billyc - 8/7/2014 8:56 PM
You know the funny thing about these dogfights which are only three hours and not everybody catches a limit ,and these big tournaments which are five fish limits and ten or twelve hours in the hottest part of the day , ive noticed they are fished by the same people. Now let me understand are these people somehow the best fish medics in the marathon day tournaments, and then just turn around in the eavning dogfights and dont give a **** about their fish. Anybody who thinks a ten or twelve hour tournament is somehow better on fish than a three hour dogfight in at least a little cooler conditions is just kidding themselves. Maby these people bitching about all the dogfights and how they kill fish cause the big tournaments are so much more fish friendly why don't they think about changing their season to start in September fish the cooler months all they way to may and have their classic in first of june. Oh wait a min that wont work it makes sense and it would interfere with deer season . Be careful wishing for everybody to have to get a permit to have a fishing tournament restrictions are very rarely removed and most often increased with time. Bottom line is all the same people fish all these tournaments we all care about these fish, better worry about all the outsiders coming in here and hauling these fish out of here to out of town taxidermist.