Leftists, Progressives and Socialists

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Leftists, Progressives and Socialists

One of the greatest sources of confusion and deception is the difference between leftists, progressives, socialists, communists and fascists. I thought about this as I caught a glimpse of the Oct. 2 "One Nation" march on Washington. The participants proudly marched with banners, signs and placards reading "Socialists," "Ohio U Democratic Socialists," "International Socialists Organization," "Socialist Party USA," "Build A Socialist Alternative" and other signs expressing support for socialism and communism. They had stands where they sold booklets under the titles of "Marxism and the State," "Communist Manifesto," "Four Marxist Classics," "The Road to Socialism" and similar titles.

The gathering had the support of the AFL-CIO, Service Employees International Union, stalwarts of the Democratic Party such as Al Sharpton and organizations such as the NAACP, the National Council of La Raza, Green for All, the Sierra Club, and the Children's Defense Fund.

What goes unappreciated is that socialists and communists have produced the greatest evil in mankind's history. You say, "Williams, what in the world are you talking about? Socialists, communists and their fellow travelers care about the little guy in his struggle for a fair shake! They're trying to promote social justice." Let's look at some of the history of socialism and communism.

Nazism is a form of socialism. In fact, Nazi stands for National Socialist German Workers' Party. Nazis murdered 20 million of their own people and in nations they captured. The unspeakable acts of Adolf Hitler's Socialist Workers' Party pale in comparison to the horrors committed in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). Between 1917 and 1987, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin and their successors murdered, or were otherwise responsible for the deaths of, 62 million of their own people. Between 1949 and 1987, Mao Tse-tung and his successors were responsible for the deaths of 76 million Chinese. The most authoritative tally of history's most murderous regimes is in a book by University of Hawaii's Professor Rudolph J. Rummel, "Death by Government." A wealth of information is provided at his website: (http://bit.ly/WgWaf).

You say, "Williams, isn't it a bit unfair to lump the "One Nation" communists, socialists and their supporters with mass murderers such as Hitler, Stalin and Mao Tse-tung? After all, they expressed no such murderous goal." When Hitler, Stalin and Mao were campaigning for political power, you can bet they didn't campaign on the promise to murder millions of their own people, and probably the thought of doing so never crossed their minds. Those horrors were simply the end result of long evolution of ideas leading to consolidation of power in central government in the quest for "social justice." It was decent but misguided earlier generations of Germans, Russians and Chinese, like many of today's Americans, who would have cringed at the thought of genocide, who built the Trojan horse for a Hitler, a Stalin or Mao to take over. But as Voltaire said, "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

While America's leftists, socialists and communists condemn Hitler, they give the world's most horrible murderers a pass. First, they make a false distinction between fascism, communism and socialism but more importantly, they sympathize with the socioeconomic goals of communism and socialism. The primary goal of communism and socialism is government ownership or control over the means of production. In the U.S., only a few people call for outright government ownership of the means of production. They might have learned that government ownership would mess things up. Instead, they've increasingly called for quasi-ownership through various forms of government regulation, oversight, taxation and subsidies. After all, if someone has the power to tell you how you may use your property, it's tantamount to his owing it.

I believe most Americans find the ideals and principles of socialism, communism and progressivism repugnant, but by our sanctioning greater government centralization and its control over our lives, we become their dupes or, as Lenin said, "useful idiots."

Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University. To find out more about Walter E. Williams and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at www.creators.com.

Even though this informatin is out there for all to see, it is dumbfounding that 21% of Americans call themselves liberals or progressives or socialists or communists? I suspect they think "it will not be that way in America." To that, I say, yeah, right!
spnplgr - 11/9/2010 2:17 AM

Even though this informatin is out there for all to see, it is dumbfounding that 21% of Americans call themselves liberals or progressives or socialists or communists? I suspect they think "it will not be that way in America." To that, I say, yeah, right!

The liberals, progressives.socialists, and communists (all the same) in this country truly believe that they have the answers to the eutopian society. Nowhere and at no time in history has communism ever worked. It represses the poor worse than any capitalistic society and the American communists know this. The problem lies in the fact that they think they can do it better than Marx and Lenin and Stalin. They are convincing in their argument too. Look at the 2008 elections. The communists convinced enough ignorant people into putting olbummer into office. As well as giving Pelosi and Reed the powers that they got.

The American people got a big taste of what the liberal agenda really is in the last two years. It is ALL about bigger government, more government and more control over the people. The American people overwhelmingly rejected the olbummercare bill but the commies rammed it down our throats anyway. Their agenda has NOTHING to do with helping anybody but themselves. The buzz words of "hope and change" and the "redistribution of wealth" only serve to buy votes from people who want something for nothing.
There were liberals and progressives long, long before the words communism and socialism were ever coined. Good post though. Not very much of it true, but a good read anyway. Sounds like good ole McCarthyism. "Run Liberal Run" lol The only reason that conservatives have to resort to attacks and smears on liberals like this is, because they have little to offer in solutions to our problems. I'm still waiting for one of you to give me an example of Anarchy having a positive outcome. Capitalism and Socialism need to hand in hand, that's what works best. The notion that there is some sort of plan for liberals to take us straight to communism is just joke, and a flat out lie (I know, I've been to the secret meetings). But, I can understand how it gets a lot of amen's from the peanut gallery.
Why do you need to look to the government to solve your problems? Are you incapable of solving them yourself?

Government does has a legitimate role to play in our society but it, government, has gotten out of control. I mean do you really need to government telling you how tall your grass can be? I mean come on now. Do you really want government to tell you how much salt you can ingest?
outcaster - 11/9/2010 1:42 PM

There were liberals and progressives long, long before the words communism and socialism were ever coined. Good post though. Not very much of it true, but a good read anyway. Sounds like good ole McCarthyism. "Run Liberal Run" lol The only reason that conservatives have to resort to attacks and smears on liberals like this is, because they have little to offer in solutions to our problems. I'm still waiting for one of you to give me an example of Anarchy having a positive outcome. Capitalism and Socialism need to hand in hand, that's what works best. The notion that there is some sort of plan for liberals to take us straight to communism is just joke, and a flat out lie (I know, I've been to the secret meetings). But, I can understand how it gets a lot of amen's from the peanut gallery.

Until last week the liberals were well on the way to control of every facet of our society. You cannot tell us one area that they were not talking about. That is why they lost control. America is not ready for THAT much change. Y'alls biggest problem is that you do not know when to stop controling. Everytime there is some problem you think the government must step in and solve it. Just like the union pension disaster. The unions have squandered the funds of it's members' pensions so there was in the works a bailout for them at taxpayers' expense. Thank God y'all lost control of the house or this would have become reality. Olbummer,Pelosi and Reid are (were) chomping at the bits to find a way to get to the largest cash reserve in this country. Private retirement i.e. 401k's IRA's and the like. Well they can't get to it now or for at least the next couple years. Hopefully by then more of their agenda will be exposed and the country will finish voting them out of power.
rstewart - 11/9/2010 3:18 PM

Why do you need to look to the government to solve your problems? Are you incapable of solving them yourself?

Government does has a legitimate role to play in our society but it, government, has gotten out of control. I mean do you really need to government telling you how tall your grass can be? I mean come on now. Do you really want government to tell you how much salt you can ingest?

Maybe you misunderstood. I want my gov't to supply and control the things that the capitalistic, free market system either CAN'T or WON'T do for the good of ALL Americans. When the free market system pollutes the air, makes us sick, refuses to provide affordable healthcare for the sick and elderly, spews oil in our waters, cuts down all our trees, builds shoddy buildings, grows unhealthy meats and vegetables, tells us that tobacco is not harmful, ignores safety concerns, all in the name of profitability, you're damn right I want the gov't involved. The gov't has gotten out of control, mainly for turning a blind eye to those that cared only about turning a profit, and shareholder dividends. It's ironic, many of those same people that want the gubment to get out of their lives, and off their backs, are the same people that want the gov't to monitor every bedroom, and to also monitor the womb of every woman.
In my view the capitalist side should always get first crack at almost every need in our society. But if that system CAN'T or WON' T meet the need, then the gov't needs to step in.
Sniperchoke - 11/9/2010 5:22 PM

I will take the evils of capitalism over the evils of socialism anyday.

That's the whole point, if the two check each other neither have to be evil. There would be no need at all for socialism if capitalism could be counted upon to always do the right thing. If they would always do the right thing, there would be no need for OSHA, FDA, FDIC, USDA, EPA, SEC, Forestry Service, Labor Unions, HUD, TVA, Medicare and Medicaid. BTW both are equally evil if left un-checked.
Sniperchoke - 11/9/2010 9:35 PM

Wrong again history shows us that Socialism is much more evil than Capitalism just in # of murders alone.

Why? because Prof Williams says so? You need to take a world history class. Not taught by Prof. Walter Williams It's funny to watch someone attempt to tie all the atrocities through history directly to liberals. Even funnier is to watch you and cheez lap it up like a dog drinking prestone. On second thought it's kinda sad.
outcaster - 11/10/2010 8:31 AM

Sniperchoke - 11/9/2010 9:35 PM

Wrong again history shows us that Socialism is much more evil than Capitalism just in # of murders alone.

Why? because Prof Williams says so? You need to take a world history class. Not taught by Prof. Walter Williams It's funny to watch someone attempt to tie all the atrocities through history directly to liberals. Even funnier is to watch you and cheez lap it up like a dog drinking prestone. On second thought it's kinda sad.

So I take it Danny that you are saying that Hitler,Marx,Stalin, Mao really did not kill anybody?

This is about par for someone who stood up for the ACLU defending child pornographers.

That my friend is what is sad.
cheez - 11/10/2010 9:23 AM

outcaster - 11/10/2010 8:31 AM

Sniperchoke - 11/9/2010 9:35 PM

Wrong again history shows us that Socialism is much more evil than Capitalism just in # of murders alone.

Why? because Prof Williams says so? You need to take a world history class. Not taught by Prof. Walter Williams It's funny to watch someone attempt to tie all the atrocities through history directly to liberals. Even funnier is to watch you and cheez lap it up like a dog drinking prestone. On second thought it's kinda sad.

So I take it Danny that you are saying that Hitler,Marx,Stalin, Mao really did not kill anybody?

This is about par for someone who stood up for the ACLU defending child pornographers.

That my friend is what is sad.

You're just being silly now emoLaugh
Sniperchoke - 11/11/2010 1:02 PM

Well prove to me where capitalist societies have ever murdered the millions that socialist have. Examples would be nice.

Examples would be "silly" there Snipe.
There are none snipe, but we have had this conversation before. The socialist societies you mentioned were Authoritarian Socialist countries that were dictatorships. What we have been very close to in this country is a Democratic Socialist country. There is a major difference between the two in a democratic society. Last election is a prime example of how people in a democratic society can keep an economic system in check. Sometimes I think you guys confuse Capitalism and Democracy as the same thing and it is not.
Possum - 11/11/2010 1:52 PM

There are none snipe, but we have had this conversation before. The socialist societies you mentioned were Authoritarian Socialist countries that were dictatorships. What we have been very close to in this country is a Democratic Socialist country. There is a major difference between the two in a democratic society. Last election is a prime example of how people in a democratic society can keep an economic system in check. Sometimes I think you guys confuse Capitalism and Democracy as the same thing and it is not.

Exactly, there are none. Zip, Noda. History has shown the more capitalist your country is the more free a society is and the better off individuals are even poor individuals. Capitalism works. Socialism is too expensive and dangerous to work.
Sniperchoke - 11/11/2010 3:57 PM
Socialism is too expensive and dangerous to work.

Exactly right Snipe. The problem with the socialists in this country is that they think the other guys just did it wrong. In other words they think their brand of socialism will work. Thank God we (voters) still have a voice in some matters. I think we should remain vigilant to not let olbummer and his henchmen find more ways to end around our constitution.

I agree somewhat with outcaster in that there needs to be some sort of balance between mild socialism and capitalism. Again though these modern day communists do not know when or where to stop with their control. I say throw them a little bone from time to time but never give them total sayso as we did for the last couple years. The power is simply to addictive for them to handle.
Sniperchoke - 11/11/2010 2:57 PM

Possum - 11/11/2010 1:52 PM

There are none snipe, but we have had this conversation before. The socialist societies you mentioned were Authoritarian Socialist countries that were dictatorships. What we have been very close to in this country is a Democratic Socialist country. There is a major difference between the two in a democratic society. Last election is a prime example of how people in a democratic society can keep an economic system in check. Sometimes I think you guys confuse Capitalism and Democracy as the same thing and it is not.

Exactly, there are none. Zip, Noda. History has shown the more capitalist your country is the more free a society is and the better off individuals are even poor individuals. Capitalism works. Socialism is too expensive and dangerous to work.

Maybe Snipe you should read a little more history. What started communism in the first place? Why did Fredrick Ingals and Karl Marx write the communist mannifesto? Snipe again you are right. In a pure capitalist society people have more freedom from the government. Guys that cannot make enough money and has kids to feed, he can just let his wife be a prostitute, or daughters. You have the freedom to do that. Work a job where you work in unsafe conditions and get hurt, bye see you latter no good to us now you are hurt. In Euopean countries in the late 19th century, people treated orphans like dogs, because they were alot of them. In actuallity, the libertarian movement will lead to communism in my opinion alot quicker, because eventually people will look at society and say does the society we live in benifit the masses (Working Class). If that is what you guys want and think the working class or the poor would be better off, good luck.

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