What do you do for work?

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QA Manager at Koch Foods preparing about 380,000 birds a day for your folks that eat Chicken!
dlmille - 7/10/2008 11:02 PM

TN State Park Ranger
Harrison Bay State Park
10 years as a professional Forester from Clemson University

Thanks for helping to make one of the nicest places on the lake. emoThumbsup
SpurHunter - 7/8/2008 5:25 PM

drumking - 7/8/2008 3:02 PM REtired from Dupont (40 yrs) worked with Fat Albert, MadBomber, Tracker, and Beetlespin. Went to school with MB. Navy for 3 years during Vietnam era. Spent 26 years, 17 days in Kamaseya, Japan. Been all over Tokyo and Yokohama. Bookkeeper for a clothing store downtown. Redfood store while going to business college. Shipley's supermarket where I was trained in everything from cashier, meatmarket, produce, stock, and bagged groceries. Very first job was popping corn at Torbett's 5&10 store in Spring City when I was a kid. (Bought a BB gun with my earnings and became a great white hunter. emoBigsmile emoGeezer

I wont go there about admiting you know FA AND Bettle, (figure that was painfull just to write) but I am curious how you look as good as you do for your age after living in Japan 26+ years, then working 40 years at Dupont, doing all that other work as well...you must be like....85 or 90??emoPoke  emoLaugh </p>

It is my diet, Spur. emoBigsmile

I should have proof-read before posting. Should have said 26 months. I could give you the exact dates if it is that important. emoBigsmile emoGeezer
I joke around and tell people I am a human polygraph, but I do security interviews and screening. I interview and make decisions on "issues" associated with someone’s background concerning their suitability for government employment or work. Sometimes I get to do the public a service, sometimes I feel like I am pulling wings off of flies...

Previous to that, retired from the USAF after 21 years in Security Forces and now living large..
I am the Assembly Manager for all products for Komatsu America. We build 5 models of Excavator and 3 models of Articulating Dump Trucks. 22 years
Engineering design and project management. Been working on Huntsville's Redstone Arsenal since 1982 doing work in rocket motor production facilities. Before that, I worked in design for Exxon Company (Memphis) and Consolidated Aluminum (Waverly). The wife keeps me busy helping in her business selling fresh squeezed lemonade at festivals on the weekends. Trying to slow down, thinking about retiring from the regular job next year and starting another business to help pay for boat gas.
I work for my family at Gene Rogers Builders, LLC in Dalton. We specialize in commercial and industrial construction and we are a dealer for Kirby Metal Building Systems, a Nucor company, based out of Portland Tennessee. I am a Facilities Director/Project Manager. We manage all aspects of the construction process, including an in house fab shop, a top notch grade crew, and an experienced management team with an average of over 25 years in the construction industry
High school social studies teacher, Retired Head Football Coach, Looking to get back into Football, or Getting an Educational Law Degree. However, may just teach and fish.
I just took a new job... </p>

I am a Test and Evaluation Engineer for the Patriot Missile Program on Redstone Arsenal, AL. I get to test the new hardware and software systems that will be put onto the Patriot Missile. </p>

SCUDemoEnforce PATRIOT</p>

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