I wish I had written this.

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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2007
Cleveland TN
But I didnt, a friend of mine did. He owns a gun shop in East TN. </p>



I received some complaints that I am too radical, too extreme, and too anti-government for them to shop at Frontier Firearms.You know they may have a point – they are probably correct that as a retailer I should never express my views, should smile and pretend everything is all-good even when it is not. I should pretend that our economy is strong and that the current administration is taking our nation in the correct direction. Certainly as a small business owner,I need all the patronage I can get... however, the way things are going there is a good chance I won't have a business much longer if we don't change our Congress and President(after all it isn't the Republicans or conservatives who continually introduce new laws to ban or otherwise make firearm ownership harder if not impossible).</p>


Let's look at some of my views that might causesome peopleto avoid shoppingat Frontier:</p>
  1. First, I am a citizen of the Untied State of America to which I pledge allegiance. I am not a subject of the United States Government. I do not serve the government. The government exists to serve me (and all citizens like me).
  2. I am pro-USA, pro-constitution, and have sworn oaths to uphold the laws of the State of Tennessee and the United States of America. I am now and always will be faithful to this oath.
  3. I do NOT advocate the over throw of our government.
  4. However, I DO advocate that "we the people" reclaim our government by using the ballot box to wrestle it away from the professional politicians who are destroying our nation.
  5. I amNOT anti-government. What some mistake foranti-government sentiment is simply my convictionthat government is rarelythe best answer to a problem. I hold an elected office (city council) and I know firsthand that governmentis rarelythe solution toany problem.
  6. I am for limited government - let our government(s) do what it does best or must do - like the military, building and maintain infrastructure, certain monopolies (utilities), protecting our borders, the justice system, and managing our foreign policy.
  7. I feel that professional politicians (of both parties) aremoral relativists (whose convictions change according the situation and according to what benefits them most). These people are so driven by their desire to stay in office that they compromise their integrity on a daily basis (I see this at almost everycity councilmeeting). If you don't believe me, look at the list of campaign contributions of your favorite congressman or senator. No matter if they are uber-liberal or ultra-conservative they take money from PACS and people on BOTH sides of everyissue (that is until they all called out on it).
  8. I believe that our current President is a fool and an empty suit that must be stopped at the ballot box before he and his followers destroy everything that has made our nation strong - economically and morally.
  9. I believe that so called "progressives" are closet socialists who continue to hold on to a false utopian dream that hasn't worked in Europe and cannot work here.
  10. I believe in individual responsibility including the fact that government cannot protect me from harm or the ills of the world.
  11. I believe that the 2nd Amendment is the most important recognition of our God given Rights that are listedin our Bill of Rights.
  12. I believe that the constitution limits government and confers NO rights to the People because our Rights are inalienable and are not given to us by the government. Rather government exists only because we the People agree to be governed.
  13. I believe there is only one God and everything I need to know about Him is written in the Judeo-ChristianBible.
  14. I believe in right and wrong, good and evil and that there are absolute Truths.
  15. I am against higher taxes.
  16. Iam against more laws and regulations. In fact, on the back of my nameplate at city council I pasted a sign so that whenever I vote I remember that all laws -- even the best can be used against the people. The sign reads, "Judge a law by its worst reading and in the hands of the worst enemy of freedom".
  17. Perhaps some people are upset that I have pointed out that the rate at which government payroll, heath and, retirement benefits are rising is harming our economy and everyone's standard of living. For the first time the government is our largest employer. Compounding this problem is the fact that government wages and benefits are outstripping private sector pay, health, and retirement benefits. With ever-growing numbers of people working for the government, how can the private sector keep up, after all the government creates no wealth - the government can only take wealth created by others. I cannot see how the government can continue to pay its employees, my friends and family members, so much more than their counter parts in private enterprise. I can't understand how so many government workers can retire young with full benefits while the private sector employee doing the same or similar jobs must work to 65, or beyond, and then retire with half the benefits. Why is this - one works no harder than the other does? As far as I can see, the only difference between the two workers is that the employer of one must pay everything out of profits while the other has an employer (the government) that uses the brute force of law to take whatever money it wants and needs to pay its bills. Of course, government workers pay the same taxes as everyone else but because their employer – the government does not add to the GNP, it must borrow money, print more money, or tax the wealth of those who actually add to the GNP in order to pay its workers. Take taxes: for the sake of discussion, we can say there are 3 groups that pay taxes – businesses, business employees, and employees of the government (the government itself pays no tax). If the government creates no wealth that means ALL the money used by all employees (government and private sector) to pay their taxes comes from the wealth created by businesses – the owners and workers of private business. In other words, an ever-declining number of private sector employers and employees must create all the wealth used to pay all taxes. Thus, today less than 49 percent of the nation's workers and owners are responsible for creating 100%of the GNP out which all taxes are paid. Folks this is not working! Already the government isborrowing money to pay for current spending! Instead of treating business as the enemy, we need to understand that everyone – private sector workers and government workers depend on business for all their wages! If you work for the government, you are not being paid by the government you are being paid by the men and women of this country who own and work for businesses. Of course, it is not the government's workers fault we are in this mess -- it's the fault of irresponsible politicians!
  18. I believe that government is necessary and the people who sustain our system and work for our governments are good people but I fear that we are demanding too much of the goose that has been laying the golden eggs upon which our economy depends, in other words, we are overburdening our citizens and businesses with unnecessaryregualtions and too high taxes!

These are the things I say in my blogs. I also highlightnews items froma conservative perspective - usually items that will never appear in the newspapers or on TV (or least not until much later). If these beliefs are so extreme and so radical that some feel they cannot shop at Frontier I guess I could be more like the people I blamedestroying our nation and say whatever it is I think will please whomever I am talking to at the moment.Certainly, I could throw out my honesty and integrity and kiss everyone's ass so I could make more money – but I won't.</p>


However, I don't hold it against anyone that just can bear to shop at Frontier Firearms because Ihavedifferent beliefs from them. Perhaps some of these people may one day be thankful that individuals like me stand up for the People because whether they like it or not we are all in the same boat. Don't you know that only30% of the people wanted to throw out British rule and form a new nation and aren't we all thankful that that minority of men and women didn't listen to the naysayers even though for sometheprice of freedom was much more than the loss of somebusiness revenue.</p>


Finally, my continuedhope is that people who love freedom, who love this country, desire to uphold the constitution including the second amendment, and don't believe government is the be-all-end-all will continue to patronizeFrontier Firearms.</p>


To the rest, I'll keep hoping you come around anyway for a FREE cup of coffee or soda and maybe some good discussion. After all, if you think I am wrong you will have a far better chance of converting me by talking to me than by shunning me.</p>
Dang good read Spur. The last sentence is why I stay on this political board and several others.
Great Post..I think I've said most of the above post, in a watered down way, but not so eloquent. I've been in his shop, and he & she are fine people.
If anyone on this forum places an argument to any of the above,then you can see what they vote for, who they stand behind and are just plain ignorant.
Possum - 8/19/2010 2:02 PM

Just another corporate puppet.

Not a puppet possum but a freedom loving patriot. Of course I'm sure you wouldn't know much about that. emoRolleyes
Ahh, here we go!!!

Possum - 8/19/2010 2:02 PM

Just another corporate puppet.
Care to elaborate on your comment Possum? Its real easy to say somthing like that when you have no reasoning to back it up.

How is he a "corporate puppet" when he is a small business owner? He said nothing about helping out corporations, per se, but did talk about helping private businesses. Oh yeah, i forgot to add that the private business sector is made up of mostly "small" businesses, just like Frontier Firearms.

For everyone who is so against big corporations, i would challenge you to go give away your mass produced boats, engines, rods, reels, lures, cars, etc. Then you can ppetition your wonderful govt and ask them to make those items for you. Let me know how that works out for you.

Great post Spur, your friend said it perfectly. I think i now know where i am going to buy my next gun
jtab81 - 8/19/2010 2:37 PM

For everyone who is so against big corporations, i would challenge you to go give away your mass produced boats, engines, rods, reels, lures, cars, etc. Then you can ppetition your wonderful govt and ask them to make those items for you. Let me know how that works out for you.

Great post Spur, your friend said it perfectly. I think i now know where i am going to buy my next gun

This is exactly what these nutjobs want jtab. They want the government to take over every part of society since the government can do such a wonderful job of running things. They will keep the things made by big corporations for now though. Imagine that!
He was doing good,IMO, till 8 and 9.

Also he is way off base on 17, at least in my field as the private sector makes 50-75% higher wages than a government employee.
Bfish - 8/19/2010 3:03 PM

He was doing good,IMO, till 8 and 9.

Also he is way off base on 17, at least in my field as the private sector makes 50-75% higher wages than a government employee.

Brant is very close on #8 and dead on with #9
Governments do not create wealth, please. Where would our nation be without our educated workforce, Dams, Powerplants, highway and interstate systems, military, banking system, National parks and receration, and so on. When we pay taxes we are not giving away anything. However, big business wants to freeload off the American public with their substidies, land grants, tax exeptions, and write offs, and when they do make huge profits they don't want to pay their fair share. If they don't want to pay taxes, reinvest and take the write offs.
For those that like his messages, check him out on facebook, http://www.facebook.com/notes/frontier-firearms-brant-williams/just-had-a-caller-tell-me-that-my-radical-extremist-anti-government-views-make-i/152157291463003#!/profile.php?id=100000826651860
He posts an Obama Bash Of The Day.
SpurHunter - 8/19/2010 3:37 PM

For those that like his messages, check him out on facebook, http://www.facebook.com/notes/frontier-firearms-brant-williams/just-had-a-caller-tell-me-that-my-radical-extremist-anti-government-views-make-i/152157291463003#!/profile.php?id=100000826651860
He posts an Obama Bash Of The Day.

Get him hooked up here Spur. We can never have too much olbummer bashing.
You can certainly tell it's getting close to election time..... the GOP propaganda and scare tactic engines are clicking on all cylinders, with the nitrous bottle on stand-by. lol
outcaster - 8/19/2010 4:53 PM You can certainly tell it's getting close to election time..... the GOP propaganda and scare tactic engines are clicking on all cylinders, with the nitrous bottle on stand-by. lol

emoLaugh emoLaugh emoLaugh No need to scare anyone, Obama has done more for the GOP effort than any other Dem ever has. ;)
SpurHunter - 8/19/2010 4:55 PM
No need to scare anyone, Obama has done more for the GOP effort than any other Dem ever has.

Then why the reliance on fear tactics from the right?

Besides what has the republicans done lately?

Here someone who shares my thoughts (from A.B. Stoddard regarding IF republicans leaders be effective negotiators IF they win back the House)
An actual plan for policies to address debt reduction, tax reform, energy, immigration, entitlement reform and more would help the GOP restore its credibility with the independents who remain critics of the Republican party. Once in power the key to remaining in power would be to be viewed as fair players and legitimate leaders. If Republicans take control of the House this fall only to block President Obama at every turn they will play in to his hands and help re-elect him in 2012.
I've said on here many times.... "Be careful what you ask for.... you just might get it" I actually hope the Republicans win back Congress this fall. That way they will be on record with the American people, and be expected to provide solutions to problems instead of just saying NO..... Something I'm quite sure they have no idea how to do.
Possum - 8/19/2010 2:28 PM

Governments do not create wealth, please. Where would our nation be without our educated workforce, Dams, Powerplants, highway and interstate systems, military, banking system, National parks and receration, and so on. When we pay taxes we are not giving away anything. However, big business wants to freeload off the American public with their substidies, land grants, tax exeptions, and write offs, and when they do make huge profits they don't want to pay their fair share. If they don't want to pay taxes, reinvest and take the write offs.

It is true that the government is necessary for some essential services however corporations and individuals pay taxes to create those essential services and without the taxpaying citizens and corporations you cannot have the necessary essential services. Yes governments do give away things to corporations - A good example is VW plant here in Chattanooga. A Democratic governor rallied hard for VW with tax cuts and incentives. It is interesting that on a state level - all politicians of both parties come together to compete against neighboring states for a gem like VW. Why do they give up the state tax revenues to get VW here? Hmm? I think it is to attract jobs and create wealth - not through government activity (setting aside the initial investment) but through the VW investment, the VW supplier investment, the VW employees who will collect wages - buy houses, clothes, etc. If we really wanted to jump start our economy on a National level then we would not tax corporatations at all (since they just pass their costs to the customers any way) and instead of being the Nation with the highest corporate tax rates we could become a place where everyone in the world would seek to invest. Despite all our problems we still are one of the most stable countries in the world - a light to the nations! Too bad the National government can't see the wisdom of the states when it comes to attracting business. Also I would point out that a lot of the companies that make huge profits pay big dividends and are essential to police, firefighter, city county and state retirement plans. Without these "greedy" corporations, most of these workers and most people with 401(k) plans would have little to nothing to retire own (despite the recent trouble in the stock market which mainly due to a lack of confidence and uncertainty about the future of the country regarding taxes and massive govt regulation). My 2 cents!