What's the strangest thing you caught?

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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A bat on a plastic worm at night. It happened several years ago in Wattsbar. Real fun dodging it in the dark in a 16ft flat bottom. It was sort of like tying a bug on a string and have it go in circles above you.
churly - 2/17/2009 7:50 PM
Skeeter - 2/17/2009 9:16 PM CRABS
You can get rid of those by standing over a mirror. The crabs think its a fresh butt and they all jump on the mirror.

No, you mix an ounce of 100 proof whiskey with a thimble full of sand and apply to the effected area. They get drunk and kill each other in the rock fight!</p>
Strangest thing i have caught would be an old dog skull in White creek on Watts bar, hooked it in the eye socket.
Also snagged a snapping turtle that I would guess to be 3ft in width and length had a head on it bigger than my fist.
Also caught a blue herron one foggy morning throwing a lipless crank in Agency creek. Thing started hollerin and trying
to swim off got close enough to jerk the lure out of its wing pulled out one feather, it just swam up to the bank and
stared at me for awhile.
I forgot one, Hangup and me put in at Raccoon Mtn and a owl grab me spinnerbait not once but twice. Out of the darkness came these two huge wings, kinda creepy. I guess he tried to catch me instead me trying to catch him.
theangler - 2/17/2009 5:50 PM

Great post!! Strangest thing I have caught is probably a bird but I saw this and thought it had to qualify. Someone actually caught this and its a real fish, anyone care to guess what fish?




Is that a sheephead?
<font face="comic sans ms,sand" color="#ff0033" size="4">gator down in Fla.......</font></p>

<font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#ff0033" size="4">snake, kinda scared me</font></p>

<font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#ff0033" size="4">rod and reel outside of WT bridge</font></p>

<font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#ff0033" size="4">but the greatest catch and I fought this thing for about 6 minutes at Fall Creek Falls was a 50lb bag of fertilizer.......it was about 1/3 full and would move around .....1st to the right then back to the left..........thought I had a big momma on the line....FA</font></p>
You can take care of the crabs with matches and an icepick. All you have to do is light one side with a match and when they run to the other you stab them with the icepick. HAHA
tie1on - 2/18/2009 1:57 PM

Looks like a cross between a rotweiler and this lady that works down here at the waffle house!

It has too many teeth to be crossed with a waffle house waitress. emoBigsmile

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