If you think back when all this started I said this was never going to work. I said the premiums as a whole would go up and the deductible would be too high to even use it. I said someone will have to pay for it and it would be the people working. Right now the ones who are signing up are mostly those folks who are getting it at a reduced rate, right now those having to pay for the "Affordable Oboma Care" are having sticker shock and not signing up. The percent of those who are signing up to pay for it is something like 1/10th of those who are signing up to get the free insurance. Keep in mind, this is only the folks who are on individual plans. You think this is bad, just wait until it hits the company plans. I was wondering what was going to happen when this so called "Affordable" insurance actually started hitting people's money. I will make another prediction. This thing is going to self implode when it starts hitting the company plans. Many companies are going to drop their insurance. People who thought they were safe and keeping their insurance with their company are in for a surprise when the company drops their plan and pay the penalty. Then even a larger group of people will be turning to this "Affordable" insurance to find out just how affordable it is, what it will actually cover and just how it will effect their care. I have not missed it yet, lets just see if I am right or wrong.
I am sick of hearing the arguments over it, the people elected this crap and now we will just have to see how happy they are going to be with it. I agree with the comments that have already been said that if people become too dependent on other for hand outs that eventually all will want the hand outs and no one will be left to pay the bill. emoTskTsk Jmax