The G tx?

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piece of cake SM, uncle Garys boat can do that run in about 30 minutes or so!!!! BTW wat's a trailer tx, that might get interesting LOL
fishing guntersville out of 117 is like not fishing guntersville..... but whatever, i'm not fishing anyway.... but for what its worth.... i agree with churly....... if you going to fish guntersville...go to mid lake and get the full experience.... i would like to fish more cff tx, but there arent enought out of guntersville... maybe next year we could have a spring and summer and maybe another one... 2 would be good, 3 would be great.... then i'd bite the bullet and trailer to the chic and give my money away a couple times to get qualified for classic... anyway good luck to everyone on the G...kinda the G
Hook1 - 2/6/2010 10:33 AM

emoBawl emoBawl No complaints I just thought I might as well join in. I really don't care where we launch from.

I'm with Hook. I just want to see how many page we can get on this one topic. emoLaugh
Well boys I hope the day of the tx the 117 ramp doesn't look like it does today. If it does then be sure to bring your waders because the dock is under about 2-3 ft of water. Everything in that area is flooded and with more rain coming next week that may not be good. Just something to think about but we will show up to fish regardless!!!
Well this is going to be only my second tourny ever, oh yea I held back last time and didn't weigh in any fish but with all the RAMBOS showing up and showing out I belive this time there will be no holdin back! So 117, Jackson co, Wheeler, city ramp bottom line it don't matter where! If youens want mercy go to church show up on the 20th and sam i am will be laying the SMACK down!!!! Hows that guys I just cut my first promo! Now lets go have fun and hope the weathers not as suckey as it has been! Whoooooo! emoHoppingmad
Squirrel Monkey - 2/6/2010 8:26 AM

Everyone might as well just lock threw to nickajack because you basically fishing there anyways i think it's stupid for it to be at 117 ramp

Read the rules-No locking through emoPoke
I THINK WE NEED to make this a ONE {1} fish tiurnament. dd22fish emoEnforce emoLaugh emoLaugh emoLaugh
dragfish - 2/7/2010 8:15 PM

Squirrel Monkey - 2/6/2010 8:26 AM

Everyone might as well just lock threw to nickajack because you basically fishing there anyways i think it's stupid for it to be at 117 ramp

Read the rules-No locking through emoPoke

I forgot about the rules of locking threw but all you have to do is unload and turn left from the ramp and your just about fishing the jack emoPoke