The G tx?

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dragfish - 2/1/2010 9:40 PM

Let's all put in at different ramps and just call one administrator with our weight, that way we're all happy! It will be an honor system thing, that way we don't have to trust the commities schedule! emoPoke

I completely trust the committees schedule. The Scottsboro ramp is a good one as well. There is another just below Goose pond that has very little traffic and a large lot right of the hwy.
The ramp at Mink Creek can only handle one boat at a time. I remember the ramp at Mud Creek being a nightmare three years ago. There was no room to maneuver after the tournament was over because of the limited space. </p>

I'll be on Guntersville this weekend fishing the Choo-Choo Division of the BFL.</p>
I'll fish anywhere they decide. I'm just curious why you're campaigning so heavily to get it changed this close to the tx date?
elwestb - 2/1/2010 7:07 PM

I don't care! We'll just go on down to Pickwick! Josh and I are gonna fish this thing anyway, "'Team ED", I mean EB, East Brainerd you know!

You two are gonna be the ones to watch, just don't let Josh BS ya' too much!
dragfish - 2/1/2010 9:53 PM

I'll fish anywhere they decide. I'm just curious why you're campaigning so heavily to get it changed this close to the tx date?

Go look at a map. Count the mile markers. Thats why. I know the area around 117 very well and will be happy to fish there but putting in the middle of the lake opens up a lot more water. I remember CFF tournaments at JCP many years back that went very well. The tx is 20 days away and I know lots of Txs we've had in the past where we switched the original launch site the week of...I'm looking forward to fishing for 3 BIG BITES!
churly - 2/1/2010 7:18 PM

dragfish - 2/1/2010 9:53 PM

I'll fish anywhere they decide. I'm just curious why you're campaigning so heavily to get it changed this close to the tx date?

Go look at a map. Count the mile markers. Thats why. I know the area around 117 very well and will be happy to fish there but putting in the middle of the lake opens up a lot more water. I remember CFF tournaments at JCP many years back that went very well. The tx is 20 days away and I know lots of Txs we've had in the past where we switched the original launch site the week of...I'm looking forward to fishing for 3 BIG BITES!

I'm sure you'll get them! This thing was scheduled on 12/22/09 why do you feel the need to change it now? I have a map and have looked at it for years, I may not be the caliber of angler you are, but I know where I am on Guntersville, I guess the difference is how many mile markers each team is looking at.
I hope you get things changed and win $200.

Changes were made to this year's format to make things more inviting to beginning tx anglers-do you think second guessing and trying to change their schedule is going attract to them, this stuff is reminding me of what a hassle tournies can be!
I was chasing deer in December and dont care much about bass at that time of year. My partner and I made plans in stone last week. We thought it was at Jackson County, like in years past. I didn't understand why the tx was out of 117. If the weather gets nasty you'll be pinned in the same areas as everyone else, where as down river there are a lot more options...I got all kind of reasons.

I remember you were the one that complained about me fishing the classic last year...I just brought up a few points but will repeat myself that I'll fish anywhere. I just want the "cheifs" to take a look at the big picture while we got time. If this weather doesn't break those upriver creeks may be tough. as long as its on Gunny, I'll be there.
The main reasons we decided on the Hwy 117 ramp this year were because of what happened at JCP last year, the proximity to Chattanooga, and the fact that there likely will not be another tx going out of this ramp at the same time. The 117 ramp also has a large parking lot and room enough to have the weigh in. If someone wants to put together another tx for us CFFers around the mid-lake area on a different weekend, I'd be happy to fish it.
Churly it sounds like if you want to go get on those fish you have been catching you will need to make a long boat ride. emoBigsmile emoPoke Jmax
I was just suggesting you guys take a look at it. I can fish anywhere on that lake and be content. Scheduling a tx in the mid lake at another part of the year would be a great idea. If I had some interest I can put together a "non-cff sanctioned event" later in the year. Jim, I wont have to run too far to follow you and whiskers around! Like I said it was merely a suggestion, and a terrific opportunity to raise my post count....?!?!
churly - 2/1/2010 8:02 PM

I remember you were the one that complained about me fishing the classic last year..

I was one of the ones unhappy with members that didn't fish the required 5 being a comittie member.
I know you'll fish anywhere and do well, just get the location changed or move on.
i will be on guntersville this week for the bfl ill check the mudcreek ramp i heard they have redone it
You got unhappy when I posted how my buddy caught 28lbs the weekend before and thought I would cherry-pick. I work about 60 hours a week and dont pose any "cherry-picking" threat.

I was asked to participate in the commitee last year by Rob. It ended up that the schedule conflicted with the ASTEC and BITE trails last year. I never won a dime in a CFF last year and didn't win anything in the classic. I showed up to have fun with my fishing buddies, and had an awsome day fishing with my neighbor! I just enjoy fishing and having as much fun as I can when I'm not working, I'm sorry you got upset I made a suggestion and hope you suck in that bottom lip before a bird poops on it. Are you even planning on fishing this? I dont even remember you being at this Classic that got you so unhappy. These are little green fish and there's no reason to get upset.
Aw the big "G"..........
I really would like to drag a tube around on Lake Erie in June. That would be one of my favorite trips, or maybe going to The Holler.
This is fun.... ;) Anyone else want to take a slap at Churly. emoPoke I love it this time of year when the tournaments start to heat up and everyone is looking at how they may go after the other guy. Bring it on MR. Churly, me and wiskers are ready for ya....PS/ (neither of us have been down there in about a year.) Just sounding good. SMACK!!!!emoTongue Jmax
I plan on runing down to BROWNS CREEK or SPRING CREEK whats the big deal. is JUSTINS BIG MOTOR down. DD22FISH emoThumbsup emoScratch emoPoke emoThumbsup
dd22fish - 2/2/2010 12:14 AM

I plan on runing down to BROWNS CREEK or SPRING CREEK whats the big deal. is JUSTINS BIG MOTOR down. DD22FISH emoThumbsup emoScratch emoPoke emoThumbsup

Dont you know Gary? Jmax is the ultimate master of bass fishing the upper "G". If we dont move this launch site we are all doomed!

You better not have jinxed my motor, Its in the garage under a pile of camo and deer stands where I left it last October.

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