Harrison BayBoat Ramp

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Jul 30, 2005
Last Year I Tried puting in at Harrison Bay during the winter. I have a 19' 6" Tahoe ski and fish and had trouble. The ramp was to short and there was a terrible drop at the end due to prop wash. My trailer frame was siting on the ramp before I got the boat deep enough. Is it as bad this year or has it gotten better. Looks like some Gravel and a back hoe while the water was down would at least help. Any thoughts ?
Yeah, it's still a problem. I've been using this ramp for only a couple of months, and I'm still trying to get used to it. My boat's only 17.5 ft, but I still have trouble finding just the right spot and angle at the ramp. 2jigs' boat is 19.5, I believe, and it's a challenge to get it on the trailer. I know that w/ my trailer, there is a certain spot on the ramp where I can get the boat on without falling off the ramp, but my tires are pretty much hanging over the edge. </p>

Then they go and park a barge or two at the marina and you have to go over 3-4 FOW to get in and out past them. They really should spend some $$ on it AND Wolftever's ramp and both docking piers. I wonder if our pal Matt Majors could put in a good word for them? Maybe he'll read and respond, if not I'll send him a PM.</p>

BTW, in case I have not...
Today is a good day to start E Mailing TWRA and People in charge with Ramps and peirs,I had a call just this morning from TWRA about getting some piers put togather at some of our local Launching areas.it is beginning to move thru the process.NOW IS THE TIME TO CONTACT THEM .FOR HELP

piers are a great start but i have contacted them about extending the ramps for years and nothing has ever been done yet,any help would be appreciated i bet,get expensive on short ramps during winter
The ramp on the river across from the river park ramp, Lupton City, has a bad drop off too when there is little to no flow, I dropped mine off the edge Last Sunday at this ramp.. thought Id never get it back out but with the help of a 4x4 and brute strength, and rubber boots full of water, Im just glad no video cameras around to capture the moment.

Or the moment ( same Day )I launched the boat then realized the rope tide to bow broke, and the boat was drifting out towards the channel, humm thought for a moment I was gonna have to swim in 45 degree water to get it back.. then the wind kicked up and blew it right back to the dock.

Sad thing is didnt even get chance to put a line in ..
The harrison boat ramp can be tough this time of year. I always try to center the the trailor over a concrete patch on the right side of the ramp. Its a little deeper there and my 19 ft boat will float before the end of the ramp. I have not put in there this year. But in years past it has always been good.
 Yeah, but the water was up 6-12 inches from yesterday or the day before. I talked to the park ranger at HBSP about the company parking the barge right in the way of the ramp. He said he would talk to them. This is the second time in two weeks they have made the boat trafic going in or out of HBSP go as shallow as 1.5-2.5 feet. I'm calling tommrow to talk with their boss. I don't understand why they can spend all the $$$ to to what ever it is they have been doing (ALL Winter Long) to the boat houses. But can't fix the ramp. If enough of us gripe loud enough they will do somthing.
The dock builders should have to pay to use the PUBLIC ramps....we got a problem up here with them. One tied up half the parking lot to assemble the boat slips for a huge dock at Rarity Pointe.
It would have cost them a ton if they had to pay for that space.
Hey Guys thanks for all the advise. I now put in at wolfteever more water and less walk. Hopefully one day we all will purchase enough licenses and regester enough boats that the TWRA or who ever is responsibel will be abel to work on the ramps till the just go slow !emoThanks
1ethicalfisherman said- Hey Guys thanks for all the advise. I now put in at wolfteever more water and less walk. Hopefully one day we all will purchase enough licenses and register enough boats that the TWRA or who ever is responsible will be able to work on the ramps till the just go slow....

Yeah, and I believe that I read somewhere that they, (twra) voted to raise the boat registration to twenty five dollars, this year...:( But, that won't be to bad if they will do some things like improve the launch areas..... emoWorthy
i always put in at harrison bay,but for being a state park that is the sorriest ramp in the winter i have ever put in at.With just a little work they could fix the problem.
Last time I put in at WT the dock was setting on dry land. You had to pull up to the ramp to get the truck driver. And if you were by yourself you had to pull your boat up on the ramp & hope it stayed. You'd think with all the 3$ passes they sold a few yrs. ago & all the tickets the new hot shot twra guy wrote setting @ WT. the would build the dock out a little farther.</p>
Just for your information the Wolftever and Harrison Bay boat ramps are the property and responsibility of the State Parks people. The 3$ pass money went to state parks not TWRA. If we write tickets for wildlife and fish violations you complain and if we don't you complain even louder. If you'll check most of our boat ramps are top notch.
Well you people complaing about the boat ramps need to realize that Harrison Bay does not get any money alloted for dock or boat ramp repairs. If you want to do something stop complaining on this forum and call your local state and county reps and get them to lobby for money to fix these ramps. I don't hear anyone complaining about the millions being spent at the dam to repair it. Those complaining about the dock at wolftever need to talk to you fellow boat owners about boating under the influence because that dock was damaged by a drunk boater. Yes he was caught and put in jail. How do I know this information? I caught him. For the comment about writing tickets at wolftever that is what Rangers and TWRA get paid to do. Like it was stated you complain when we don't and you complain when we do.That is part of our job. It is real easy to enforce speed limit laws in the park if that is what people want. How many of you drive 20mph going to the ramp? The marina project is something had to be done. I don't hear anybody complaining about how bad fishing is or around the boat slips. You bass fisherman don't realize how many times a day that some boat owner comes to us and complain that their boat had been damaged by bass fisherman or that they found some lure that has ripped the canvas on their boat and they want something done about it. Be thankful that we try to maintain a working relationship with all who use the State Park. BTW the $3.00 access fee did not stay at HBSP it went elsewhere.
Boy, this simple discussion of where it is easiest/ safest to put in really brought the lurkers out of hiding, for some reason...too bad...</p>

I do the speed limit through the parks...I obey the no-wake zones...I do not toss lures at pleasure boaters...I do not pollute...so I guess I'm not one of those "you people" mentioned...but your diatribe really has nothing to do with the discussion at hand.</p>

And I guaran-damn-tee you that more pleasure boaters operate under the influence than people fishing, if you want to generalize and categorize.</p>

What makes you so angry? Why are you on a fishing forum if you hate fishermen so?</p>