Trophy bass floating HB ramp.
Moderators: CFFModerators 2015 this was a huge conversation on the lack of care for bass during tournaments. In response to your post, I guess what is being said is this, if you are in need of food come to Chickamauga lake find any boat ramp and wait for tourney weigh in to be over wade into lake and pick up dead bass, take home and cook. I guess it would help out boaters and commercial fishermen if everyone would slow down watch the water ahead of the boat instead of running wide open looking at a screen with no regard of what or who is in front of them. Not trying to create an argument just know that its not right to bash a man for trying to make a living while there are a lot of anglers on the water with unregistered vessels no licence killing a lot of fish. We have a wonderful fishery and if the pressure doesn't slow down this lake will not survive all over a cash payouts. This same scenario nearly killed Guntersville. Catch and release take a picture of fish laying on ruler, fish have far greater chance to live. TWRA may not be as starved for funding if everyone would buy proper licences,register boats, charge for use of ramps during tourneys, set forth a club fees to host tourneys on the lake and fine for dead fish as mentioned earlier regarding commercial fisherman. There is a lot that can be done to preserve fish and better fund TWRA so they can hire more officers and keep restocking our lake.