Legends Dogfight Tournament on Sept. 5th.

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Why is it that if a person expresses his thoughts or concerns on a subject here everyone starts bashing the person who had the thought instead of giving their own opinion and thoughts on the same subject. I thought this forum was about promoting fishing and having a good time. I know I am going to get slammed now, but you know what I could care less at this point. This forum has become a breeding ground for rumors and controversy, but I quess that is what sells ads.
Well, I can see why. Steve was a bitrude with his original post Chris. You of ALL people know how he can get. Why not just make a post saying " hey guys, you might want to reschedule being that the Bite tournament is that weekend" No one has any issues with opinions, its how they are presented. I would think a Chickamauga icon and a CBA officer for many, many years would present it in that fashion. Fair enough?
Come on now guys, lets everyone play nice. emoGeezer No need to get upset about any of this. I would strongly suggest to check the calendar first and not have one at the same place if possible. Sometimes it happens, by the way,...all you guys talking....I want to see you all there too. emoBigsmile Jmax

Shameless plug...shameless plug.... emoRolleyes
Ah Jim..its all good. This stuff goes on all the time. No harm.no foul. Steve is a great guy. I hear he can moon walk too! Not to mention, he gets Justin to do about anything. National Anthem at the last CBA was sung by our very own Churly :)
<p align="center"><font color="#cc0000" size="7">Thread Hijacked</font></p><p align="center"><font color="#cc0000" size="7">emoHijack Sorry JmaxemoHijack </font></p>
You know what they say about apologies right Chris? :)

JIM....I need to check on my partner for this one. But count me in. I dont mind being the weigh master. ;)
XLDVee - 8/28/2009 11:00 PM

Wish I could boys...but I'll be in ATL at the race.

Darn, your good help there Adam, I will miss you. Bbass if you could help me I would gladly take it. Just need a couple to check wells and I will take up money. Then someone to write down weights and that is pretty much it. I got the scales already this time so that is not a problem. emoThumbsup Jmax
Sorry to leave ya hangin' on this one Jim....I know my recording skills will be missed emoLaugh But I'm weighing my options here...Nascar under the lights in ATL, or Billy telling Fairy jokes.....hmmm

Yep, think I'll go racin'!!! emoBigsmile

Hope ya'll boys have a good time! And BE CAREFUL!! By lunch Saturday, I'm sure the lake will be PACKED! It's easy to make a mistake out there, just ask Treeman, and we all know the most experienced drivers can hit a wave the wrong way. Ya'll keep your head on a swivel...
jason - 8/29/2009 1:08 AM

I'll be Billy's netman;) for this one and will be more than happy to help out in any way I can.

Thanks Jason, if you and Billy could check wells that morning and then one of you write down weight, while the other weighs, I can be figuring out the pay outs and money. I will set up the scales for you guys. emoThumbsup
Pointer is going to be on the help list as well. I feel with the shorter hours and nothing else going on for that day on the chick this could shape up to be a great one. As before I will bring a needle to fizz any that need it but with the water cooling and bass moving shallower that may not be as big a thing. I hoped with the short hours and only three fish everyone can still make this one and then go to their Labor Day stuff. emoAngel Just a little one with smaller pay outs for the fun of it. If we get a bunch of entries and the cut off at five places there still will be a nice little check for the winners. emoThumbsup Over 25 boats will be a 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and a 30% payout. Then 60% and 40% on big bass. Hope to get a good crowd. The cooler mornings sure are nice right now. emoTongue Jmax
I hope you guys go back to a more sensible payout system next year. 30% for first place? I have heard rumors that cff tx's are changing to something more sensible next year.
beetlespin - 8/31/2009 11:00 AM

I hope you guys go back to a more sensible payout system next year. 30% for first place? I have heard rumors that cff tx's are changing to something more sensible next year.

This is not a CFF tournemant, however....what would you suggest on payouts? I try not to overdue the money, it gets in the way of the fun to me. If you were to have 30 boats that is still $180.00, $150.00, $120.00, $90.00 and $60.00, a total of $600.00 for just five hours of fishing. Not a bad return for just a $20 dollar investment. Big Bass would be $90 and $60. I have always tried to be on the lower end with more payouts, if you want the big bucks there are enough of those already out there in my opinion. emoScratch Last year when Chris did them there was a lot of complaints that there was not enough places paid out. emoDoh Jmax
Here is the scale I have used for years.

5 to 9 boats, winner takes all.

10 to 14 boats, 60% 1st, 40% second.

15 to 19 boats, 50% 1st, 30% second and 20% third.

19 to 24 boats, 40% 1st, 30% second, 20% third and 10% forth.

25 boats and over, 30%, 25%, 20%, 15% and 10%.

emoSmile Not bad for no more then you put in, but that is my personal thoughts. Let's not get anyone upset, just asking, any thoughts on this? Jmax