VW union Vote Update

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my wife has been a teacher for 14 years and I wish she made 50k or 60k a year I would fish more, and I spend a lot of my money on her class every year, and she puts a ton of hours in at home,
shawnr....they deserve the salary of a Congressman/woman, imo. I have a idea....lets let the way underpaid...MILITARY---UNIONIZ!!!!!!

Subject change....anybody see that Chevorlet, DAYTONA..pace car...go up in smoke? FUNNY stuff right there.
Middle class is shrinking. Thanks to the GOP. Worked in union shop for over 40 years. NEVER saw anyone forced to join the union. But they were always happy to accept any pay raise and benefits that WE negotiated. Leeches and scabs. Never heard of politicians threatening company's if a union, that the company has no problem with is accepted, by saying no incentives if union comes in. Now they are ready to talk. Now the union haters (leeches and scabs) are HAPPY,HAPPY,HAPPY.
Jig fisher, I am sure all the many, many thousands that have lost their entire income from Unions destroying good corporations to the point the closeup are sure Happy happy happy as well.
I wonder if any of those LEECHS..used the money saved on UNION DUES, helped FEED their family? Nah..probaly used it on whores and liquor. And lavious vacations. You are the fine example of a LIBERAL....BLAME somebody else. emoLaugh
Buzz Most of them I knew just wanted something for nothing, plus their drugs and beer. They weren't really family men. Just druggies. Spin it any way you want. A scab is a scab. And will stab you in the back anytime they get the chance. And I'm not a LIBERAL. Not am I a TEA PARTY ********. Obviously as you are.
When you can't win your arguement....NAME CALL....AGAIN TYPICAL LIB! And really,you should see what those tea-baggers stand for. Certainly not what the DEMOCRATS have going. WHY THE HELL WORK..WHEN YOU CAN GET IT FREE! Now care to tell me why the UNION MEMBERSHIP in AMERICA is at it's LOWEST...since 1917? Not hard to google....if that helps. WAIT..BUSHES fault....I know!

Oh and glad you brought that up about those leeches...drinkin and smoking dope. You didn't happen to see those UAW...folks in the parking lot on their breaks...doing just that...did you? Courtesy of FOX news. LMAO! No problem...the UNION had their back!!!!!!!!!
There is no use arguing with irrational people. That being people that don't know the facts. If you don't work at VW, ever been a member of the UAW or any union for that matter how could you even get into this discussion. Most of these comments are from people who don't have any knowledge of how a union works or what unions have done for the working class as a whole not just unionized workers.
No one will change anyone else's view here. Since this has degenerated into name calling and political accusations, this thread has been frozen.
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