The G tx?

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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there is another tx going out of mud creek that day... probably only 30 boats max... (club tx)... it would be nice if we used it though... i could fish both tx's...
city park is the best down river... two slips and not many tx's go out of there.... 117 is a long way from anywhere.... but definately shouldnt have any tx goin out of it...
shiftworker - 2/4/2010 4:44 AM

there is another tx going out of mud creek that day... probably only 30 boats max... (club tx)... it would be nice if we used it though... i could fish both tx's...
city park is the best down river... two slips and not many tx's go out of there.... 117 is a long way from anywhere.... but definately shouldnt have any tx goin out of it...


anyone in our tx planning to run into Mud will be playing Russian Roulet! Just one more reason to have the event farther down river....
DDNichols7 - 2/3/2010 10:36 PM

HEy what are the rules on the CFF Tx's? As far as being able to fish them. I heard that you have to have so many posts on here to fish it or something like that. I am a non-boater and plan on fishing with Antman. I would like to fish as many of them as I can with him, that's what we plan, but I've just joined the forum and want to make sure I qualify for them.

The rules say 150 posts per boat. You will be fine to fish all of them with Antman...
lets move it to Lake Fork.. you guys seen the sacks coming out of the 40+ lbs to win.. can you say road trip!!
Contrary to popular belief, there are bass above Comer bridge. I've heard of them living as far upstream as Nick Dam!
If you feel the need to put in and fish with 300 other boats, this may not be the tourny for you.
Bob Scratchit - 2/4/2010 4:35 PM

Lots of fighting for such a small tournament with a very low payout.

You ain't seen noth'en yet. Wait till the morning of it. We have a great time talking smack and giv'in it to each other. You would think it was for a million bucks. Need to come a little early to enjoy the full effect. emoBigsmile Jmax
I think we are now thinking of locking thru to Wheeler!!!!!! If not there maybe el salto...
I am tired of all the crying, lets just have a TRAILER TOURNAMENT. DD22FISH emoVomit emoThumbsup emoFish emoFish emoDoh emoThumbsup

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