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The republicans have sold all you fellahs a big bill of goods, they are just like the pied piper, hopefully you can get the rest of the uninformed in line, lead you around like a bunch of lemmings. You love it.
Another big hit that the Obama aholes are doing is doing away with inheritance tax relief. There use to be a $300,000.00 tax free amount you could get when a relative died and left you money, it is gone. I never understoud that tax anyways. Your relative already paid tax on that when they earned it. Why then when they turn it over to you do you have to pay tax on that money again. emoBang They have not only done away with it but increased the amount of tax you will pay on it. It is somewhere up to 45 to 50% now. Just another way of the big Government taking away money that should be yours in the first place. emoAngry Jmax
Big pay decrease


  • Image.95BB61E08F934652ABA8E99C5C0206C1@mmcpa26.jpg
TheMacDaddy - 2/25/2010 3:50 PM

In 2009 there are more deductions than in previous years from owning a house, dependents, going green with fuel efficient vehicles updating energy efficient heaters and windows.

Listen here, I work in Health care and know how hospitals over. Bill patients on unnessary procedures, tests and sugeries that don't make a difference. My wife had back surgery that cost 80,000 dollars, 6,000 of that money went for 3 screws. A lot of charges are hidden to up the price, to maximize profits. Remember, the medical industry is in it to make profits. Most of it is unregulated.

Do you not notice the NEW deductions seem to only fit things that PEOPLE WITH JOBS CAN AFORD TO PAY FOR TO GET THE CREDIT????????????????????
Evolution with the Tax system, I don't remember reading the Declaration of Independence saying our tax laws have to stay the same... We can simplify the system to make it for every person in the United States...

Instead of having income tax withdrawn from our pay checks, we can develope a federal sales tax, basically the same as the sales tax on goods and services... This would provide a flat system, which would be even

for the rich and the poor... Get rid of taxes to corporations and business's, just place taxes on Gross Domestic Product sold... I wonder if workers would be paid any more, if that happened... To create wealth and

growth real fast, plus make rich and poor come to an agreement with equality I'm sure not too many could disagree... Our founders fathers developed a system to guide us how Capitalism should be ran, we have gotten

of course and made things to were some prosper and other dwindle away....
MAC that sounds fine to me. I do not care what party is able to pull us out of the crap but im tired of all the OBAMA FANS trying to explain how he has helped this country. I nor has anyone that I know benifited since he has been in office. All that I have heard is Flase promises and lies...........more than normal. I feel like HE AND HIS WIFE are just along for the ride, for the air time and the respect. Bad news Obama have to earn respect and I dont think Obama has ever earned anything is his LIFE>>>>>>
CFF is getting to be about like The government someone did'nt like my earlier post so the just booted it THANKS
redbone122 - 2/26/2010 12:30 AM

CFF is getting to be about like The government someone did'nt like my earlier post so the just booted it THANKS

I am pretty sure if your post got booted then you called some one out by name or made a derogatory remark about some one on the board.

Don't ask me how I know this I just know it. emoRolleyes
[I'm wondering if you are in the same group that said, Obama is a terroist... This man is a young President, just like John F. Kennedy that is trying to make things better and we got idiots saying he hasn't done anything for us... Remember, the mess he inherited before he was elected, the biggest recession since the Great Depression, most unemployment since the 1970s... We couldn't put humpty dumpty back together... Do you really think within one year everything is going to be perfect... Today, I watched the top Republican senators, with John McCain included meet with Obama... Not one would compromise with him... Are the Republicans doing justice, or are they just saying hell with it, were going to disagree on everything, so Obama can't accomplish anything that way we can get a Republican candidate president in 2012... It is like are own politicians are at war with each other... After the Great Generation World War II generation left office, everything has fallen a part... We got hollywood idiots running this country with B.S. and are about as "dumb as a rock"...

John McCain said, he knew nothing about the internet, didn't even know how to use email... Should someone like that be helping this country??? I don't thinks so, you have to be able to talk educational about everything that pertains to the American people...

QUOTE]jonathanfaith2 - 2/25/2010 10:22 PM

MAC that sounds fine to me. I do not care what party is able to pull us out of the crap but im tired of all the OBAMA FANS trying to explain how he has helped this country. I nor has anyone that I know benifited since he has been in office. All that I have heard is Flase promises and lies...........more than normal. I feel like HE AND HIS WIFE are just along for the ride, for the air time and the respect. Bad news Obama have to earn respect and I dont think Obama has ever earned anything is his LIFE>>>>>>[/QUOTE]
TheMacDaddy - 2/26/2010 12:10 AM

[I'm wondering if you are in the same group that said, Obama is a terroist... This man is a young President, just like John F. Kennedy that is trying to make things better and we got idiots saying he hasn't done anything for us... Remember, the mess he inherited before he was elected, the biggest recession since the Great Depression, most unemployment since the 1970s... We couldn't put humpty dumpty back together... Do you really think within one year everything is going to be perfect... Today, I watched the top Republican senators, with John McCain included meet with Obama... Not one would compromise with him... Are the Republicans doing justice, or are they just saying hell with it, were going to disagree on everything, so Obama can't accomplish anything that way we can get a Republican candidate president in 2012... It is like are own politicians are at war with each other... After the Great Generation World War II generation left office, everything has fallen a part... We got hollywood idiots running this country with B.S. and are about as "dumb as a rock"...

John McCain said, he knew nothing about the internet, didn't even know how to use email... Should someone like that be helping this country??? I don't thinks so, you have to be able to talk educational about everything that pertains to the American people...

QUOTE]jonathanfaith2 - 2/25/2010 10:22 PM

MAC that sounds fine to me. I do not care what party is able to pull us out of the crap but im tired of all the OBAMA FANS trying to explain how he has helped this country. I nor has anyone that I know benifited since he has been in office. All that I have heard is Flase promises and lies...........more than normal. I feel like HE AND HIS WIFE are just along for the ride, for the air time and the respect. Bad news Obama have to earn respect and I dont think Obama has ever earned anything is his LIFE>>>>>>

Ok point #1 Obama does not care about this country!!!!!!!!! he has not been able to do anything with this contry because he has no followers execpt the Ignorant that love to live in the smoke and mirrors. #2Obama needs to realize that because this is not Al-Qaeda as he is use to he can not be the single source that decides the fate of a country, it people like McCain that are keeping the people that still have jobs their jobs. I would rather have a "dumb as a rock" person representing our country than a nazi like wannabe self proclaimed profet that cares more about allah and his former people. #3He is not american and will never be. I for one will not ever have any thing positive to say about someone that cares more about terrorist than the country he is trying to lead.#4 "Being able to talk educational about everything that pertains to the American people" I would like for you to show me any footage that show Obama talking with out the use of teli prompters, he can not even talk for him self so he has some one else do it for him.
Do you personally know Barack Obama??? How can you set there and say he dosen't care anything about this country... This man is the first President to basically make public every political move to envolve the American public... John McCain I truly believe is a great person, war hero in Vietnam and believes in his self... But I don't think he was smart enough to run this nation... Obama is highly intelligent, he was first in his class at Harvard as a lawyer, speaker that can inspire and bring the younger generation to higher standard we believe should live... Sir, I'm going to ask you one simple question??? Have you ever been overseas to Europe, Australia or any other country than the United States... America is at war with other countries, not in combat wars, but economic wars... If are youth is not educated and dosen't meet the Academic standards of other countries then the United States is at the bottom of the barrell with Economic growth... Right now we own China trillions of dollars because we have borrowed from a communist country, that is not smart...
Like I said in a earlier post "The Roman Empire fell, so can the United States... Wake up America, stand up and make a difference because some are tired...
jonathanfaith2 - 2/26/2010 12:08 AM

TheMacDaddy - 2/26/2010 12:10 AM

[I'm wondering if you are in the same group that said, Obama is a terroist... This man is a young President, just like John F. Kennedy that is trying to make things better and we got idiots saying he hasn't done anything for us... Remember, the mess he inherited before he was elected, the biggest recession since the Great Depression, most unemployment since the 1970s... We couldn't put humpty dumpty back together... Do you really think within one year everything is going to be perfect... Today, I watched the top Republican senators, with John McCain included meet with Obama... Not one would compromise with him... Are the Republicans doing justice, or are they just saying hell with it, were going to disagree on everything, so Obama can't accomplish anything that way we can get a Republican candidate president in 2012... It is like are own politicians are at war with each other... After the Great Generation World War II generation left office, everything has fallen a part... We got hollywood idiots running this country with B.S. and are about as "dumb as a rock"...

John McCain said, he knew nothing about the internet, didn't even know how to use email... Should someone like that be helping this country??? I don't thinks so, you have to be able to talk educational about everything that pertains to the American people...

QUOTE]jonathanfaith2 - 2/25/2010 10:22 PM

MAC that sounds fine to me. I do not care what party is able to pull us out of the crap but im tired of all the OBAMA FANS trying to explain how he has helped this country. I nor has anyone that I know benifited since he has been in office. All that I have heard is Flase promises and lies...........more than normal. I feel like HE AND HIS WIFE are just along for the ride, for the air time and the respect. Bad news Obama have to earn respect and I dont think Obama has ever earned anything is his LIFE>>>>>>

Ok point #1 Obama does not care about this country!!!!!!!!! he has not been able to do anything with this contry because he has no followers execpt the Ignorant that love to live in the smoke and mirrors. #2Obama needs to realize that because this is not Al-Qaeda as he is use to he can not be the single source that decides the fate of a country, it people like McCain that are keeping the people that still have jobs their jobs. I would rather have a "dumb as a rock" person representing our country than a nazi like wannabe self proclaimed profet that cares more about allah and his former people. #3He is not american and will never be. I for one will not ever have any thing positive to say about someone that cares more about terrorist than the country he is trying to lead.#4 "Being able to talk educational about everything that pertains to the American people" I would like for you to show me any footage that show Obama talking with out the use of teli prompters, he can not even talk for him self so he has some one else do it for him.[/QUOTE]
I don't personally know Obumma, and neither do you! Just stop trying to defend the man like he is your brother and look at facts. Obama wants to cut cut cut, but so far all he has done is spend spend spend! He is trying to do a good thing by getting those who can not afford proper medical care help, this I agree with, but don't let this affect the health care that I recieve! Also, when he stands up and takes the same health care plan that he is trying to apply to this great nation I might listen a little closer! There is no point in arguing cnn vs. fox news. As for the tax breaks, I am a real estate agent, and while the tax break is a great idea, no one has the money to take advantage of it! That is why in April yet another grand idea that has ended up costing us taxpayers more millions(like the great cars for clunkers flop)! He has done nothing to cut spending other than talk about it! Bottom line is we are all still waiting for hope and change, and until he stops traveling the world on my dime I am going to stay upset! Nothing to do with party, I want results!
Lets face the facts .. Politicians in the Fed government are only after one thing .. how do I get mine or cover mine.. screw the country .. Yes there are a few in it for the right reasons... but those are muted and buried by those mentioned above.
When ever there is a 911 or such issue they come together generally .. but every day details . they spend so much time arguing about the issues they cant get anything done.. and if you think that it will be any better all repub or all dems you had better get your head out of your butts .. its politics as usual no matter who is in office .. and no party will fix whats going on in our country and the world !
And everyone here arguing about it wont make it better or worse.. just divides us more.

Only when they do away with the parties.. and lobbyists.. and they start voting the issues will this ever change.
I'll ask the question again.........please name the top 10 "Conservative" IDEAS (that were opposed by liberals) in the last 100 years that have positively affected the lives of average Americans. Cmon bubbakat, cheez, sniperchoke, beetlespin, arrisboy, elwestb, dropshot, eyeman2, huddle up. Surely you can to come up with a top ten list. I'm quite sure some of you you have excellent internet educations. When Doc1 and myself comment about the Republicans/conservatives accomplishing nothing, and being the party of "NO" There is a 100 year history to back it up. It's not just based on opinion, but fact. I'll use a quote from bbass's signature line. "People who say it cannot be done, should not interrupt those that are doing it."....
Thats what scares me Danny. People say this country cant be destroyed by a single administration and force us into a socialist dictatorship, yet, it is my belief the American people SHOULD stand up and interrupt it. So I respectfully disagree with Billy.
I don't see a list about what any of you guys are talking about. I am not here to argue that one party is better then another. I am here to say that Obama is not the man to run our country. I haven't seen a whole lot that neither party has done let alone will do. He has no earthly clue how to act to represent our great nation. He stammers and stutters with his words and tells other countries that we are an arrogant country. You dam right I am arrogant because we earned that right. There is not another country in this world with their people buried in this country defending it but look at the thousands of Americans that are buried on foreign soil defending them and he calls the US arrogant. Why pee on him and the horse he road in on. I john McCain had done that then i would treat him the same.

sure he was saddled with a big load but he also said he would listen to both sides and take the best ideas, That ain't happening because he rejects every idea they try to discuss. They set back and listen now because you let a fool have enough rope he will hang himself. You guys are condemning every republican that is in existence. I can assure you that they are not just like that all Democrats aren't alike. When you have a congress blindly following a president just because he is a president then you don't have nothing any less then a dictator ship in my book.
If you guys like socialism then go ahead and blindly follow Obama and those other three behind him. I won't and until my dying breath I will be fighting to get him and those other three out of office.
SpurHunter - 2/26/2010 9:40 AM

Thats what scares me Danny. People say this country cant be destroyed by a single administration and force us into a socialist dictatorship, yet, it is my belief the American people SHOULD stand up and interrupt it. So I respectfully disagree with Billy.

If it were not for the Republicans saying no we would already be a full blown communist nation. I say that right there should cover ALL TEN of the accomplishments you seek Danny.
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