Monday night dogfight Chesterfrost results 8/4/2014

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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derek81 - 8/12/2014 2:44 PM


Love it !</p>
2jigs - 8/12/2014 11:41 AM

Well Brent my partner Bob & I run the Monday night dog fight. & I for one don't care what you or anyone else thinks about the fish we catch with the $$$ we made & spent to do it. (None of your d@#* business!!!) Or anyone else's as far as that goes. Who the h*ll gave any one else the right, to tell me or any one else what to do with the fish we catch ? Who do ya'll think you are?</p>

Hi-JACKED. More than one member has tried to bring the post back on track, but it still keeps wandering off like an ADD (Puppy Tumbler(thanks Churly)). I'm about to post this weeks results & Hopefully we can stick to the subject! Not a bunch of band standing, irrelevant immature BS that serves no purpose (like what went on last week) but to stroke some Red-Neck's immature ego. (Not what the post was about) I'll say it again case ya missed it (NOT WHAT THE POST WAS ABOUT)</p>

If ya'll want to really (SAVE THE FISH) you'll show up @ the next Puppy Tumbler, CFF or just to worm dunkers @ the ramp, & hand out frozen water bottles & non iodized salt. But no one really wants to do all that much about it in a positive physical way. They just want to type on their little smarty phones or lappy tops on someone else's thread that wasn't even about FISH CARE OR CBA'S OR PUPPY TUMBEL'S TO START WITH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</p>

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! emoBang emoBang emoBang emoBang emoBang          Start your on dang thread.</p>

Nobody is ragging on any one particular tournament/dogfight, but you have to agree that we all need to take steps towards making a better effort at fish care. There is always new methods coming out all the time, such as flip clips and 100 oxygenation. I am just saying be open to new and inventive ways of taking care of fish. You guys are taking thing personal ,and I am not meaning it personal by any stretch of the imagination. Steve, I like you. You know that.... geeze. We all need to come together as a fishing community, because its our responsibility.
I agree on fish care and I think most fisherman do, I for one install a bubble box and the donut type air stones in my livewell, Stratos asx showed me this system in his boat it works really great and only draws .5 amps per hour, cost me about 50.00 dollars at academy sports.
Here's my .02. Evidently we're doing something right. Do I agree with a dogfight every day if the week, absolutely not. Do I agree with 12 hour cba tournaments, hell no. But look at it this way, go back 10 or more years ago, way way less tournaments but yet also way way less weight to win and fish caught. Tournament fishing is bigger now than ever on this lake and so are the amounts of fish caught and the weights it takes to win. Also our livewells and steps that have been made for fish care in recent years have came a long way. I know that there have been efforts as far as the stocking program, size limits, etc that have pushed the fishery along but if I were y'all I wouldn't be complaining a bit. It's called Mother Nature and we're just as much a part of it as the fish are and right now it seems to be balanced out pretty well. Do your best to take care of your catch, if you have a fish die, don't have a stroke over it, it'll be ok, turtles have to eat too. Take advantage of it while you can just like the winners did in this tourny. They went out and smoked em and had a great day congrats.
mocs-tr20 - 8/13/2014 10:59 AM
2jigs - 8/12/2014 11:41 AM

Well Brent my partner Bob & I run the Monday night dog fight.& I for one don't care what you or anyone elsethinks about the fishwe catch with the $$$we made & spent to do it. (None of your d@#* business!!!)Or anyone else's as far as that goes. Who the h*ll gave any one else the right, to tell me or any one else what to do with the fish we catch ? Who do ya'll think you are?</p>

Hi-JACKED. More than one member has tried to bring the post back on track, but it still keeps wandering off like an ADD (Puppy Tumbler(thanks Churly)). I'm about to post this weeks results & Hopefully we can stick to the subject! Not a bunch of band standing, irrelevant immatureBS that serves no purpose (like what went on last week) but to stroke some Red-Neck'simmature ego. (Not what the post was about) I'll say it again case ya missed it (NOT WHAT THE POST WAS ABOUT)</p>

If ya'll want to really (SAVE THE FISH)you'll show up @ thenextPuppy Tumbler, CFF or just to worm dunkers @ the ramp,& hand out frozen waterbottles & non iodized salt.But no one really wants to do all that much about it in a positive physical way. They just want to type on their little smartyphones or lappy tops on someone else's thread that wasn't even about FISH CARE OR CBA'S OR PUPPY TUMBEL'STO START WITH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</p>

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! emoBang emoBang emoBang emoBang emoBang Start your ondang thread.</p>
Nobody is ragging on any one particular tournament/dogfight, but you have to agree that we all need to take steps towards making a better effort at fish care. There is always new methods coming out all the time, such as flip clips and 100 oxygenation. I am just saying be open to new and inventive ways of taking care of fish. You guys are taking thing personal ,and I am not meaning it personal by any stretch of the imagination. Steve, I like you. You know that.... geeze. We all need to come together as a fishing community, because its our responsibility.
OHHHH MYYYY GOOOOOOSSSSSHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did you have trouble staying on point in school???? Did ya read the part about not what the post was about? emoBang emoBang emoBang emoBang emoBang emoBang emoBang emoBang </p>

When you get off point so does everyone else. This post was about RON WILLERSON CATCHING AN 11.06 LB. BASSIN THE CHESTERFROST MONDAY NIGHT DOGFIGHTS!!!!!!! This would be a good place for Derek to post the scene in Cool hand Luke. (What we have here, is failure to communicate)!!! To start a new thread click on the little round New Thread thingy up top to the left! emoBang </p>



Ok Steve.....Your right this should have been in a different thread, but when things are brought up in a thread I think it is my right to state an opinion. That is what forums are all about if I am not mistaken. I also am not stupid I actually have a business degree from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, and did pretty well in school. Thanks for asking.
Lets all put a 2 jigs size dip in (minimum of half to 3/4 of a can) and rub our ears and say Wooosssaaahhhh and vow to not have mullets or wear cutoff jean shorts and wife beaters.
saltyduck - 8/13/2014 7:42 PM

Lets all put a 2 jigs size dip in (minimum of half to 3/4 of a can) and rub our ears and say Wooosssaaahhhh and vow to not have mullets or wear cutoff jean shorts and wife beaters.

Thats awesome