Another question for the Commitee. Everyone's input please.

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We need to nip this.

Late to wells checked = Cool
Leave the tournament during hours and then return = NOT COOL!
We`are asking for it people!

Taz, If I dont place in the money can I say I saw him leave and have my money back too?
Sorry guys but I think we should not allow this. We must treat ALL competitors the same. I'm surprised that Polo even asked. He should fish til he has to leave and then come to the weigh-in later, not return to the boat.
No doubt, Polo would never cheat, hes a fine fella. What if he brings in 25 pounds of fish though? Then someone brings up that he left his boat and got in his vehicle and left? This commitee just cant bend the rules for somebody even its a great guy like Mark.
Someone just explain to him the situation it puts the tx directors in and im sure he will understand.If not then oh well.That is one thing that I learned right off is if you rule with an iron fist people will have more respect for you and your tx.
cutthroat - 3/31/2009 8:59 PM

Someone just explain to him the situation it puts the tx directors in and im sure he will understand.If not then oh well.That is one thing that I learned right off is if you rule with an iron fist people will have more respect for you and your tx.

That sounds like a good plan
Yea I'm sure he is a stand-up guy and all....but if we do it once, well you know the rest. I would personally have no problem with it, but it would damn sure stink up what we have going if he and his partner catch 20+ and someone sees him leaving and returning. If he wants to leave at lunch then by all means he can leave and return to the weigh in to meet his partner.....but I say if he DOES leave the boat, he can not return to the boat. He can fish a half a day and leave his partner solo for the rest, but he cant get out and then back in.

Just my scraggly ol' $.02
Has anyone passed this info on to Polo dog yet...he made a reference regarding "if the tx committee lets me fish" in a post. We need to put this to rest. Al
Hey Mark,

I can tell you that the decision didnt come easy on that situation. We all trust you should know that. The problem would be if someone else seen you leave then return..and what if you guys got into fish pretty good and won or beat someone that seen that? Its the other people that will say something and cause a stir so we figured a good rule of thumb would be if a person leaves..thier partner can finish the tournament alone.

Your a stand up guy and I hope you know you have my respect. Thanks for understanding our situation.

Not yet...I sent it about 30 minutes or so.
Ditchdoc will not have a token right? Or is Pointer going to have one to give him Al?
I think this was a good choice..

Word of caution, I know how some people on this forum are... prepare for the word to get out, and the tournament committee to be chastized. I could give you names, but I will save those... just be ready.

But as I said I agree with this decision.