Possum - 11/15/2010 4:42 PM
cheez - 11/15/2010 1:12 PM
Olbummer was well on the way to his dictatorship until 11/2/2010.
If you want to talk about preying on stupid people let us discuss exactly what the demonrats have done for the last say 30 years or so. Exactly what have they done for the "working people"? They have made hundreds of promises but from where I am all I can see them doing is creating class hatred and stifling the entrepeneur. All they want is for the stupid masses to vote them into more and more power and control. For everything the democrats have given you they have taken away freedom from someone to do it.
Cheez you are right the Democrats have not done much for the working people because of Republicans like you retarding every effort to do so. Obama would extend tax cuts to those makeing 250k or less right now. Tried to provide health care. Social security, medicade, medicare, welfare, unemployment, all democrat. What freedoms you talking about cheez. Freedom to exploit all our nations resouces without giving anything back. You guys support the very people that could care less about you. The dumber you guys are, the bigger the bonus at the end of the year. Now they have you guys going to bat for them so they don't have to pay taxes on it, and I am the one that is stupid. OK.