Harrison BayBoat Ramp

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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dlmille - 2/7/2008 4:37 PM

Well you people complaing about the boat ramps need to realize that Harrison Bay does not get any money alloted for dock or boat ramp repairs. If you want to do something stop complaining on this forum and call your local state and county reps and get them to lobby for money to fix these ramps. I don't hear anyone complaining about the millions being spent at the dam to repair it. Those complaining about the dock at wolftever need to talk to you fellow boat owners about boating under the influence because that dock was damaged by a drunk boater. Yes he was caught and put in jail. How do I know this information? I caught him. For the comment about writing tickets at wolftever that is what Rangers and TWRA get paid to do. Like it was stated you complain when we don't and you complain when we do.That is part of our job. It is real easy to enforce speed limit laws in the park if that is what people want. How many of you drive 20mph going to the ramp? The marina project is something had to be done. I don't hear anybody complaining about how bad fishing is or around the boat slips. You bass fisherman don't realize how many times a day that some boat owner comes to us and complain that their boat had been damaged by bass fisherman or that they found some lure that has ripped the canvas on their boat and they want something done about it. Be thankful that we try to maintain a working relationship with all who use the State Park. BTW the $3.00 access fee did not stay at HBSP it went elsewhere.

Man, did you just become a member to say that?? Interesting!!emoScratch emoScratch
I am certainly going to have something to say about the rude posts from our Park Ranger and the TWRA person that, the last time I checked, worked for US. I can't go into it right now because of issues of time but I have a mouthful to say to both of them. The last time I checked guys, the checks that you cash were from the State of Tennessee, via us, the tax payers. If you can't carry on a civil discourse about the problems we, the fishermen, who pay a good deal of that salary, encounter, then you are in the wrong profession. Like I said, there will be more on this subject.
fishinvol - 2/8/2008 10:35 AM Man, did you just become a member to say that?? Interesting!!emoScratch emoScratch

Man? Are we sure?</p>

Member? Technically, I guess...it's been lurking for 6 months...I guess something hit a nerve...or maybe it's just off it's meds...how 'bout a little love for ol' dlmille, eh?</p>


Somebody should put an end to this thread...soon...
Hey guys, lets remember that all members have a right to say their peace. We may not all agree with what is always said, but any member deserves to say whats on his mind too.... my .02
You are absolutely right, Spur.

We all have that right.

This type of chit-chat does nothing constructive. It was mildly irritating and somewhat humorous...we all need to get over ourselves!

i GOT A SUGGESTION FOR YOU...if you are going to cop attitude with people on a forum and take offense to what we have to say about ramps that are damaging trucks, boats, etc.... you do not have to get on here !!!
dlmille - 2/7/2008 4:37 PM

Well you people complaing about the boat ramps need to realize that Harrison Bay does not get any money alloted for dock or boat ramp repairs. If you want to do something stop complaining on this forum and call your local state and county reps and get them to lobby for money to fix these ramps. I don't hear anyone complaining about the millions being spent at the dam to repair it. Those complaining about the dock at wolftever need to talk to you fellow boat owners about boating under the influence because that dock was damaged by a drunk boater. Yes he was caught and put in jail. How do I know this information? I caught him. For the comment about writing tickets at wolftever that is what Rangers and TWRA get paid to do. Like it was stated you complain when we don't and you complain when we do.That is part of our job. It is real easy to enforce speed limit laws in the park if that is what people want. How many of you drive 20mph going to the ramp? The marina project is something had to be done. I don't hear anybody complaining about how bad fishing is or around the boat slips. You bass fisherman don't realize how many times a day that some boat owner comes to us and complain that their boat had been damaged by bass fisherman or that they found some lure that has ripped the canvas on their boat and they want something done about it. Be thankful that we try to maintain a working relationship with all who use the State Park. BTW the $3.00 access fee did not stay at HBSP it went elsewhere.

1. We'll complain and discuss issues related to fishing as much as we like on this forum. If you did anything beside react to something you didn't like having discussed, you'd find that most people on the forum are very active in talking to the state regarding many, many issues. Not only that, but we pay a good deal of money to be on the water via fishing license, boat registration, ect... So yeah, we have the right to discuss and complain all we want without a government employee lecturing us on what we should and shouldn't do.

2. Why would we complain about the repairs at the dam? It seems to be fairly important, flood control, power production and all that......you know?

3. How many of "our fellow boat owners" are you suggesting boat under the influnece? I see very few drunk bass fishermen on the water. I DO however, see a LOT of pleasure boaters out there, the same lot that uses Harrison Bay and complains about the bad ole fishermen fishing around there quarter million dollar boats. Take care of that issue before you start throwing insults in our direction. Good for you, you caught a drunk boater. I don't think you'll find one person on CFF that has a problem with that. No one here is a big backer of folks getting drunk and operating boats.....just so you'll know.

4. Writing tickets is what Rangers and TWRA get paid to do? Wow! Here I was thinking that your job was much more complex than that. Like providing security. Serving the public. Stupid things like that. All this time you guys were getting paid to write tickets! Goes to show how dense us taxpayers can be about things doesn't it?? We hired you guys to write tickets!!! DUH!

5. "you complain when we don't and you complain when we do." Really? On this forum? That is the reason we have all the information about conservation and poaching. The 800 numbers and all that. We just HATE it when someone enforces a law concerning one of these issues and writes a ticket.

6. The marina project that you speak of is a good one, but we know who it panders to. Are you aware that members of this forum actively help create the very fishing conditions you speak about around the piers and docks by creating habitat on their days off? Did you go drag Christmas Trees to the new pier? Did you help set the one up at Booker T?

7."You bass fisherman"...... Puts us in a whole different group from you doesn't it? Do you hate fishermen that bad? You must. The complaints by the yacht owners really tears at my heart. Imagine those horrible fishermen acidentally tossing a lure on their $200,000 boat! And on their water too! I mean they own it don't they? That is the reason they put all the ropes across the slips when they aren't being used, to keep out the nasty fishermen that might want to fish in "their" water. Give me a break. I happen to have a boat docked down there myself. I have YET to have any damage other than theft, which was from someone on the docks late at night while you rangers were patrolling (or maybe not patrolling).

8. "Be thankful that we try to maintain a working relationship with all who use the State Park"......Thankful? To who? You? Why should we be thankful or grateful to you? We own the park. Remember us? We are called taxpayers. YOU should be thankful you have a job that allows you the time to disrespect the people you should be trying your best to please. This type of attitude is what is wrong with government now, the mentality that government employees are doing us a favor simply by doing what they get paid to do in the first place!

9. I have another question. Why this post? Why did you decide that you had nothing to say, but all the sudden just had to 'weigh in"? Not that anyone cares. It is the WAY you did it. Speak your mind but don't give all the attitude because you'll just get it right back. Rude posts will create rude posts in return. A post like the one you made serves no purpose except to make your job harder.

10. Thankfully, we have some really good TWRA folks on the forum that do a wonderful job and actually talk with us about concerns and attempt to work with us to resolve them. Matt Majors is a prime example. I think most of the folks on CFF would agree with that.

11. The next time you make a post I would advise you to put a little thought into who is seeing it. We have about 2500 members and you didn't get off to a good start. Fishermen welcome explanations, solutions, suggestions, ideas, compliments and instruction. I suggest you get your feelings off your sleeve and realize that you work for us, if you can't you might want to find work somewhere else.
It seems that offense was taken to my post. I did not mean to offend anyone by what I posted. I was just plainly stating the facts from the other point of view. People pleasure boaters, bass fisherman each complain to me on a daily basis about the Harrison Bay Boat ramp. I tell them the same thing everytime. We can only do so much here on our end when it come to project of that nature. Like I stated in the post as a collective group have your local commissioners make some phone calls to get the ramps fixed. Because we here do not receive any budget money to do this projects. I am a avid fisherman myself and understand your concern about the ramps. No my jobs in not primarily to write tickets but it an important part of safety and security of your vehicles and property. The access program was not the idea of Harrison Bay State Park. That has been done away with for if I am correct 18 months. So don't take offense to posted comments from me in reference to issues at the state park. The important thing is that issue can be discussed and as a collective intrest group we can develop strategies to deal with the issues that arise. How many of you attend the first Harrison Bay State Park Friends goup meeting in January? Well that is best advice I can give to help all fisherman not just bass fishermen. Do get offended and lose you cool when the term Bassfishermen get used. If you would like to meet with me and share your ideas please feel free to stop in anytime.
As far thefts from boat in the marina there were 2 felony arrest made on burglary and theft of items from boats. Just a little note they were guest of a boat owner. As far a ropes blocking access to the marina the only reason ropes were put up was because the underwater cable system broke due to high winds so the last to docks were secured to existing spud poles so secure them. I will let you know that there are spud poles being installed to fix that problem. That is what is going on with the Marina not catering to yacht owners. This will fix the problem so hopefully when this is done hopefully with the suppoert of the CFF like I stated earlier and I state on a daily basis to people we a because I fish also can get fund designated to fix the problem.
No I am not angry a fisherman. I was just stating the facts from our point of view. I don't catch enought fish to write about fishing . We at Harrison Bay don't hate bass fisherman and I hope nobody feels this way. We have been called "Rent -A -Cops" this forum by fisherman. I we really appreciate the moderator removing that post and correcting that individual. The post by 2Jigs refering to the barge being there there. We tried and have no control of that. They are in the process of preparing to pump concert if am correct 27 yards into each form that has been put in place underwater. That barge is part of that process.
dlmille - 2/8/2008 4:40 PM

It seems that offense was taken to my post. I did not mean to offend anyone by what I posted. I was just plainly stating the facts from the other point of view. People pleasure boaters, bass fisherman each complain to me on a daily basis about the Harrison Bay Boat ramp. I tell them the same thing everytime. We can only do so much here on our end when it come to project of that nature. Like I stated in the post as a collective group have your local commissioners make some phone calls to get the ramps fixed. Because we here do not receive any budget money to do this projects. I am a avid fisherman myself and understand your concern about the ramps. No my jobs in not primarily to write tickets but it an important part of safety and security of your vehicles and property. The access program was not the idea of Harrison Bay State Park. That has been done away with for if I am correct 18 months. So don't take offense to posted comments from me in reference to issues at the state park. The important thing is that issue can be discussed and as a collective intrest group we can develop strategies to deal with the issues that arise. How many of you attend the first Harrison Bay State Park Friends goup meeting in January? Well that is best advice I can give to help all fisherman not just bass fishermen. Do get offended and lose you cool when the term Bassfishermen get used. If you would like to meet with me and share your ideas please feel free to stop in anytime.
As far thefts from boat in the marina there were 2 felony arrest made on burglary and theft of items from boats. Just a little note they were guest of a boat owner. As far a ropes blocking access to the marina the only reason ropes were put up was because the underwater cable system broke due to high winds so the last to docks were secured to existing spud poles so secure them. I will let you know that there are spud poles being installed to fix that problem. That is what is going on with the Marina not catering to yacht owners. This will fix the problem so hopefully when this is done hopefully with the suppoert of the CFF like I stated earlier and I state on a daily basis to people we a because I fish also can get fund designated to fix the problem.

Thanks for the explanation. I would just urge that you go back and read your first post and I think you can see where we are coming from. You were being way to critical, rude, and defensive.

As far as how many of us attended the meeting of the Harrison Bay State Park Friend's group, the answer would more than likely be zero. It would have been nice to have been informed about it via this forum with your first posting. You can't attend something you know nothing about.

As far as you guys being called "Rent-a-Cops" I didn't see that, but hopefully you understand that when someone has a truck broken into in a supposedly secure location like Harrison Bay, there are going to be some high emotions and questions about security, along with critical comments. That doesn't mean it's right, it just means it happens. I think many people could not understand how a truck window could be broken out, the contents removed and no one sees anything, but when the "fee" system was in place you would get a warning or a ticket in a heartbeat if you forgot to buy one. Do you see where there might be some puzzlement?

On one other note I can tell you that perhaps you need to walk the slips and look at the empty ones. about half of them have ropes across them so fishermen can't cast into the slip.....even though the owner's boats aren't there. I don't think that is legal since they are denying access to the water, but who knows. Check it out and you'll see what I am talking about. I've had many slip renters tell me that they do this to keep fishermen from casting into the slip when it is empty. I've also had some tell me that they put brush piles in and don't want anyone else but themselves fishing them, so they put up ropes.

The ramp was the issue that brought this entire thread up. How hard would it be to ask the state to do something and where would we begin? I called the State Park Commision office today in Nashville and am supposed to get a call back Monday. Is that where we start or do you have suggestions?

All this having been said, we welcome you as a member and hope that you can contribute to the site and make things better for all of us. I think you'll find that the folks on CFF would much rather work with you than argue with you. Welcome to the forum!emoWelcome
Great !!!!

What is it going to take to repair the ramp at Harrison Bay. Keep in mind the state is going to want to send a archtect(sp) to look and draw these detailed plans etc. Then there will be a bid process. We have to do the by law. So give us some ideas about how to fix the ramps? I will post when the next Friends Metting is held.