The G tx?

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Jmax - 2/2/2010 4:19 PM BS, I am going with a ringer this weekend so I will know more after this Saturday. emoEvil I am going with a well known local pro so if all goes well I may be making a long run myself. emoPoke Jmax


So what you are saying Jmax is that you are going solo this weekend? You are the only ringer I know , doesn't matter what lake. :)
BassmanIU - 2/2/2010 9:51

If I can't find a backseat, I'll gladly guard the lot armed with my Daisy Red Rider emoEnforce

How much beer will that cost? That Daisy won't really be loaded will it?
That's what chris says every tx he fishes he knows were he can catch 25 pounds every tx as many people as he has bribed to fish with him he should know it all he goes through partners like he does underwear
DDNichols7 - 2/2/2010 2:10 PM

Churley what do I gotta do to fishing with ya sometime, hell I know Jeff Jeffenelli is good but I wouldnt mind learning a trick or 2 from the pro.

Jeffanelli is proof I'll fish with anyone! Soon as this weather clears up we will go. Jeff doesn't realize he is about to get cuffed to the pole! Holler anytime!
nickajack-smack - 2/2/2010 7:53 PM

I hope I can find a guide that will take me out before the tx

I dont know if I'll even be able to get down there before the tx, but if I do I'll take you on a guide trip...$300LOL!
Smack your right I do change partners like I do underwear but no where near as much as you ask "hey man can I lock through in your tournament because I do not know how to fish Chickamauga"!!!! emoEnforce
Man, ... the Tx is still three weeks away and already there is a lot of mustard forming on some on these hot dogs! Maybe Josh and I just need to stay home and save our gas money! Could we just mail in our complementary, contribution, entry fee to someone if we decide not to make it and cut our losses?
Pointer 78 - 2/2/2010 7:29 PM

You'll have a lot of company down there Jim. A BFL is fishing there this weekend. Maybe I'll see you.

You going to be in your boat? I think I will be in mine, not for sure yet, has not been determined. :) Jmax
HEy what are the rules on the CFF Tx's? As far as being able to fish them. I heard that you have to have so many posts on here to fish it or something like that. I am a non-boater and plan on fishing with Antman. I would like to fish as many of them as I can with him, that's what we plan, but I've just joined the forum and want to make sure I qualify for them.

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