license increase

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Here is an idea for you fellows moaning about the cost of a license. Shut down the TWRA for about 5 years due to lack of funding, and see what happens to the fish and wildlife. I would wager that opportunities would plummet due to poaching, over harvesting, habitat loss, no stocking, etc., and a lot of folks would be wishing for the good old days when we could buy a license and have the opportunity for quality fishing and hunting trips. There just is no such thing as a free lunch. Just my 2 cents.

The water proof license are available you just have to go to the right store. The new paper is better than last years!
I got mine at the short stop right before the Hiwassee bridge. It was the waterproof and he said that Walmart is mainly doing the paper.
Anybody know of a place in Franklin Co. (Winchester or nearby) that's printing on the TWRA paper? Also, why don't they come up with some sort of reciprical agreement for fishing the Tennessee River system? We pay $50 to get an Alabama o-o-s license to fish Upper Guntersville.
I will tell you what i think and i dont care whos feelings i hurt i dont care if i get banned from the forum i hope one of the twra officer read this. They want to charge us a fisherman crazy prices for licsens we the fisherman are the one that have to be so perfect or get fines. While they dont charge these pleasure boater ****.they pay to have a boat regesterd thats it .we the fisherman pay there salary. But they dont have enough balls to pretect us or give us a break we have more rules that we have to follow than anyone out there and we pay more money than anyone to be there why dont twra learn where there money is really comeing from its your fisherman