Verse of the Day

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Faith means being sure of things we hope for and knowing something is real even if we do not see it.

Hebrews 11:1

The easiest way to get a mental picture of an underwater creek or roadbed is with ten to twelve marker buoys. Crisscross over the creek or road, drop a buoy each time you cross. Quickly, you have the creek or road laid out with buoys on top of the water. Now you know what it looks like and can easily see key areas to fish. This increases our faith in the particular structure. I'm not sure there is a shortcut to real faith in Jesus. If there is, it's the fact that God chose us and He's working in us and for every day. We don't see God, but we see His results. Just like we're really not seeing that creek, we're only seeing marker buoys, but we know the creek is there. I see God's work and I know Jesus is there.

From Jimmy Houston's book, Catch of the Day
"I taught you to remember the words Jesus said: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive'."

Acts 20:35

I won't be posting the next few days, goin camping. Hopefully someone will step up & put a verse or two on here. Good Luck & God Bless!! Ya'll have a GREAT weekend!!!
I confessed my sins to you and didn't hide my guilt . . . and you forgave my guilt.

Psalm 32:5

"Work for the food that stays good always and gives eternal life."

John 6:27

"I have heard your prayer and seen your tears, so I will heal you."

2 Kings 20:5
The LORD said to Joshua."Don't be afraid or give up"

Joshua 8:1

Jesus continually told His disciples not to be afraid. He knows that fear is a natural response. We are not sur what's going to happen in a scary situation. Our comfort is that Jesus does know the outcome. He also knows that He will help us and see us through. In fact He will even bring us through death itself.
Teach older men to be self-controlled, serious, wise, strong in faith, in love, and in patience.

Titus 2:2

It's amazing how many youngsters are taught to fish by their granddads. It's true, granddads probably have more time, but mostly they have great teaching qualities. I know of no dad who is as patient and self-controlled with his kids as their grandfather is with them. This is designed by God. As we grow older, God is at work building us into the men He desires us to be. As you look through the qualities in the scripture above, measure each one in yourself. If you find that you're lacking any or all of the attributes, ask God specifically to help you.
You'll find that He will supernaturally. After all, that's what He wants for you anyway.

God Bless Ya'll & have a GREAT day!!!
Today is the National Day of Prayer May 6, 2010. I pray that ya'll will join me in praying for the people & leadership of our country.

Do not be lazy but work hard, serving the Lord with all your heart.

Romans 12:11

If you really love Jesus, make sure you're serving Him every day.
God has especially equipped us all to serve, and possibly nothing disappoints Him more than our failure to serve Him.
"I tell you the truth, anything you refused to do even for the least of my people here, you refused to do for me."

Matthew 25:45
thank you for the verses this morning and for keeping all that you konw and that dont in your prayers. more should find the time to read and responed. god bless
SS810 - 5/9/2010 11:01 AM

thank you for the verses this morning and for keeping all that you konw and that dont in your prayers. more should find the time to read and responed. god bless

You're very welcome! I'd be very happy to see others post some verses, in fact, I strongly encourage it. God Bless You as well!

I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.

Philippians 4:13
"The Son of Man did not come to be served. He came to serve others."

Mark 10:45

Jesus has a special love for each of us. His desire is to serve our every need, not for just a day or a week . . . not for a lifetime, but for eternity.
Does your life in Christ give you strength?

Philippians 2:1

God wants us to keep ourselves strong. He really intends for our lives to be filled with strength and power. The strength to overcome all of life's ups and downs. The strength to succeed when failure seems inevitable. This is what life in Christ is all about. My God delivers when everything else I've relied on has failed. God doesn't dump this strength on us in one big pile. He gives it out just as we need it.

God Bless Ya'll & have a GREAT day!!!!
God did not give us a spirit that makes us afraid, but a spirit of power and love and self-control.

2 Timothy 1:7
The LORD made a plant grow quickly up over Jonah, which gave him shade.

Jonah 4:6

Recently I had the pleasure of fishing with two young men from Hunt of a Lifetime, Trevor and his brotther, Cody. Both of these guys are really good fishermen and very competitive. Because of a recent bone marrow transplant, Trevor could only stay out in the sun for short periods of time. The forecast for our outing was 90 degrees and sunny, but the first morning it rained so hard, we couldn't even fish until noon! The sun did peek out a time or two, but not for long. The second morning it was crystal clear at 6:30 am. By 7:30 a few clouds rolled in, and by 8 o'clock, solid clouds and a light rain. We caught more than a hundred bass those two days. Does my God care enough about one 12-year-old boy to send those needed clouds? You bet your last rod and reel He does!

From Jimmy Houston's book, Catch of the Day, Spiritual Lessons for Life from the Sport of Fishing

The first time I read that, I thought, that's awesome. Then as I was typing it, it really sunk in & filled my eyes with the watery stuff. Thank You GOD!! Our God is an awesome God!!!!!
Jesus answered, "Woman, you have great faith! I will do what you asked."

Matthew 15:28

Realize that God, in order to be your God, must be involved daily in all the facets of your life. Only then can God's will really be done.
When Jesus lived on earth, he was tempted in every way that we are, but he did not sin.

Hebrews 4:15

Whatever temptation confronts you today, and you will be confronted by something, God's word can also be your power. The more immersed we are in the word, the more capable we become to handle temptations.