The G tx?

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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dragfish - 2/1/2010 9:24 PM

churly - 2/1/2010 8:02 PM

I remember you were the one that complained about me fishing the classic last year..

I was one of the ones unhappy with members that didn't fish the required 5 being a comittie member.
I know you'll fish anywhere and do well, just get the location changed or move on.

Drag I am a Committee member this year but I have not clue if I will even be able to fish the first tourny because I no longer have a boat of my own. This is not something that is by my choice but it is the way it is. All of the Committee members on this forum do alot of work behind the scenes that no one else sees. they do everything from Scheduling every tourny and deciding the best and most efficient and user friendly sites t use, to dealing with 95% of the BS crap that goes on this web site Immature people that get there feelings hurt because its not the way they want(I am not talking about you drag I am talking about alot of outher proplr on here that do it). All in all its alot of work that they do in there free time between work and their personal time with family. :emoticon:logo
Jmax - 2/1/2010 8:59 PM

Bring it on MR. Churly, me and wiskers are ready for ya....PS/ (neither of us have been down there in about a year.) Just sounding good. SMACK!!!!emoTongue Jmax

I smell a big side bet a brewing!!! emoPoke
Fishin' Junkie - 2/1/2010 9:31 PM

Jmax - 2/1/2010 8:59 PM

Bring it on MR. Churly, me and wiskers are ready for ya....PS/ (neither of us have been down there in about a year.) Just sounding good. SMACK!!!!emoTongue Jmax

I smell a big side bet a brewing!!! emoPoke

Yep me too.......say something like $3.
Jmax - 2/1/2010 9:59 PM This is fun.... ;) Anyone else want to take a slap at Churly. emoPoke I love it this time of year when the tournaments start to heat up and everyone is looking at how they may go after the other guy. Bring it on MR. Churly, me and wiskers are ready for ya....PS/ (neither of us have been down there in about a year.) Just sounding good. SMACK!!!!emoTongue Jmax

2 years for me and then I only caught on 12" slick, course my guide then sucked. I am due big time this year. Just got home from Bass Pro and got some warm clothes for the 100 mile ride down river. Yeehaw!!!!</p>
This will be my first year fishing the cff tx i think it would be nice to be at a ramp closer to the middle like jackson co. I was at Big daddy's outdoors and they were telling me about how there have been some people getting there cars broke into more often at hwy 117
Squirrel Monkey - 2/2/2010 12:42 AM

This will be my first year fishing the cff tx i think it would be nice to be at a ramp closer to the middle like jackson co. I was at Big daddy's outdoors and they were telling me about how there have been some people getting there cars broke into more often at hwy 117

I'm with Squirrel, but i think that since it's aready set then we just fish and worry about it next year. As far as the trucks getting broken into I'll more that likely get skunked and quit early so i'll just sit in my truck and sulk and look for shady people. emoBigsmile
beetlespin - 2/2/2010 7:45 AM

I would like to fish it but I have a tx out of jackson county park that day.

I had heard a rumor that another reason six months ago it was set for 117 Hwy was so that BS would have to fish his somewhere else and not be able to fish this one. emoPoke BS if you want I can swing by and you can just go ahead and give me and wiskers your entry money. It will save you the time and trouble of fishing it and we can have it in advance. SMACK!!emoBigsmile Jmax

I will take all side bets of ONE dollar. ;) My limit is ONE my mentor, Fat Albert's limit is ONE bass. emoAngel still owe me a dollar. emoTongue Jmax
dragfish - 2/1/2010 7:52 PM

If security is a concern, we could hunt up someone to sit in the lot for a couple hours, it's only till 2. I have been fishing there since it was a dirt ramp and never had a problem, never even seen a pile of glass. As a matter of fact, fishing solo last spring I was so fired up I put my boat in and took off and left my truck sitting there unlocked with the keys in it!
But either way someone's gonna whine! emoBawl

If I can't find a backseat, I'll gladly guard the lot armed with my Daisy Red Rider emoEnforce
Gaymax, we can have a side bet if you want. I bet me and Joe weigh more fish in our tournament than you and Mrs wiskers will in yours. I bet you one of those secret weapons I showed you last summer. I think you still owe me some anyway:)
Lance - You better be careful beting - You know what happened to Pete Rose and those kind of guys. This could possibly get you DQed from the tx.

Churley what do I gotta do to fishing with ya sometime, hell I know Jeff Jeffenelli is good but I wouldnt mind learning a trick or 2 from the pro.
emoPoke emoPoke Carter, I don't know about you but I don't make bets I can't cover. Chris told me he knows where we can catch 28- 30 lbs easily that time of year. Thats good numbers and I wouldn't bet $300 on it! Careful what you wish for Smack emoEvil.
BS, I am going with a ringer this weekend so I will know more after this Saturday. emoEvil I am going with a well known local pro so if all goes well I may be making a long run myself. emoPoke Jmax