Kapernick as the new face of Nike!!!!????

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Not my words, but very thought provoking…..

What he did is not, in my opinion, disrespecting the flag, the national anthem, or especially the military who, as has been said, fought for the very freedom he is exercising. Burning the flag is disrespecting it and the country. Kneeling for just about any reason you can name has never been disrespectful, in fact is usually considered a sign of reverence. I think that a lot of people with their own agendas have ginned up this whole disrespecting the military thing. You might not agree with what he and the other players are protesting, but I wish you'd consider THAT, not some shitting on the military or the country thing that YOU'RE conflating this with, NOT what HE was doing. It's an issue worth considering and debating.

And I totally disagree with the idea that because the players make millions thanks to the freedom and privilege they enjoy in this country, they should just shut up and play football. There is such a thing as using your own advantages for the benefit of those who don't have the power or the public eye that you do. I admire greatly those who do so. Pretty easy to just sit back and collect the money and not disturb the golden goose. A little less easy and comfortable to actually use your advantages to make a statement that might just give that golden goose constipation. And most of all, I get really sick of people saying that if you have problems with this country you should just move to some shithole country. It is absolutely patriotic, in fact the height of true patriotism, to recognize the warts along with the beauties of this country, and try in your own way to make it BETTER.
Well Bullshot, the same thought you bring up allows you to think that way as well. It also allows me to think you are about as full of crap as Kapernike is. Do you have socks with police on them depicted as pigs too? emoPoke Jmax
Jmax, I am not sure what you are trying to imply. Are we talking about kneeling for the national anthem or are we discussing socks worn during practice over 2 years ago? No, I don't own a pair of cartoonish socks.
Kaepernick's word on the socks

"I wore these socks, in the past, because the rogue cops that are allowed to hold positions in police departments, not only put the community in danger, but also put the cops that have the right intentions in danger by creating an environment of tension and mistrust. I have two uncles and friends who are police officers and work to protect and serve ALL people. So before these socks, which were worn before I took my public stance, are used to distract from the real issues, I wanted to address this immediately."
well said JIM.if you are going to act like trash then get prepared to get treated like trash.he is feeling the heat on his a$$ so he had to say something.
Let me explain my views and there are a ton of others just like me. I do not necessarily disagree with a lot of what Kaper"nike" is saying. I STRONGLY disagree with how he is going about saying it. That is where I put the label of "jerk" on to him. I do not agree with wearing "Pig Socks" and then claiming it was only directed towards "bad cops". emoTskTsk It is an insult to the million of other law enforcement people out there. I agree there are bad cops out there, but to not stand in protest of that to the American Flag is an insult to the millions who have fought, served, died and stood for this country protecting the right of jerks to not have to stand. In some cases some of those folks cannot stand due to their commitment, they were injured to the point they cannot.
I was never a vet, I was born into the military, I spent my whole childhood in the military, the first 17 years of my life I followed one of the greatest men I have known in my life, my dad, following him around as he served our country where ever they asked him to go. emoUSA He was a career military man, I knew him will enough to know he would be turning over in his grave if I was to or even support someone protesting by not standing for the anthem or the flag. I was often attending military schools who preached "Honor, courage and commitment". It was my life, I will forever "Honor" the flag and the anthem by standing for it to show my appreciation to the men and woman of the arm forces. I will forever not support or agree with those who do not for any reason of protest. The only reason I would except would be if someone just could not due to physical issues.

:emoticon: Jon and Rusty, you two can try and justify Kaper"nike" all you want to. I will never agree with it no matter what reason or explanation he gives or will I ever buy or support Nike as long as they support this kind of action. Not saying he does not have the right to do it, I am saying I have the right to disagree and to say and do what I am doing. emoGeezer Jmax
I agree with you jmax. I see it as a sign of disrespect to our country and our military by kneeling for OUR countries NATIONAL anthem. Disrespect to the very people that has fought to give him that right of freedom that he is using to disrespect them. In my opinion that is biting the hand that feeds you. Because if those people had not fought for his freedom he would have non. You are entitled to your opinion but I don't agree with it rusty and john. I will not buy anything else from nike just like I will no longer watch a NFL football game. As far as I am concerned they are now gone to me.
Jmax - 9/9/2018 1:26 PM

Let me explain my views and there are a ton of others just like me. I do not necessarily disagree with a lot of what Kaper"nike" is saying. I STRONGLY disagree with how he is going about saying it. That is where I put the label of "jerk" on to him. I do not agree with wearing "Pig Socks" and then claiming it was only directed towards "bad cops". emoTskTsk It is an insult to the million of other law enforcement people out there. I agree there are bad cops out there, but to not stand in protest of that to the American Flag is an insult to the millions who have fought, served, died and stood for this country protecting the right of jerks to not have to stand. In some cases some of those folks cannot stand due to their commitment, they were injured to the point they cannot.
I was never a vet, I was born into the military, I spent my whole childhood in the military, the first 17 years of my life I followed one of the greatest men I have known in my life, my dad, following him around as he served our country where ever they asked him to go. emoUSA He was a career military man, I knew him will enough to know he would be turning over in his grave if I was to or even support someone protesting by not standing for the anthem or the flag. I was often attending military schools who preached "Honor, courage and commitment". It was my life, I will forever "Honor" the flag and the anthem by standing for it to show my appreciation to the men and woman of the arm forces. I will forever not support or agree with those who do not for any reason of protest. The only reason I would except would be if someone just could not due to physical issues.

:emoticon: Jon and Rusty, you two can try and justify Kaper"nike" all you want to. I will never agree with it no matter what reason or explanation he gives or will I ever buy or support Nike as long as they support this kind of action. Not saying he does not have the right to do it, I am saying I have the right to disagree and to say and do what I am doing. emoGeezer Jmax

Well said man. emoThumbsup
So if that idiot had the right to kneel “free speech” why do our kids not have the free speech to say the pledge in school? You don’t have to make it mandatory yet make it optional? It is t allowed because it offends people not from our country! So what! It offends me that these so called role models kneel during the anthem when I complain I’m told deal with it, don’t watch it, their rights! Back to the pledge again if you do t like it deal with it! There was a high school in ya that the football team prayed optionally prior to every game some loser group that didn’t go there wasn’t from there started all kinds of crap about them trying to make them stop
My question overall when is enough enough! Yes there are bad cops there are bad everything when you look at the big picture! But then you place that group in a category! Remember Tim Tebow’s being shamed for kneeling and praying wasn’t that his right!
Yea it was his right. As far as our flag goes and the pledge. My personal opinion is if you don't like it then you need to get OUT of the country that is stands for.
I have purchased Nike running shoes for many, many years; however, I will never buy another pair. They can kiss my butt.
Tn bullet - 9/10/2018 10:21 AM

My question overall when is enough enough!

when a person violates the rights of another, until then....NO VICTIM=NO CRIME!

it always makes me laugh to hear folks say "if you dont like it....leave!" well if all the people with the integrity and forethought to confront and challenge the wrong doing left, what would that world look like for those left behind? just a bunch of wage slaves i guess. i dont plan on going anywhere, i'll be here to help lead the way for the revolution.

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