outcaster - 8/16/2009 10:43 PM
Good words bigmike, but I must correct you. The poster did not say that Obama is the anti-christ. (maybe airrusboy can clear that up for us, after all he is a Bible scholar trained in both Hebrew and Greek) Instead he said, (I am quoting here) the the President is" evil in a pure enough form as to be the right hand man of the antichrist and certainly a minion of Satan himself". That gets my vote for the best quote of the year on CFF. (not best as in good, but as in un-believable). I have made a couple of attempts on here using sacasm and absurdity (which went right over many heads), to point out that we as a society count on our Gov't do things, and assist us with things. Things like fight wars, make sure our food and water are safe, build roads and bridges, help take care of our elderly, and many, many others. And just because we as a Nation want our Gov't to do things for us, and with us, does not make us evil Socialists. Trying to reform, and re-structure a badly broken Healthcare system, hardly falls under the "Socialist" category. That word is now being used by the right as a buzz word, meant to stir up people. Although I truly enjoy this forum, I also understand that most of the opinions expressed here (Politics and Religion) are most likely not an accurate sampling of our Nation as a whole.
<font size="3"><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><font face="Verdana">(maybe airrusboy can clear that up for us, after all he is a Bible scholar trained in both Hebrew and Greek) - </font><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><span class="shw">στ?ρι παραθ?ρου</span></font></font><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif">/ <span class="shw">παρ?ας</span></font></font></p>
<span class="shw" /><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif" size="3">The term antichrist translated in Greek:
<font face="Symbol" size="4">anticristoV <font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif" size="3">anticristov</font></font>, which means "instead of Christ, andwascoined by the apostle John two thousand years ago, and used only fivetimes by the disciple with limited discussion in two of his letters found in1st John and 2nd John.The Biblical use of the termis very limited, but the notion ofthe "antichrist" is dealt with frequently and at length in the Bible.For example, the one-page letter of Jude, in which the term "antichrist" is not used but the allusion to such is very adamant and clear. </font></p><p class="MsoNormal"><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><font size="3">In the Old Testament, the prophets Isaiah, Ezekiel and Daniel provided a great deal of information about the antichrist. We learn where the antichrist will come fromwhat is revealed in the New Testament. </font></font><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><font size="3">Daniel received a prophecy from God revealing that the antichrist will confirm a treaty guaranteeing Israel’s security for3 ½ years, after which the antichrist will set himself up in the Jewish Temple and proclaim that he is God. This abomination will trigger the Great Tribulation, which will last 3 ½ years. At the end of the Great Tribulation, Christ will return, establish His Kingdom on earth and destroy the evil antichrist. Initially, the antichrist will be Israel’s protector before he attempts destroy everyone who refuses to worship him. Daniel refers to the antichrist as "the leader who will come, the little horn, the beast and the stern faced king."In Daniel 11, he also refers to the antichrist as the king of the North. The king of the North and the land of the North is characterized bywhat Jeremiah calls the territory of the Assyria and Babylon. The Assyrian Empire was conquered by the Babylonians in 626 B.C.The Assyrian capital of Asshur andBabylon were located in present day Iraq, These empires essentially comprised the same territory which included present day Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Essentially, Daniel tells us this is where the antichrist will come from.</font></font></p><p class="MsoNormal"><font face="Arial" size="3">Over the years, and well before Obama, peopleclaimed that Hitler and others were the antichrist.</font></p>