Snake ID

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Liveliner - 3/31/2013 1:17 PM


hippi97 - 3/31/2013 8:37 AM I was not trying to start a fight either just saying you have a right to your opinion of snakes and I have a right to mine.

Huge difference here.  They are NOT the same as far as rights go...  One is Illegal and unethical while the other is legal and morally correct. You can never compare blatant wrong with being right.</p>


So when one of you children was bitten by a poisonous snake, barely survives, and is terrified to step outside... You would leave the next one in your yard and hope it never happens again? That would be blatantly wrong, kill the damn snake! JMHO
A venomous snake in my yard would be an issue.. I would most likely relocate it to out near your mailbox. But all ALL other snakes would be educational tools for my kids to learn that they are not devils. We would play with them and set them free into a safe for the snake area.
wiggles - 4/1/2013 6:26 PM

So when one of you children was bitten by a poisonous snake, barely survives, and is terrified to step outside... You would leave the next one in your yard and hope it never happens again? That would be blatantly wrong, kill the damn snake! JMHO

More people killed by cats each year than snakes. We better kill all the cats!
I generally don`t bother snakes aroun my place...but there is a limit. Since my house is surrounded by about 50 acres of hayfields,cowpastures and little bit of woods i figured I moved into their territory. Was sitting in my kitchen about this time last year and had all the doors and windows open enjoying a nice morning breeze and lookup and here comes about a 4 foot blacksnake heading for the cabinets and washer/dryer area. Kinda startled me cause I didn`t see him till he was about 2 foot from my feet. Well I spent about 2 hours making sure he did`nt get to the other part of the house . Finally hemmed it up and flung him up in the woods. Closed the doors !!. Few days later sitting in the living room and see a snake of some sort looking thru the same sliding glass door at me..... caught him up about 6 foot long brown pattern snake of some sort....pretty sure not a copperhead.... Sailed him about 100 ft in the hayfield.
GF and I had been watching 2 sets of birds nesting and feeding little ones on my front porch for about 2 weeks. One morning the finches were acting crazy and wouldn`t actually got to the nest even though they had food in their mouth....just fluttering around close and looking in the nest. I knew something was up and sat down to watch for a few minutes and sure `nuff I see the snakes slithering around the truss heading to the other nest 15 ft away. I decided that was enough got a stick and drug him out.....same one that come in the kitchen a few days before. I decided he was getting too cozy to my house and flower beds. So while he was sitting on the ground hissing at me ...I just mashed his little head !!!
He had his chance !!
Good Grief! I have and will kill rats, mice, snakes, 'possums, skunks, 'yotes, hawks, crows, spiders, ferrel cats, and anything else that decides to come on my little piece of property or into my home. That's mine and not for their enjoyment. "Critters" have the remainder of the whole world to run around in and I don't bother them otherwise. But I don't want them to bother me either. I love to watch and feed the squirrels, deer, brids, and rabbits too, but sometimes they also can become a problem also. When that happens, I may get them too. Sometimes it's legal, sometimes it's not! I don't care. It's my home and property!
finbully - 4/2/2013 6:57 PM

Cats kill over 3 billion birds each year - yes billion.

Kill the cats.

I'm with you there! Do it quietly though-a friend of mine shot his neighbor's cat that was getting in his trash and tearing his garden up and he was arrested for animal cruelty and it cost him a bunch!
SpurHunter - 4/3/2013 3:28 AM

I want these 30 mins of my life back, this thread is absurd!!!

LOL - what fun! and I've got to commend everyone who is participating in this crazy thread. We have really hijacked what started out as a simple question of snake identification.

It is good to see some seriousness and fun happening without anyone getting too teed off and this thread end up being frozen or deleted.

We need more of this foolishness! It keeps me young at heart! emoApplause
What if a frog had wings ? and fangs?

I'll bet some of these dudes would want to kill it just because.....
Hey catjuggin stop sending me rude pm`s.. Live your life the way you want and l will live mine..
Clint Eastwood said it best " l have killed just about everything that walks or crawls at one time or another "
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