drumking - 5/10/2012 12:44 PM
wjhfish - 5/6/2012 3:13 AM
I keep reading on here that we all should practice "catch and release" which I do unless I have one that did not make it, then it becomes dinner. What is soooo wrong for a person taking home fish for his family? We all have been to a fish fry sometime in our life, why should we value one type of fish over another. I have eaten crappie, bluegil, catfish, and bass. To be honest, the bass was the best in my opinion. Actually I like them all, but the bass was the best. I will stay with catch and release, it really is a good practice, but I will never tell a person they are wrong to keep the fish. Just a thought.
I actually like bass better than crappie too. Most bass fishermen have an 'attitude' about folks who catch and eat the fish that they are trying to make money on. This tx thing is a sickness that most don't even realize that they have contacted. Witness how many reports that the bass tx folks post on CFF. Almost nil, nada, nothing. "I'm gonna keep my secret technique, spot, etc. all to myself so that I can win the next big tournament that is coming up. If I report anything, I won't have a place to fish next time that I go out." Typical answers that you get from bass fishermen. The joy of fishing has been replaced by working to find the next hot spot so that I can win. The epitome of selfishness. There, I have made every bass fisherman mad again at the old Drumking.
Now to the few bass fishermen that haven't been offended by the last paragraph, let me commend you. You are a rare bird indeed. For the rest of you, get a life. emoBigsmile emoGeezer