Net in Harrison Bay

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Don't know why they'd stock strippers in the chick- since they are an invasive species and tend to feed on large mouth bass. There's lakes across the country trying to get rid of strippers. Glad to see the walleye stocking tho.
need twra to set at ramps and monitor tourneys and fine every dead bass as well as illegal boats might help bass population as well
We’ve only kept one striper to eat (8-10lbs) and its stomach was full of little bluegills, no problem, there are too many bluegills anyway. A TWRA officer once said I could fertilize the garden with the ones I don’t eat.
Right off the bat, I want to be clear that I am 100% against gill nets anywhere because they are indiscriminate in what they kill. That being said, law enforcement is cash strapped no matter what you think. In my opinion, they are the most underpaid profession in our country!
How many people that gripe about law enforcement have their boat registrations paid up-to-date and valid fishing licenses? If you don't shame on you! Our fees are low compared to other parts of the country and we are fortunate to have the recreational opportunities we have. I know the vast majority of folks on here pay their fees but I have also heard there have been many tickets written lately for expired boat registrations and no fishing license. These people are part of the problem of the lack of law enforcement funding and have absolutely no privilege to gripe about anything that goes on.
would like to invite tdnr to visit every ramp on Chickamauga to monitor weigh ins and fine for every dead fish and illegal boat may help preserve this awesome fishery we have
need tdnr to visit every ramp and monitor all tourneys fining for dead fish and illegal boats this will help preserve our fishery more than a few gill nets
bphillips - 3/4/2018 10:56 AM

need tdnr to visit every ramp and monitor all tourneys fining for dead fish and illegal boats this will help preserve our fishery more than a few gill nets

Are you one of the gill netters?
Lol so the gill nets that kill way over each gill netters limit the gill nets that tear up countless props are less harmful than the very very few bass weighed in at a tournament in which most get given to people at the weigh ins to eat? I’m guessing you run nets! Not the place to argue but the pics definitely show gill net issues
I bet if twra was to monitor tourneys closer and fine for dead fish and all illegal boats (wish they would, open invite ) lake traffic would slow down as well as slow down everyone that thinks they own the lake.
Beetlespin no sir just tired of seeing how people think they own the lake and with all the traffic its hard to just enjoy this awesome sport without seeing alot of dead fish floating after tourneys and anglers only concerned about where to go next what to throw and throw a tantrum if someone is in their spot that they don't own or nearly get washed on bank by people that don't know how to operate a boat. I bet there is alot of others that are tied of this inconsideration for fish and other anglers. What do you think?
Those anglers do everything they can to ensure live fish are weighed in and any fish that does not survive is typically given to someone in need. Gill nets kill a lot of fish just to be left to waste
Trophy bass floating HB ramp.
Moderators: CFFModerators 2015 this was a huge conversation on the lack of care for bass during tournaments. In response to your post, I guess what is being said is this, if you are in need of food come to Chickamauga lake find any boat ramp and wait for tourney weigh in to be over wade into lake and pick up dead bass, take home and cook. I guess it would help out boaters and commercial fishermen if everyone would slow down watch the water ahead of the boat instead of running wide open looking at a screen with no regard of what or who is in front of them. Not trying to create an argument just know that its not right to bash a man for trying to make a living while there are a lot of anglers on the water with unregistered vessels no licence killing a lot of fish. We have a wonderful fishery and if the pressure doesn't slow down this lake will not survive all over a cash payouts. This same scenario nearly killed Guntersville. Catch and release take a picture of fish laying on ruler, fish have far greater chance to live. TWRA may not be as starved for funding if everyone would buy proper licences,register boats, charge for use of ramps during tourneys, set forth a club fees to host tourneys on the lake and fine for dead fish as mentioned earlier regarding commercial fisherman. There is a lot that can be done to preserve fish and better fund TWRA so they can hire more officers and keep restocking our lake.
Joe crappie fisherman and moron party boats, sure, they probably don't have up to date registration. But do you really think there are that many fisherman out here fishing tourneys that don't have valid registration and a fishing license? Take a look at hunting license sales and quota hunt applications the past few years. Tn's public hunting lands are nearly void of deer from poor management and people aren't wasting time and money to put in for a hunt to not see any deer. That loses them thousands in application fees. That also loses them alot in license fees because alot of guys don't have nice private farms to hunt. They just don't go anymore. Think about telecheck too. If you think people are out here with expired registrations and no fishing license, how many people do you think are hunting on private farms with no license and cutting up their own deer? Wait till next year when they raise license fees again only to find out that they make less money.
Lets look at the pros and cons. We all know the cons pretty much. We have some bass loss and props getting hung in them. Very dangerous for swimmers and even boat owners that are trying to get them free.

Now I think alot of us is forgetting the pros. And yes they are some.1st is they keep out the trash fish that get very large in size that eat alot of larger prime spawning bass. They have to be controlled. Also this one is the one that scares me the worst is the Asian Carp. Them things can really take over a lake then we would be begging these nets to be out there if they get down here. The commercial fishermen have been out there for a long time running nets and yet have we seen the bass population decline? If anything its just got better. But don't get me wrong I'm for them but I'm not against them either.
fishnboy - 3/5/2018 9:51 AM

Lets look at the pros and cons. We all know the cons pretty much. We have some bass loss and props getting hung in them. Very dangerous for swimmers and even boat owners that are trying to get them free.

Now I think alot of us is forgetting the pros. And yes they are some.1st is they keep out the trash fish that get very large in size that eat alot of larger prime spawning bass. They have to be controlled. Also this one is the one that scares me the worst is the Asian Carp. Them things can really take over a lake then we would be begging these nets to be out there if they get down here. The commercial fishermen have been out there for a long time running nets and yet have we seen the bass population decline? If anything its just got better. But don't get me wrong I'm for them but I'm not against them either.

I agree that there are some definite benefits to commercial fishing when done correctly, particularly in regards to population control of trash fish. I do believe, however, that there does need to be increased regulation or better enforcement of current laws. For example, nets should not be allowed to span the entire length of the channel or cover the entire mouth of spawning coves. Also, I believe that commercial fisherman should have to tend to their nets within much shorter intervals, so that the inadvertent bass that does get caught gets released as soon as possible. I think some common sense regulations like these would be very beneficial to the fishery.

At the end of the day, it comes down to economic impact. No other group puts more dollars into the lakes and its surrounding communities than bass fisherman. Do daily tournaments hurt the fishery? Probably so, but at the same time tournament fishing provides immense benefits to local people in the forms of jobs and money. Look at the growth of Dayton in the last 6-8 years, would that have happened without tournament fishing? Of course not. If someone wants to make their living commercial fishing, they have every right to do so. I just believe that sensible regulation would help to maintain this valuable resource.
Well said fishnboy and canecutter, there is a lot of people enjoying our fishery either trying to catch a hundred dollar bill or gill netting for a living and with that said everyone has had great input on this topic as for myself I am strictly catch and release and yes have had some fish die on me as we all have. There is some people that will neglect any law set forth no matter the cost, as for that I am going to do my part to the best of my ability to help preserve our reservoir and hope that others who have been negligent will step up and do the same as it will take everyone to do this. Thanks for letting me share my thoughts and tight lines to all!