Teachers use to get 3 months off. They get 8 weeks off unpaid vacation. most are required to do professional development on their own dime during that time. Cry a river for the folks making over 250k that are struggling to pay their bills . Fox News sells that and how hard it is to raise a family today in this economy and then the next day talk about how teachers have it made on a 40 k income. Unless you coach a major sport you do not make 50k as a teacher. you might be lucky to get 4k to coach in which they have half the community to interview you because it is such an important job, you spend 20 extra hours a week doing the job and that is not even during season. Cry a river for the CEO,S living the American dream. I just don' t get how people can be so naive. you do not get paid for summer as a teacher and you do not qualify for unemployment like other people do that are unemployed for two months. If you go on strike as a teacher you get put in jail. they can take away your tenor, reduce your pay and other things so your corporations can pay less taxes while righting off about everything they spend on their taxes. I do not no about you my job is not a business. I do not get to write off my meals, gas to work, nice car I drive, hotels I stay in, clothes I buy and so on. teachers enjoy there vacation yes but only get paid for time at work, as far as snow days go, teachers work extra hours to compinsate for that every year. If it does not snow or what ever they work that time for free. Teachers give more of their professional time away than any other profession. Ever been to a ball game where teachers are working parking lot, concession stand, taking up, money and so on. they don' t get paid for that in most schools. they do that for your kids. So go ahead and disparage them, and feel good about yourself.Sniperchoke - 2/16/2014 10:00 PM
Go cry me a freaking river!! Teachers I know make great wages most from 50 to 60 k a year they only work about 180 days outta they along with health insurance and pensions they don't pay for.. Private employees mostly pay for their own ins plus their 401ks. Without a 3 month sebatical during the summer. Then all u hear from teachers is them counting down the days to the next vacation ..
I am not the one that started that, tell me why republicans! democrat's or independent! politicians felt the need to get involved. VW has their own hospital, fire and police station and so on. this should have been taken care of internally. in the end VW will unionize because they understand the process, and they ultimately want to sell product. more people that can afford their product the more they are going to sell. Wages is not the only factor in price, competition plays a major role. I am no way an enemy of corporations or people that support them. however I do understand how the economy works, and what it takes to sustain it. VW just wants stability, because the market is there for them. European automakers think very differently than American automakers.EricM - 2/16/2014 10:02 PM
All right Maverick. Keep it on the union discussion and not a bashing of Republicans (or Democrats) (or Independents) or any other political group. They are separate discussions and party bashing will not be tolerated on the Off Subject forum. If it continues, the thread will be closed or moved to the political discussion forum.