Legends Dogfight Tournament on Sept. 5th.

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beetlespin - 8/31/2009 8:26 PM We could have a most fish/lowest weight tx. Wiskers would weigh 287 spots that weighed 11.2 lbs in a five hour dogfight. Now that's an accomplishment. Most of us wouldn't even know we had a fish that small:)


Too true, too true.emoLaugh </p>
BOBBY BULLET - 9/1/2009 12:57 AM

Who gives a s@#t about the BITE tour. They dont own the lake.

Don't worry about them, they are fine. They will be at the G that day and surely not thinking about us. There are thousands of bass in the Chick, what few we sore mouth I am sure will make no difference to them come Sunday. I wish all the guys and gals fishing the BITE a Grand time. emoToast Jmax
I like the scale so more people have a chance to get something,these are for fun and fellowship not to get rich,leave them the way they are and if ya wanna get rich fish the more lucrative entry fee TX and fight it out with the big boys,great job as usual Jim
MrWiskers - 8/31/2009 8:22 PM Lets have the smallest 3 bass limit gets 30%, 2nd smallest bag gets 20%, etc and go up from there. A reverse tourny. I bet I could do some damage in that thing. Lance may have a shot as well. I bet TW could get a check in this one.

I got dibs on Fat Albert..just callin it now. Ya'll are gonna loose SO BAD!emoLaugh </p>
BBass - 9/1/2009 10:35 AM

I got dibs on Fat Albert..just callin it now. Ya'll are gonna loose SO BAD!emoLaugh </p>[/QUOTE]

The problem with FA is his limit is one.
You guys might want to hold up on poking FA. He has told me he is seriously thinking about joining the fun and fishing some CFF tournaments. He could bring in a <font size="4">BIG </font><font size="1">bag and silence the crowd. He's even created a secret rod to use. Light as a feather and the guides are wrapped in orange and white.</font></p>

<font size="1">Well, on second thought, I saw what he had tied on. it would take a divine miracle for him to catch a fish with that. Poke away. emoPoke emoBigsmile </font></p>

<font size="1">You know we love ya FA !</font></p>

<font size="1">I haven't fished a 'Legends' tournament yet, but the pay out of CFF is good to me. Gives us mediocre guys a better chance to have a big head for a little while. emoSmile </font></p>

<font size="1" /></p>
Wayne...you got a big scruffy head above your shoulders anyway's.

Naw, Al loves us picking on him. I'm will to bet he could limit with 3 small ones!
I agree with Wiskers on leaving it the way it is. What few TX's I get to fish I fish because of the people involved and just for the fun of it. I have never had enough time to commit to becoming a very good angler but I do enjoy good company and spinning a few yarns.
Well...enough said, I am leaving mine the way it is for now. I kind of like the more payouts also. Nice to tell the wife that you won something and with that split there is more of a chance. Hope to see everyone this Saturday morning. Should be nice and cool with a great day to wet a hook. You might miss kick off but you will see most of the game when you get home. emoAngel Jmax
BBass - 9/1/2009 12:08 PM Wayne...you got a big scruffy head above your shoulders anyway's. Naw, Al loves us picking on him. I'm will to bet he could limit with 3 small ones!

Billy I don't know what scruffy means. I tried looking it up in my Funk and Wagnall dictionary but it wasn't in there. Is that one of those Soddyville words forugly ? I understand that. emoBigsmile </p>

I ain't kidding, FA would be lucky to catch an old tire off a Packard with that thing he's got tied on. emoEek </p>

I hope he fishes one, would be that much more money in the pot for the winner. FA can watch him collect it. emoPoke </p>
emoUpsmile emoUpsmile </p>

Thanks, I was worried for a minute. Good to know we're still friends. emoDoh </p>

I was wondering where you learned all your words. You ain't right Mr B. emoBigsmile </p>
Wet Willie - 8/31/2009 10:12 PM

beetlespin - 8/31/2009 7:48 PM Yeag screw that guy that wanted to pay first place more! What an idiot! Let's reverse the pay scale. Pay fifth place 30%n 4th place 25%, third place 20%, 2nd place 15%, and the winner gets 10%. That will really be the bomb. I'm sick of all these guys fishing tournaments thinking they might win something!

Well, Lance, I see the viagra in the Monkey Dust didn't help your condition...I'll work on the midol blend...but it's going to cost ya!emoLaugh </p>
Viagra?!!! Midol????!!!! Wet Willie, I didn't know you could do that????!!!!!! Did it help Lance? emoLaugh
Guys It looks like I am going to fish this one and I am going to bring the misses. So guys take it easy with the dipping jokes because its going to be a long day with out it. I look forward to seeing everyone in the morning. Jmax and Billy if you guys end up needing any help then just let me know and I am at your servise.
jonathanfaith2 - 9/4/2009 9:45 PM Guys It looks like I am going to fish this one and I am going to bring the misses. So guys take it easy with the dipping jokes because its going to be a long day with out it. I look forward to seeing everyone in the morning. Jmax and Billy if you guys end up needing any help then just let me know and I am at your servise.


haha your so in trouble i think everyone needs to shower you with cans of dip before blastoff emoUpsmile emoGeezer emoGeezer

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