I know that the CBA is taking steps in bettering fish care maintenance at weigh ins. We had a trial run last tourney with a 100% oxygenation system in our release tanks. We had a great response to numbers of healthy released fish after the fact. I think it was one of our lowest % of dead fish we had all year in the warm months. I think we need to keep researching and learning more about fish care, Because Churly is right. We have a dog fight everyday of the week on the Chick. If 3 fish die at every dog fight, which is a very conservative number is a ton of fish every year. I am not saying that CBA doesn't have fish die. we definitely do, but we are taking every action that we can to make sure that we improve mortality rates. I have fished dog fights many times, but have truly tried to limit the number that I do each year. I started fishing the Frost Bite Tourneys after the CBA Classic, because they are all in cold weather. I don't think we had hardly any fish die in those last year. I think as a fishing community we need to come together, and try to limit the number of fish running around in livewells. Maybe we can have atleast 2 days during the week where no tournaments are allowed just to give these fish a break.