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No thanks! I don't care if they're gay but they don't have to flaunt it! It's an embarrassment . I shouldn't have to explain this to my children! I'm sorry that is not normal behavior. I can tolerate a lot but this crap is going too far!!
What do Armies of the world see as the Sissy Americans make this scheit known to the world.. "There are times and places for all things"... This will only make Muslims and Real Armies desire to Kill us More.. On a World Stage you must appear to be Savage ... Not a Cream Puff... America really SUCKS.. Sucks in ever sense of the word.</p>

Liveliner - 3/6/2014 9:44 PM

What do Armies of the world see as the Sissy Americans make this scheit known to the world.. "There are times and places for all things"... This will only make Muslims and Real Armies desire to Kill us More.. On a World Stage you must appear to be Savage ... Not a Cream Puff... America really SUCKS.. Sucks in ever sense of the word.</p>


I'm gonna have to agree with you up until the part about "America Sucks". AMERICA DOES NOT SUCK! What sucks is what we (you and me and the rest of us) have allowed America to become. This current administration is doing exactly what they said they would do; fundamentally changing America. And we allowed them to do it by electing them..... twice. And don't say you didn't vote for them; I didn't either. But I didn't do enough to spread the word about how dangerous their election would be for our country. "All it takes for Evil to exist is for Good Men to do nothing."

As far as gays in the military.... I don't care any more. Ass long as they are on my side and can shoot straight (no pun intended) and are willing to kill the enemy, what they do at home is their business. Having said that, I agree that they dont have to make a "statement". Folks are much more likely to accept something if it isn't shoved down their throat or up their backside. (pun intended) emoAngel
So trapesing through the Desert or Jungle with a bunch of Kansas City Fags!! Sounds like Broke Back mtn. gone bad.They can keep their dresses and diseases. IMO
flpper - I could have expressed a little more on "America Sucks' and maybe just maybe could have you to agree with the last as well... In America, for every one radical who screams a demand there are 10,000 passive naive people who allow the rants rather than take issue.. . So basically they are sucking up to these few due to Political Correctness. As we allow one, we get more and more as if a cancer growing in America. Political Correctness is the Cancer of America. </p>

I do not blame our law breaking Political leaders for what the do.. The Constitution says WE the People run things.. I blame those of us who allow these few to disgrace our Nation without doing a thing about it.. We as Numericans are the Problem...Americans really Suck at their responsibilities in the eyes of the entire World.</p>
Liveliner - 3/29/2014 7:22 AM

flpper - I could have expressed a little more on "America Sucks' and maybe just maybe could have you to agree with the last as well... In America, for every one radical who screams a demand there are 10,000 passive naive people who allow the rants rather than take issue.. . So basically they are sucking up to these few due to Political Correctness. As we allow one, we get more and more as if a cancer growing in America. Political Correctness is the Cancer of America. </p>

I do not blame our law breaking Political leaders for what the do.. The Constitution says WE the People run things.. I blame those of us who allow these few to disgrace our Nation without doing a thing about it.. We as Numericans are the Problem...Americans really Suck at their responsibilities in the eyes of the entire World.</p>

We're agreeing without realizing it. Americans have let each other down; thats what sux. Why arent we raising hell over this "executive order" crap???? One thing is that we allow others to shout us down. I was banned from BBC Boards last year because i raised so much hell over the Benghazi lies. I didnt attack anyone ( members ) personally, but wondered how the president and secretary of state could lie to us and believe that no one would call bs. Freedom of speach works as long as you agree with the moderators. Btw, dont get "political" in their "lounge".
Politically Correctness is the Cancer of America destroying us from within.. When 10,000 Meek stand by and allow one (1) Anti-American Radical to Rant ... We have a real problem. What happened to slapping them back into their hole? </p>

I am not talking about Freedom of Speech,, There is a difference in anti-American and Rights.</p>

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