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Geeez. Counted as dead. No, I cant see that either. The "keeping them alive" starts before blast off. have the tank cooled and ready. manage them during the day watching temp and AIR. NOT a problem if a person really cares.
if u ban dead fish people will throw them back and catch another keeper to replace it so they wont lose points and the fish will still be dead. it will just be out in the lake rather than beside the boat ramp. u arent changing anything. the best thing to do is to make sure your livewells are working properly. try and use ice and do what u can to keep them alive (as has been on here before). more innovations for livewells are going to come from manufacturers in the future like cooled livewells with vents, etc.
Yes, they may throw a dead fish back BUT it's the bigger fish that seem to have the most problem. We would work double hard to be able weigh that big fish by keeping very close attention on the livewells. I'm not going to count on being able to replace that dead fish with another of equal or bigger size. I'll nurse a sick fish till the very end of tournament .

What the diff. in a white gilled dead fish and a fizzed fish floating up-side-down with gills barely moving at the launch ramp. Honestly Guys--- Rarely does that that fizzed fish "MAKE IT".

I have friends who fish txments knowing their livewells .have been acting up for months. They gamble on doing just enough to get buy.

We had BITE TX's up here in June and July-------filled up 35 gallon containers with dead fish. -----I think the cost was a 2oz. penelty!!!!--------------WHAT A SHAME
I think BS said this before but I will say it again. Alot of the fish die when they come from cooler livewell water and hit that hot water when they are set free. Its just a shock to there system hitting that hot water. Alot will swim off and a few minutes later be floating. I have never used anything but ice and NOn iodized salt. I use to live in Fl and the lake I fished tournments on in the summer the water temp during the day if it didnt rain would get to the mid 90's. We let the fish go at a Marina and within feet the fish could get to deep water. I rarely saw any dead fish with water temps as warm as they were. Another point all day tournaments are tough on the fish in the summer with the water that warm, bottom line.
Paper tournaments a more common than what you may think. All I do is either compete, or practice for competing. I make my fishing now a second job, something I enjoy and want to work at, I would welcome paper tournaments in the summer. Looking on the internet, I was surprised at the size of organizations, like entire State federations do paper tournaments. Just have to change a thought process concept, length versus weight. Still feel, if you are going to cheat, you will cheat on paper or a scale.
I like the idea of the fin clips, but I wonder if they would work. Sure they may keep a fish from swimming upright, but I believe the fish acutally dies from "the bends" and not floating up in the live well. Maybe if they stay down the bladder decreases, still will be worth the test.
Since when does a fizzed fish "rarely" make it? I have been fizzing fish since I was a kid growing up in NY where lakes are hundreds of feet deep. Some states actually request you fizz fish, BASS gives you a needle and color photo to show you how to fizz fish. I won't bet a paycheck on how many fish live, but I will bet a paycheck on how many deep floating fish in a live well will end up dead... all of them. I seen a study that showed a properly fizzed fish will have their air bladder completely healed within one day. Bottom line is this; any fish released alive has a chance...
A lot of fish do die from the bends. It's my therory thats what happened to a lot of the big Rockfish in Tims. The very hot summers in the nineties and the fish coming out of very deep water too fast to feed on shad. Anybody that fished Tims in the eighties and early nineties know what size of Rockfish lived there. I think it's worse on the clearer lakes because of the visibility.
I think a good solution would be to keep all the fish and donate the meat to a good cause. A big TX fisherman cleared it up for me the other day, and told me the creel limits are designed to allow 100% mortality of TX fish, so might as well eat them, or let needy folks eat them.
Fuzzy - 8/10/2008 2:23 PM BASS gives you a needle and color photo to show you how to fizz fish.

I just finished watching BASS's coverage of the Lake Eerie Tx and the first thing Aaron Martens did upon removing the lure was to fizz the was neat to see a pro do it. I've seen a lot of "floaters" fizzed to swim off and live to be caught another day. It all boils down to fisherman caring enough about the bass to become knowledgeable and proficient at keeping them alive far after the weigh-in.</p>
USABASSIN'S classic last year donated evey fish to the local boyscouts for a fish fry. why not donate them to the comunity kitchen or something?
a lot of the problems come from guys fishing tx's this time of year know to catch good fish they will mostly be in 20-30' of water and when caught and cranked straight up to the surface thier bladder can't release the air fast enough, there are some articles about how to "bleed" their bladders if everyone would do this it would help, also like everyone knows a real good aireator will minimize the fatalities too, i installed a flow-rite system in my bullet and it really really puts the oxygen in the water and i've not lost any fish since, but i do take lots of time to ensure regularly that i exchange the water with fresh water often and run the aireator all night too.

the last club tx we had on watts bar, about the end of july, it was HOT and i got upset when going to the ramp to put my fish back in i had to wade out about 6 or 7 feet and get a 5 lb'er and one 3 lb'er that were floating upside down, that others had released, and i held their mouths open and worked them back and forth for 10 minutes until they finally swam off and appeared to be lively, this doesn't mean that they survived but at least they had a chance! the shock of laying there lifeless for several minutes, may take it's toll! one of them was just floating and appeared to be dead and wouldn't even move when i originally found him, it took longer to get him to swimming upright!

what bothers me is the guys who act like they are done because they have weighed their fish and just dump them in the water and walk off!!!

to be able to replenish our lakes everyone needs to protect the resources as much as possible or none of us will have anything to do with all the tackle we have except hold casting tx's!

by the same token i see lots of guys that keep and eat every fish they catch too, the sad part is a lot of them can be lucky enough to catch much larger fish than i can, and they just eat them, if you are fishing for food to eat- keep what you need, or are willing to clean, and let the others go!
Here is my 2 cents. Tx's have been around for a long time and will continue so. Too much money involved. Personally I think bass fishing is as good as it ever was. I think our wildlife people do a good job of setting limits. I'm pretty sure these limits aren't set with catch and release in mind.
As long as people obey the rules I think our fishery will be fine. It's funny about the bass though, never hear a lot of complaining when it comes to crappie,shellcrackers, etc... Quess there not as much money in a crappie Tx's.
fish4thepeck - 8/11/2008 8:11 PM It's funny about the bass though, never hear a lot of complaining when it comes to crappie,shellcrackers, etc... Quess there not as much money in a crappie Tx's.

Agree 100%. </p>

One solution is to do what I do, don't fish water deeper than 15-20 feet. Never had an issue with a fish dying at these depths and I have been doing pretty good the past few weeks staying above the 15 ft mark.I don't mind fishing deep but after about 20 feet I wouldrather be catfish fishing. </p>
Since when does a fizzed fish "rarely" make it?

Please don't misunderstand my point......I'm 100% FOR fizzing them----but if they are still "floaters" 15 minutes AFTER fizzing ----They are probably going to die.