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I have never been to Baylor Creek or Baylor Lake. So i dont know. When i emailed her all she asked was this the creek that runs into Nickajack. Where is baylor lake?
Baylor Lake is up river from the little creek several hundred yards. The creek doesnt flow into the area known as Baylor Lake. You know how on Nickajack every bay is called a lake, its just near the school.
I just talked to Big L and he said he was dang sure sorry he ever posted that report and got this whole thing started , And we would not have to worry about him posting another one . Thats a shame , he's a good guy a good member and a good sportsman and would have been better next year!!!!!!!!!emoRedface
I agree! It is a shame.</p>

HIS Catch, His Fish, His decision!

Cogito, ergo Deus est

It's Latin. Literally translated: I think, therefore God is. Can also be translated: I think, therefore there is a God.

Latin is the basis for all the 'romantic' languages (i.e., French, Spanish, Italian...)
Again Big L, I believe that a strong majority of folks on here don't have any beef with you keeping a fish. Don't let this thread keep you from posting. Everyone has opinions, if you are fortunate like me, your opinions are always right.;)
yeah Flip .. you were right. When is God if you are talking about getting an invite to the secret hole.


And Big L .. just for the record .. YOU can decide what you want to do with YOUR catch. There are those that could disagree with both sides of that fence one of the nice things about freedom of speech! However, no one will disrespect you for your decision no matter what it is on here.

Still on vacation...I just checked in and saw my PMs. I have been alerted there's yet another thread that needs freeezing and a post deletion.

Sorry BIG L - I hope you will post again - Thanks for sharing both the pattern and general location of that big bass. That info is certainly going to be useful for someone here.

As far as the debate goes its a good one I have seen numerous times on CFF. This topic just needs to be on its own dedicated thread rather than on a generously contributed fishing report. I encourage CPR, but would prefer to see a priority given to the largest threats of conservation. It would be great to see all this energy and enthusiasm directed towards fighting against pollution and poachers.
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