I know some here are members of BBC boards. I've been on there for a couple of years til today.
I got banned from a overly sensative Mod who took personally my slight at him because he likes to kill snakes and I think that's stupid.
Talk about thin-skinned power hungry dictators.
Just venting. If anyone here can put in a word for my unbanment I'd appreciate it.
I didn't use profanity of break any rules go figure. Somne people are self important.
I got banned from a overly sensative Mod who took personally my slight at him because he likes to kill snakes and I think that's stupid.
Talk about thin-skinned power hungry dictators.
Just venting. If anyone here can put in a word for my unbanment I'd appreciate it.
I didn't use profanity of break any rules go figure. Somne people are self important.