Obamacare a BIG $h__ SANDWHICH!!!

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Sniperchoke, I hope for your mom's sake that the new plan offered is not one with an $8,500 deductible. I saw some specifics on a bronze plan on TV today (do not remember which state) that had that deductible. How sad. I only hope it results in a 2014 mid-term sweep of the senate for Republicans and a defeat of Hillary in 2016. That's the best hope for reversing this monstrocity.
If you think back when all this started I said this was never going to work. I said the premiums as a whole would go up and the deductible would be too high to even use it. I said someone will have to pay for it and it would be the people working. Right now the ones who are signing up are mostly those folks who are getting it at a reduced rate, right now those having to pay for the "Affordable Oboma Care" are having sticker shock and not signing up. The percent of those who are signing up to pay for it is something like 1/10th of those who are signing up to get the free insurance. Keep in mind, this is only the folks who are on individual plans. You think this is bad, just wait until it hits the company plans. I was wondering what was going to happen when this so called "Affordable" insurance actually started hitting people's money. I will make another prediction. This thing is going to self implode when it starts hitting the company plans. Many companies are going to drop their insurance. People who thought they were safe and keeping their insurance with their company are in for a surprise when the company drops their plan and pay the penalty. Then even a larger group of people will be turning to this "Affordable" insurance to find out just how affordable it is, what it will actually cover and just how it will effect their care. I have not missed it yet, lets just see if I am right or wrong.

I am sick of hearing the arguments over it, the people elected this crap and now we will just have to see how happy they are going to be with it. I agree with the comments that have already been said that if people become too dependent on other for hand outs that eventually all will want the hand outs and no one will be left to pay the bill. emoTskTsk Jmax
Numbers are not official yet, and the administration is hiding the truth about the number of people who have signed up, but an independent insurance reporting agency said that 87 percent who have signed up to date chose medicaid. That's the free stuff. I cannot imagine what will happen to the budgets of those 26 states that signed on to expand medicaid.

The reporting agency estimated that more than 90 percent of young healthy people will elect to pay the fine when they see the prices available to them. The agency said "why not?". If they suddenly need coverage, they can sign up at any time.

Who the hell is gonna pay this bill? Harry Reid knows. Today he said it is time to increase taxes again.

I think Jmax is right. It will fail. I don't know if it will implode or if the people will rebel and throw the bums out in 2016, but I think it will be one or the other.
Now lets see the Libs defend the supposed "FIX" in Obamacare. Obama is a Busch League Idiot. He can't change the Law in mid-stream. Its Unconstitutional! From High School Civics class only Congress has the authority to pass law. Executive ie(President) Executes and implements law?? He has now executive fiat to change any law.. He should be impeached for Subverting the Constitution.
Unfortunately, he has already changed the law several times, more or less using the Constitution as toilet paper along the way.
300,000 supposedly enrolled right now gotta have 7 million by March. Not gonna make it unless there is some kinda Christmas Miracle.. Big Government never works!!! Obama has failed. Too bad for the taxpayers..
I worry about the people who have lost their insurance and the ones who will loose their insurance once it goes corporate. emoVomit I am still trying to figure out the title of "Affordable Care Act". They can call it whatever they want to but the bottom line is even if you get government assistance in paying it there is no freaking way it is affordable. That is the problem, all these promises and wordings that make it sound like it can be affordable and it is not. Between higher premiums and higher deductibles they are looking for finance with the hope no one can use it. That way the ones who do use it will be covered by the payments of those who cannot afford to use it. emoDoh If it was anyone else but our government you would think you could sue them for some kind of big money scam. emoTskTsk Jmax
Ok so now we have 1.1 million signed up. The admin is billing this as a success. Did I miss something we had 6.6 million lose their policies? ? How is that a win?. Maybe the libs on here can help me figure it out?
The plan coming out of the box was for it to be the young & dumb to run out and sign up blindly like they voted in the last two elections. The encouraging news is that now even some of those are realizingit was all a shell game. That bad news is that it will be extremely difficult to recover from this.
My latest prediction for bommacare. Enough democrats will align with republicans to kill the stinking thing before mid-term elections. Some talking heads on TV say insurance companies cannot easily go back to pre-bommacare coverages. I worked for an insurance company and saw that they archive everything and can revive programs faster than you'd imagine. The law forces insurance companies to archive just about evrything and they do have the capability to go back quicker than most people would believe.