Yep, its a shame that a fella keeps a legal fish and catches flack for it. I figured there was more to the story than everybody knew. Moral to this, dont be so hasty in your judgement. We have a member on here that is a fine man, he posted a pic of some just keeper size largemouths that folks that he had taken fishing wanted to take home. He got blasted too, before he could tell everyone that these were people that rarely ever fish and just were taking a mess home with them. They were from out of state and had purchased out of state permits to have fun and take a few fish home, sounds fair enough to me. He shouldnt have had to even tell WHY in the first place. He later told me on a PM that he will never make that mistake again, posting a pic of fish being kept. This member has a wealth of fishing knowledge and since that happened I have noticed he doesnt post near as much as he used to. He is a great resource to all of us. Everybody knows what conservation is, everybody knows all about catch and release, why the heck do we have to keep getting it shoved down everybodies throat? Some feel one way and others another, thats o.k., right?