Half of Americans dont pay taxes?

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Jun 27, 2007
Cleveland TN
Did you file your federal income taxes on or before April 15? Almost 50% of American households won’t be paying any federal income tax this year, and the reasons why have profound implications for our democracy as well as our economy now.</p>

A series of tax reforms, generous exemptions and tax credits, including last year’s economic stimulus bill, have dropped millions of Americans from the federal tax rolls. Huge numbers of Americans are simply no longer affected by the federal income tax. The Tax Policy Center projects that 47 percent of all U.S. households will pay no federal income tax for 2009. <font color="#cc3300">And, the bottom 40 percent of income earners actually</font> <font color="#cc0000">receive a cash payment from the government</font> at tax time. This cash payment is styled as a “refund” but it is actually a net cash transfer from the government--not a refund of taxes actually withheld on income. And for many Americans, this cash transfer from Uncle Sam actually exceeds all federal, state and local taxes that they pay in any form during the year including sales taxes and social security taxes.</p>

Of course, we are accustomed to the idea that high income earners pay more in taxes both in absolute terms and as a percentage of their incomes. But taxing only the top half of a society is not normal progressive taxation. Instead, the recent changes to our tax system are an example of politicians using the tax code for their own political ends. In this case, the so-called progressive Democratic politicians are <u>using “tax reform” to grow their political base by creating a group of Americans that pay no federal income tax.</u></p>

The people who don’t pay federal income taxes are, as the phrase goes, “rational economic actors” just as much as anyone. Like all people, non-taxpayers respond to economic incentives. Their <u>demand for entitlements and government programs is naturally insatiable</u> because they don’t care at all about the cost. Non-taxpayers don’t have any “skin in the game” and are completely indifferent to the government raising income taxes. So they will always support increasing government programs as a long as they get even a small benefit from them because it does not cost them a cent. It’s also <u>perfectly rational for non-taxpayers to support politicians who favor more spending</u>. Non-taxpayers get something for nothing, at least until the country becomes insolvent.</p>

The so-called progressive Democratic politicians are rational actors too. By taking more and more Americans off the federal tax rolls, they are creating a permanent base of supporters for themselves. <u>These politicians may claim to support increased government spending because of their concern for the less-fortunate but--hey, it also happens to be in their own political self-interest.</u> And these politicians will continue to spend on these programs until our nation goes bust because they want to keep their jobs and grow expensive programs for their political base.</p><div id="otherMedia" class="related vertical"><div id="qu_story_2" class="ad qu">And what about the people paying all the federal taxes? Well, taxpayers respond to incentives too. <u>When faced with increasing tax rates, taxpayers will reduce their income, which is why it is impossible to raise a lot of revenue by increasing taxes above a certain point.</u> As taxes on income rise, taxpayers spend less time on work and more on leisure. They avoid sales ofinvestmentsand assets which could trigger income until they can pair them with offsetting losses from other transactions. They spend billions of dollars on tax advice and structuring to reduce their tax burden, which makes economic sense for them but which is a waste of resources for our society. In the aggregate,<u> a tax system that is hostile to investment and growth has a distortive effect which harms U.S. productivity and reduces the standard of living of our whole nation.</u></div></div>

Under the Obama administration, many Americans accustomed to paying their share of federal taxes are being taken off the tax rolls. Recent tax law changes mean that for the first time, in 2009, <u>a family of four making $50,000 can pay no federal income tax</u> at all. This family may not change its behavior and outlook immediately from its taxpaying days. But the family’s <u>economic incentives are now to keep America taxing and spending.</u> And a family at this income level has surely suffered in this recession, but should they really pay no federal income tax at all?</p>

Ronald Reagan once said that a taxpayer is “someone who works for the Federal government but doesn’t have to take the civil service examination.” Every American should have to work for the federal government at least a little bit. We need to move back to a broad-based tax system so that more Americans understand that there is no such thing as free money—<u>government spending actually has a huge cost for our nation.</u></p>

The so-called "progressive" politicians have turned John Kennedy’s “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country” on its head. And telling so many Americans that they don’t need to make sacrifices for our government, as we are now saying, is dangerous new territory for our nation and for the health of our democracy and economy.</p>
A rich man must have wrote that. So what are those Tea Party protesters wanting? To pay more taxes? According to the authors stats, almost half of them don't have two nickles to rub together, but claim to being taxed to death. How is that possible?
So true. I know I pay my share of taxes while dead beats get money back. Unreal. We are paying people to not be responsible and we wonder why the country is in the shape it is in.
..okay but...consider this, if you divide the nation (households) into five quintiles (20% X 5 = 100%),
between 1979 and 2006 according the CBO statistics (Congressional Budget Office) for after tax income
(adjusted for inflation...which is a separate topic) here's the breakdown:

1. lowest 20% = (1979) = $14,900 and (2006) = $16,500 or an increase of 11%
2. second 20% = (1979) = $30,100 and (2006) = $35,400 or an increase of 18%
3. middle 20% = (1979) = $42,900 and (2006) = $52,100 or an increase of 21%
4. fourth 20% = (1979) = $56,100 and (2006) = $73,800 or an increase of 31%

5. highest 20% = (1979) = $98,900 and (2006) = $184,400 or and increase of 86%

And, just for grins...let's include the following estimates:

6. top 10% = (1979) = $125,200 and (2006) = $265,500 ...an increase of 112%
7. top 5% = (1979) = $164,900 and (2006) = $400,400 ...an increase of 142%

8. top 1% = (1979 = $337,100 and (2006) = $1,200,300..an increase of 280%
I agree that about 45% don't pay income tax, but they do pay taxes. Some pay state tax, property tax, sales tax, and everything else that is taxed. So they do pay some sort of tax, they just don't make enough income to pay income tax. There is no one in this country that gets away without paying taxes. If you drive , you pay taxes in the gas you buy, if you own a phone, you pay taxes, everything we buy or use has a tax added too.

Everyone pays taxes of some sort or another......some people pay more then others.......
beetlespin - 4/17/2010 9:48 PM

Whats your point?
Just showing that an "excessive" tax burden on the top 40% has really not materialized. Incomes levels have risen quite high for those uppers, while those in the lower brackets have remained rather flat.
The point is; Federal tax...you know, the money the Feds force people to pay , so they can dole it out to the people that don't pay, and call it "Hope & Change". The people who work hard to make more so the Feds can take your c$ange and give it to the poor.
The Fed needs ONLY 11% tax to run their programs. That's all. 11% across the board, from EVERYONE. Period.
Rich or Poor. 11%
My brother lives in GA and the 6% GA tax + the Fed tax, he is paying almost 50% of what he makes for taxes. Granted he makes a bundle each year, but imagine working 6 months on , 6 months off. Another raise and it will be 50%
It really burns me to see a fat slob in the grocery line with $1500 worth of tatoos and a cell phone, paying with a wick card, scratching off $2 lotto tickets, 2 diamond earings and a nose ring, screaming at 3 squalling kids wearing $180 worth of designer sneakers playing a game on their cell phones.
There's your hope & change going down the drain. Thanks LBJ for the great society.It has only cost a few Billion
Eyeman, flat tax is fine for those in the middle, unfortunately the middle has disappeared. Those in the upper 2/5 would actually have less tax burden than they do now (which not necessary a bad thing). However those in the lower 2/5 would soon have their very little disposable income (you know the money let over after paying for a housing, food, ie basic necessities) eroded to nothing. That would lead to more people on entitlement programs.

Yes it burns me to see people game the system, but one Haliburton no-bid contract can feed lots of people (even if they don't need it). The interest alone on the $900 billion spent on Iraq would go along way funding entitlement programs.
Iraq intrest?...Lets go back to 1776 and ask how much interest you can put on freedom. Look, the iran situation is comming, and if you can remember how long it took for Our troops to mobilize, then you can see the Big picture on one of a few reasons we are ALREADY over there.
There are No more No bid contracts...France got the bid on the replacement planes for the re-fueling group,
(?)C-130 fuelers.Unions threw a fit..remember.
Entitlements??/ get a hold man...That's what is wrong with people now, they want your money.If you are poor, that is mainly the person's fault, not always, but this is America, the poor are middle class in Europe, upper class in Africa.
If the "rich" only pay 11%, then they have more disposable income, thus they spent, they create more.
Never saw people with shovels hire extra people, but the men with heavy equipment hire more, create more.
11%, and stop all the free stuff...Do you really think there were no poor people before 1945? Did they ask the government for help??They lived within their means, and that's the bottom line.
People with money make the economy, not poor people, middle class is a brand that is given to a class so the politicians can get votes.
At one time when Combustion & DuPont were the power jobs in Chattanooga,(10,000+) the economy was based on the pay scale of the major industries in a town. They get a raise, the price of goods goes up. They didn't care about the people making minimum wage, it's the middle class wages that drive the prices up or down.Milk, eggs, bread etc. went up 5 cents.
*If you don't have disposable income, then you are living beyond your means, and that is what is wrong with America today. In other words, you are spending more than you make.
*The last 2 lines of this statement should have been the only statement, but I get long winded.
The fair tax calls for a check to be sent to the poorest people to cover the cost of the tax on essentials. Before you comment on the Fair Tax concept please read up on the provisions. It calls for the exact same entitlement programs and benefits to the poor. It just funds them with a sales tax instead of an income tax. This removes the cost of compliance for individuals and businesses which would almost cover the cost of the tax... Read the book... It should be something anyone with liberal or conservative values can agree on.
foodsaver - 4/19/2010 10:28 AM

The fair tax calls for....
The "fair" tax is not a sales tax but a VAT (value added tax). It still disproportionately affects lower tax brackets, as they spend a greater percentage of their income on necessities. As I have stated before...

Also fairtax exempt business purchases w/ no accountability (from what I can tell). I think Bfish's lawn care business (1 small yard) needs a new truck w/ no taxes. Oh yeah I need to go by Sams and get a freezer full of meat for the company party (1 employee). Hmm Bfish thinks he can have several companies (what is a business license like $50), no taxes for most purchases, oh boy.

Business accountability oversight goes from Fed control to cash strapped state control, from what I can tell. I don't know if this will be a neutral move, or poor. I don't see it as positive.

As far as prebate goes, how do they calculate your level? is it retro active (based on previous year income) or monthly or what. For example, I know consultants that might not work for 3-6 months, then land a big contract. No income for several months, then big income all at once. Do they get prebates during the months they don't work? Or another example, what about someone who takes a sabbatical from work. No income for a full year, do they get the prebates the year of the sabbatical, or do they get prebates when they return to work? Call me skeptical, but the whole prebate thing has me concerned.
The fair tax is specifically not a VAT. It's not taxed every time value is added like the VAT in Europe. It is taxed once when it is consumed. I think the IRS would have to shift from income tax enforcement to sales tax enforcement. I re read some of the provisions and everyone gets the poverty level prebate. You only receive what is needed to cover the tax on poverty level goods whether you live at the poverty level or not. You also wouldn't get the prebate if you were an illegal alien. One huge benefit is that money made illegally would now be taxed. Illegal aliens that are paid under the table and don't pay any taxes would now pay taxes when they consume something so they would be contributing. All in all if it were implemented exactly as it's spelled out in the fair tax book then it would be fantastic. If its meddled with by politicians it will not work. Another benefit would be that now everyone that lives in the US now has some skin in the game. Maybe some of these people that always vote to support entitlement giving politicians would think twice if they knew their sales tax was going to go up...
foodsaver - 4/19/2010 1:16 PM

The fair tax is specifically not a VAT. It's not taxed every time value is added like the VAT in Europe. It is taxed once when it is consumed.
It is still a VAT, just the tax is collected at point of sell to the consumer rather than along the way (European VAT) which spreads the tax on manufacture, wholesaler, retailer and consumer. Even with the prebate, it still disproportionately affects lower incomes.

I think the IRS would have to shift from income tax enforcement to sales tax enforcement.
That is tremendous amount of change. The 100,000 or so IRS employees would have to be retrained and reclassified. Almost be easier and more cost effective to create a new agency. Either route is not good when your trying to balance a budget.

I re read some of the provisions and everyone gets the poverty level prebate. You only receive what is needed to cover the tax on poverty level goods whether you live at the poverty level or not. You also wouldn't get the prebate if you were an illegal alien. One huge benefit is that money made illegally would now be taxed.
Actually only the portion money they spend would be taxed, not the money that is wired elsewhere or that is spent at under the table places.
Illegal aliens that are paid under the table and don't pay any taxes would now pay taxes when they consume something so they would be contributing.
They currently pay state sales tax when they spend. Fair tax does nothing to curb hiring of illegals.
All in all if it were implemented exactly as it's spelled out in the fair tax book then it would be fantastic.
Fantastic only to businesses and the upper tax brackets. Lower tax brackets would see a rise in taxes, leading to more poverty. It could very well lead to the rich having multiple companies (in name only) to buy goods tax free.
If its meddled with by politicians it will not work. Another benefit would be that now everyone that lives in the US now has some skin in the game. Maybe some of these people that always vote to support entitlement giving politicians would think twice if they knew their sales tax was going to go up...
Some will argue that the fair tax will actually increase entitlement mentality as it expands the entitlement to everyone, since everyone is automatically eligible for a prebate.

Additionally it does not adjust for inflation, so if inflation occurs the price of goods increases but so does the tax, a double whammy effect that again affects those brackets that spend a larger percentage of their income on necessities.

Also I failed to see any thing in the fair tax provisions to keep jobs here in America. Without an incentive to keep jobs local, the employment base will continue to erode, equating to more people living off their prebate/entitlement.
BFish, your still stuck in this entitlement, "fairness" mind-set. Who cares if the tax would affect a disproportionate amount of a low income household? it mine and your fault they dont make enough money?? So what your saying is, if your at the register at Bi-Lo and buying a gallon of milk for $4, and the guy behind you buys the same gallon, but he makes less money, he should only pay $3.50? I just cannot get it through my head, how the rest of the US citizens should pay for a person that makes less money then I do, and I dont make much anymore!

You would change your mind if you came down to our church for a few weeks. Our primary focus is on inner-city youth, and with that, comes their so-called parental units. 99% of these folks are on GVT housing, food stamps, welfare, etc. YET, ALL of them, including kids as young as 8 YEARS old have the newest cell phones, iPods, gameboys, designer clothes, and expensive hair and nail-care, yet they ask, and receive, food and other assistance from our ministry. We do so, in hopes that along the way we can help them understand how to manage their money better, get educated, (we tutor 5 days a week for GED and primary education) and go out and get a job to get off GVT assistance.

When I am told I am a "greedy, evil Republican", it chaps my but as I HAVE personal experience with the folks that I want to stop paying for! You can't possibly agree with MORE and MORE entitlement programs like the Dems want and are currently adding, when you see this crap in person.

When I was 16, 17 yrs old, I worried that if I had knocked-up a girl my first thoughts were, how on earth would I provide for this child, unfortunatly, my father was not in my life and my mother worked too much to be in my life, so "What will my parents think" was not in my mind at all.

We currently have a boy at the church, who turning 17 this month, and his girlfriend is now pregnant, and do you know what his thoughts have been since we found out? "I dont need to marry her, my father and mother were not married, and she'll be OK, because she will get all the medical care she needs from Uncle Sam, heck she'll even get more welfare now". These statments came out of a 16 yr old boys mouth! What part of this stuff to Democrats not get??

This "system" is getting worse, not better!

Dont believe what I say, ask Cheez, who has come and helped me feed these people many times, interacted with 14 yr old MOTHERS, homless persons, who are EMPLOYED, but on GVT assitance and spend it all on drugs and booze, or better yet come hang out a couple Sundays before you continue to preach how bad Cconservative ideas and poilcies are.

Who will take me up on this??
D E S I R E..you have to have it...humility..kids don't have it,,,shame..it's funny.
Morales,,all of the above.Not all children,but you have to look at their parents.
My sister in law taught at a Chattanooga public school sevreal years ago , and a parent teacher meeting consisted of her to get sober parents in to talk to them about their un sober children.
She switched to a privtae school and there was not a disipline problem, but "so & so can't get a "C", because their parents donated $XXXXXX to the school last year." There is your "class" of citizens.
I think it's a consumption tax..the more you buy the more tax you have to pay, becuase it is added into the product.
SpurHunter - 4/19/2010 2:31 PM

BFish, your still stuck in this entitlement, "fairness" mind-set. Who cares if the tax would affect a disproportionate amount of a low income household? it mine and your fault they dont make enough money??

Spurhunter, I am fully aware of the types of people you talk about. That said, I don't think that taxing them more (50% don't pay) and giving a refund to them is going to help them at all. Society should care and failure to do so increases the cost for everyone.

While there is definitely flaws in the current system, the current entitlements are limited. Such as in WIC you can't buy cigarettes. However in the "fair" tax it is sole based on income. Why would someone work hard to make 24,000 when they could make 18,000 (poverty level for family of 4 in 2009 was 22,050) and get a prebate (estimated to be 6,000)? Do you think your entitlees will actually use their prebate for need items or will they be buying more phones/dvds etc?

The closest example that I know of a "fair" tax is the Alaska oil tax revenues. If you citizen of Alaska you get a proportion of the tax on oil. The rebate to the citizen has risen, while poverty levels have also risen.
Forget about prebate, exemptions and every other stupid, complicated thing the IRS does. Have a flat tax across the board. Same percentage whether you make $10,000 a year or $1,000,000,000 a year. Eliminate all tax returns, credits, exemptions, deductions, etc. This way would virtually eliminate the need for the IRS at all. I know you guys will blow this to pieces but it just makes sense. K.I.S.S - Keep It Simple Stupid!!!
I agree with u beetle spin...but NOW THE IRS is going to be incharge of the Obama Care, so they will have job security...17,000 new agents. Eliminate Fed tax, and let those union governemnt workers keep their jobs as health care paper shufflers.
11% across the board...rich or poor.