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My luck I would throw and hang an expensive lure up on the bank or tree and go get. At that time someone take a pic of me doing it and call the police!
YEEHAW,,,, I MADE IT INTO THE HALL OF FAME....emoToast emoEek emoBigsmile emoTongue
I know Big-L was glad to catch a 6.5. and I've done it too when I was younger (keep a good fish to mount). But how many times do people take a good fish & stick it in the freezer & it stays there till it's no good. I don't want to take away from his catch, but if everyone kept every 6-7Lb. bass they caught, just think how it would hurt the ####ers of big fish. Now before it all gets started. YES, you have a license you can keep any legal fish you want to. But if you are going to post a picture of it in your basement. I have the right to say,(nice fish but it would have been better next year). Sorry if this offend's anyone, it's just my 2 cents worth.emoBang
The way I look at it is,"to each his own". Myself, I don't keep anything. I figure as long as I can get a picture,then I'm good. I used to want to mount a fish badly,but I just got over it I suppose. I don't mind if someone keeps a big one,but let's remember now a days you can just take a picture,weigh and messure (lenght and girth),and someone can make a duplicte of your fish for the same price. Just a thought.emoAngel
That is why I have always liked Bassmaster magazines philosophy of only posting the pictures of large fish that are photographed and released. Even though I think it is highly unlikely they are all released. I would like to propose that all Hall of Fame fish meet the criteria of being released to be caught another day.
I assume some of you guys are suggesting that he "Killed" that fish. 2jigs, that looks like a pretty big boy to me!! You might want to keep yor' 55 gallon drum of Whoop*** to yourself!!

I admit that I am one of those guys who kept a nice SM in my Mom's freezer for years until it was finally thrown away. I guess it was one of those financial things to me. When I got really interested in fishing again in the early 80's, I started carrying around a 35mm point & shoot camera. I experienced the real joy and reason for catch and release on Leap year day Feb 29th and March 1st of probably 1988 when on two consecutive days I caught what I believe was the same 6lb Largemouth. I have 8x10 framed pictures of both events. Neighbor Hal witnessed both catches.

My personal best Largemouth, Smallmouth, Striper, Hybrid, Redeye, Longear Sunfish, Shellcracker, Bluegill, Blue cat, & Drum were all CPR'd. My PB spot of about 3lbs was released but not photographed. It was a looong time ago.

I'm not going to criticize anyone for keeping a "trophy Fish". I'm not going to critize anyone who does anything that's legally allowed by the TN Regs.

I want to suggest a "MAN LAW". I'm not excluding TT and Bass Bullet or any other lady members from this idea but I have never read anything from them that was not complimentary and encouraging. let's keep our critical suggestions about how someone could have done something "Better" in your opinion at the "PM" level. I know how it feels to be "dressed down" in public and I don't like it!

What most of you may not know is that Jmax, another of our "Elders" PM'ed me to give me a "heads up" that suggesting that killing spots was causing some concern among the Brethern. In my opinion, that's a good way to handle it. A better way in my opinion would have been for those Brethern to PM me directly. I could have nipped that whole thing in the bud.

It's his fish, he caught it, and it's nobody else's business what he does with it, in my opinion! Way to go Big L, great fish!
he could have put it on a pond for all we know. the replica mounts nowdays are far better than any real mount and they will last years beyond a real mount. all you need is a pic and measurements (length and girth) to have this done.
2jigs, You make it sound like you have caught numerous 6-7lb bass and it is a sin for this man to keep what most consider a fish of a lifetime in this area.
F. M. Yes I have caught a few over my 40 yrs of fishing. But they are all still swiming. Considering a replica is as cheep, or cheeper looks as good, or better. You don't have to kill the fish & there is no time limit as to when you get the work done. And a replica last a hole lot longer. I wouldn't call it a sin. Just a lack of knowledge.
Although i cant say i would keep it. I dont blame him for keeping it. Its a great catch. My grandpa had a 6 1/2 and a 7 mounted from Guntersville. To us thats big. That was the 2 biggest ones he ever caught but that was back in the late 80's early 90's. Like mentioned above if I got a photo thats all i need. Even a 10lb Smallie

Nice catch Big L
Skeeter175 - 10/18/2006 11:10 PM

Even a 10lb Smallie

Nice catch Big L

I have dreamed of a 10 lb smallie, and I believe it's doable. I think after I take a picture, I would call the Aquarium to see if it were possible to put it on display there. I would want everybody in the whole world to know and see that I had caught a 10lb smallie. Let's all put the TN Aquarium's number in our cell phones. But, If I were up say around Possum Creek and it would take an hour or so to get it there, I would release it! But, If I were in the river and it was 10 or 15 minutes to Ross' landing, I would go for it, running my aerator all the way!!

BTW, I have never talked with the Aquarium Biologist about this scenario and I would like to read his views and suggestions about what to do in case of such an event and maybe he could give us a "hot line" number.
Here we go again.

Opinions, opinions.

Catch and release immediately. Harvest. Catch and carry around for 4 to 8 hours sometimes off of the bed, sometimes in the heat of the summer, haul them anywhere from 0-30+miles sometimes over more than one reservoir only to try to win $1 or bragging rights. Who is right and who is wrong? Is everybody right? Maybe no one.

guys, there is more than one 6 or 7 lb'er in the lakes around here. Heck, I usually catch one about that size every spring. He has the right to EAT that fish if he wants to, or he can mount it. It is HIS fish and HIS decision.

Nice fish Big L, and don't feel bad about keeping it, that is your right and your choice.
See what a nice guy I am...</p>

First off, this was the fish that Mr Whiskers hooked one day when I was down there...then I caught it 3 days later...Took a pic, put it back for you. Lic Plate# on that Hog should be BR549

Good keeper Bro. You do what you feel you should with YOUR fish.</p>
Before I ask the upcoming questions, I must first state that it is in no way meant to be condescending or judgementalemoAngel. I've asked the same questions on similar threads and did not get much of a response, so I'll throw them out here so someone can fill me in. What is the purpose for mounting a fish? What does it accomplish? Is it simply a tangible form of proof that you caught it? Does it boost one's ego by representing a victory in the battle of man vs. beast?

Again, I'm not trying to start an argument or come off as holier-than-thou...I just don't get itemoScratch.
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