catch tx now.. :)
NO one owns the lake even though some think they do,THERE WAS FOUR OR FIVE TX. last week on the lake looks like everything went all right. DD22FISH emoThanks
Justin made a simple post to just give everyone the heads up that the CBA will be blasting off at the same time as another tournament on the lake and all hell breaks loose. There are not many members here that fish the CBA anyway because it is too competitive of a tournament for just the average angler. But there again to be the best you have to beat the best. All kidding aside though we all need to be aware of what is going on the morning with two tournaments blasting off probably close to the same time from pretty much the same location just for safety reasons.
Holy Cow!!!!!!!!!!!!

First things first. We will give proper instructions as we blast off and we will be sure that it is definitely safelight before we head out. Water is too low to take any chances anyway and as long as you hold everyone it's fair no matter when you start.

Now as for the other end of this thread. CATCH (Christian Anglers Together Can Help) exists for two reasons. Our primary purpose is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ through the activity of fishing. Our secondary purpose is to help those in need with any excess funds that we have. The twenty CATCH officers, board members and committeemen represent 10 churches in this area - only nine of us own a boat. Our focus is ministry, not fishing. We are incorporated with the state of TN and we have our 501C3 status with the IRS. We take children, nursing home patients and drug rehab clients fishing - all of this is absolutely free to them. We provide food, transportation etc. with donations from folks of all walks of life. We use our tournaments to connect with folks that can help us minister.

Are tournaments gambling? We think not. We have thought lots about it and asked the opinions of many. We have seen the Lord bless our efforts over the last four years and we beleive that if we were wrong things would have headed in the other direction. Several of the pastors of these churches have shown up and participated with us at our bass tournaments. Going 102 MPH in a Bullet is gambling. Flying to Japan 6 miles high is gambling. Leaving your keys in an unlocked Corvette at Hamilton Place is gambling. $25 or $30 bucks just for fun is priceless. C'mon man !!!!!!!!!!

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