I caught two huge salamanders or water dogs as we used to call them years a go sauger fishing, both weighed about two pounds each, one was black and the other was red. I haven't seen one since.I caught a water mocasin or water snake with a devils horse, drug him up on the bank and killed him with a stick and then had to cut the treble hooks out to get my plug back.I caught two grinnels or scaleycats on the same day about two years a go, one on a spinner bait, about 3 pounds and the other was caught on a yum dinger, it weighed around 10 to 12 pounds in a private pond.I have caught two bats, one on a spinner bait and I killed the other with the rod, I guess they were trying to catch the spinner baits.I caught my brother in laws ear with a lead head sauger fishing years a go.I snatched my fishing buddies ball cap off his head sauger fishing once.I caught a house cat with a lead head I was casting in the yard once, caught him in the mouth, he was cutting some dido's all over the yard untill the hook came out.I have even caught a few fish from time to time.